Professional Development
Improve your professional skills or embark on a new career with In-Person, Live Online, and Self-Study classes.
AWC Career and Technical Education offers this one-day Accounting Certificate for those wanting a generalized coverage of topics from the accounting cycle. This certificate is ideal for office staff working in the accounting department as well as business owners needing a basic understanding of accounting processes.
This course will enable you to properly prioritize your obligations, allowing you to improve performance and productivity. As a result, you’ll also achieve a better work/life balance, minimize the stress related to managing your tasks efficiently, and, ultimately, improve working relationships.
A basic computer course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of computing, including hardware components like the CPU, memory, and storage, as well as software applications. The course covers essential skills such as operating systems, basic programming, and data management, providing a solid foundation for further studies in computer science.
Participants will demonstrate basic knowledge in corrections that will prepare them for an entry-level position within the field.
The Business Writing Essentials course teaches the best practices for business writing professionals must master to write a clear, effective, professional emails, memos, letters, reports, and other business documents.
In collaboration with the Coalition of Arizona County Code Enforcement Officials (CACCEO), Arizona Western College (AWC) is offering an online certification course to Arizona County Code Enforcement Officials as well as the general public.
Ed2Go offers budget friendly career training courses as well as individual professional development classes. Courses can be completed at your own pace with a maximum completion time of 6 weeks.
Listening is the cornerstone of communication. Effective listening makes the person speaking feel valued, prevents miscommunication, speeds productivity, and creates more active forums of discussion. But listening goes beyond just hearing. From reading body language and facial expressions, to discerning emotions to accurately processing messages, listening involves a high level of observation, empathy and analysis.
The workshop is designed for participants to create a resume/cover letter or update a current one. Activities include accessing information, exploring resources, and computer time to work. Participants will also learn tips for a successful interview and participate in a mock job interview.
School faculty and staff play a vital role in the holistic development of our children. Though academia serves to promote the discovery, acquisition, and application of knowledge, social and emotional learning occur in the classroom as well.
El curso de Estrategias de Comunicacion aborda diversos aspectos cruciales para una comunicacion efectiva. Los participantes aprenden a identificar las formas en que se lleva a cabo la comunicacion, desarrollar habilidades de comunicacion no verbal y para verbal y establecer un terreno comun con otros para mejorar la calidad de la comunicacion interpersonal.
Excel 2019 Charts and Pivots provides advanced tools for analysis and presentation of complex, realistic data in Excel. Course ware coverage includes how to build more complex functions, use data analysis tools, make an impact with powerful chart and presentation features, and collaborate with other users.
This 'boot camp'-style course takes aspiring food entrepreneurs through all facets of what it takes to start and run a successful business; including licensing, making a business plan, purchasing, marketing, accounting, food safety, and presentation.
El curso de Fundamentos de Marketing En Internet proporciona a los participantes las habilidades necesarias para llevar a cabo investigaciones de mercado, desarrollar campañas efectivas de marketing en internet, identificar su mercado objetivo, comprender su marca y como encontrar clientes potenciales de manera efectiva.
The Hiring Strategies course equips participants with the skills to effectively present open positions, develop a practical hiring strategy, choose which candidates to interview and proactively identify potential candidates for the given position.
The Improving Mindfulness course focuses on enhancing awareness and mental presence. Participants will learn techniques to stay attuned to the present moment, recognize the value and utility of emotions, counter distorted thinking and actively engage in social interactions with full presence.
Integrating the marketing techniques with modern technology is essential for every business. Even experienced marketing professionals need help navigating the pitfalls of internet marketing. With the appropriate skills, both companies and individuals will be able to create successful internet marketing techniques.
The Listening with Intent course teaches students how to pay attention, not to voice your own thoughts, but to understand someone else's point of view. Being a good communicator is about how well you're able to listen. A good listener wants to hear what the other party is saying, so their response has focus and purpose.
Research has consistently demonstrated that when clear goals are associated with learning, it occurs more easily and rapidly. At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to understand your personal expenses, know the benefits of making a budget, set financial goals, develop good spending habits, learn how to pay off debt, and learn how to effectively make a budget.
El curso de Manejo del Tiempo ayudara a participantes a planear y priorizar las actividades de cada día de forma mas eficiente y productiva, manejar las crisis de forma eficaz y rapida, y tambien organizar su espacio de trabajo y su flujo de trabajo para hacer un mejor uso del tiempo.
Marketing Básico proporcionará los conocimientos básicos a los participantes, y les dará la posibilidad de construir y hacer crecer su negocio. Los participantes se les dará una introducción al marketing y sus beneficios.
This course serves as an introduction to students who want to learn the basics of Microsoft Excel. Students will learn the basic concepts of how to navigate spreadsheets, enter and delete data, use formulas and perform basic formatting functions. The focus of this course will be to familiarize students with using Microsoft Excel.
This course serves as an intermediate study to students who want to know more about Microsoft Excel. Students will learn ways to make their job easier and increase the sophistication of data reporting and analyzing, focusing on time-saving techniques, advanced “how-to” options, and further exploration of Microsoft Excel features.
This course serves to explore the built-in features and advanced features Excel has to offer. They will use shortcuts, new techniques, and key codes to work faster and smarter.
Keeping employees motivated and challenged can be a complex task. It depends on continual communication with an employee, and an understanding of that employee’s strengths and weaknesses. When procrastination, a lack of enthusiasm, and refusal to take initiative creep into an employee’s performance, it is time to find strategies to relight the fire.
The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship is a workforce development program that provides financial assistance to eligible military spouses for the pursuit or maintenance (including continuing education courses) of a license, certification, or associate's degree necessary to gain employment in an occupation or career field.
The Office Health & Safety course covers key aspects such as identifying common illnesses, recognizing symptoms, applying appropriate treatment and prevention techniques, and establishing an Emergency Response Plan to provide a safe workplace environment.
The Project Management Professional course represents much of the work done in today’s workforce. Organizations rely heavily on employees who can carry a project through from inception to completion, on time and on budget, and making a more efficient use of resources to achieve a quality outcome.
The development of skills, attitudes, and understandings that aid the individual in various communication situations, person-to-person communication, public speeches, discussions, and report presentations with the special emphasis on the study of the various principles of speech composition, audience analysis, and techniques of public address.
An introductory course of the QuickBooks Pro accounting software, including setting up a new company and chart of accounts; recording transactions with customers, vendors and employees; managing lists; running reports and customizing them; changing forms and generating letters. Prerequisites:Familiarity with the PC.
La resolución de conflictos es el proceso de poner fin a una disputa y llegar a un acuerdo que satisfaga a todas las partes involucradas. Este curso dará a los participantes un proceso de seis pasos que pueden utilizar para modificar y resolver los conflictos de cualquier tamaño.
The Social Media in the Workplace course provides participants with diverse insights into utilizing social media effectively within a professional setting.
The Taking Control of Conflict course equips participants with the skills to navigate conflicts successfully by helping them identify their preferred conflict resolution strategy. The course covers recognition of common workplace conflict sources, implementation of effective resolution strategies for each source and practicing behaviors to reduce tension.
Women and Leadership identifies the specific challenges imposed on women in the workplace and provides an in-depth look at how they can combat these obstacles to maximize their strengths - helping not only women, but all professionals and organizations as they work to build the leadership skills of their employees.