Tuition & Fees Schedule 2025-2026

Upon registration, you should have a plan to pay your tuition and fees promptly to avoid being dropped from classes. For the Fall semester, payment is due in June. For all other semesters, payment is due upon registration. Non-payment of tuition constitutes authorization for administrative de-registration from the institution. The college accepts no responsibility for dropping you from the specific class(es) you intended not to take. It is your responsibility to officially drop a class if you decide not to attend. Officially dropping will ensure you will not be charged for classes you do not attend.

New tuition and fees take effect each summer semester.

Residency: Understanding your residency status is crucial for determining your tuition costs at Arizona Western College. This status is based on the details you provide in your admission application. Your tuition fees are influenced by your residency status at the time of admission, as well as by Prop 300 or Prop 308.

Arizona (In-State) Residents

Credit Hours Yuma Senior 60 & Over
1 $100.00 $88.00
2 $200.00 $176.00
3 $300.00 $264.00
4 $400.00 $352.00
5 $500.00 $440.00
6 $600.00 $528.00
7 $700.00 $616.00
8 $800.00 $704.00
9 $900.00 $792.00
10 $1,000.00 $880.00
11 $1,100.00 $968.00
12 $1,200.00 $1,056.00
13 $1,300.00 $1,144.00
14 $1,400.00 $1,232.00
15 $1,500.00 $1,320.00

 $100.00 each additional credit hour with no capping

Out-of-State Residents

Credit Hours Age 59 & Under Age 60 & Over
1 $115.00 $103.00
2 $230.00 $206.00
3 $345.00 $309.00
4 $460.00 $412.00
5 $575.00 $515.00
6 $690.00 $618.00
7 $1,085.00 $721.00
8 $1,240.00 $824.00
9 $1,395.00 $927.00
10 $1,550.00 $1,030.00
11 $1,705.00 $1,133.00
12 $1,860.00 $1,236.00
13 $2,015.00 $1,339.00
14 $2,170.00 $1,442.00
15 $2,325.00 $1,545.00

Early College Experience (Active High School Student)

Credit Hours Current HS Student
1 $30.00
2 $60.00
3 $90.00
4 $120.00
5 $150.00
6 $180.00
7 $210.00
8 $240.00
9 $270.00
10 $300.00
11 $330.00
12 $360.00
13 $390.00
14 $420.00
15 $450.00

$30.00 each additional credit hour with no capping

WUE (Western Undergraduate Exchange) includes:

Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

Credit Hours Yuma Senior 60 & Over
1 $150.00 $132.00
2 $300.00 $264.00
3 $450.00 $396.00
4 $600.00 $528.00
5 $750.00 $660.00
6 $900.00 $792.00
7 $1,050.00 $924.00
8 $1,200.00 $1,056.00
9 $1,350.00 $1,188.00
10 $1,500.00 $1,320.00
11 $1,650.00 $1,452.00
12 $1,800.00 $1,584.00
13 $1,950.00 $1,716.00
14 $2,100.00 $1,848.00
15 $2,250.00 $1,980.00

Fees & Charges 2025-2026

The College reserves the right to make changes in the Schedule of Fees without notice as they become necessary.


Application Fee, per semester $50.00
Kino and Garces - Double Occupancy Room (per semester)  $1,189.00
DeAnza - Unit A and Unit A2 - Double Occupancy (per semester) $1,355.00
DeAnza - Unit B - Double Occupancy (per semester) $1,416.00
DeAnza - Unit C - Single Occupancy (per semester) $3,380.00
Declining Balance Meal Plan, Per Semester High Plan:
Regular Plan:
Dorm Damages VARIES


Commuter Students 3%-7%-10% based on amount purchased VARIES
Employees 15% Bonus on amount purchased VARIES


Enrollment Fee (Per Family) PER YEAR $100.00
5-day Preschool
Full Day, not to exceed 10 hrs/day per week $170.00
Full Day, each additional child per week $155.00
5-day Toddler
Full Day, not to exceed 10 hrs/day per week $180.00
Full Day, each additional child per week $165.00
5-day Infant
Full Day, not to exceed 10 hrs/day per week $185.00
Full Day, each additional child per week $170.00
Visitor PER HOUR $10.00
Late Pickup Charge
1-15 minutes late per day $10.00
16 plus minutes late per day $1.00 per minute $10.00

Visit Child Development Learning Lab for more information. 


Technology Fee Per Credit Hour (dual enrollment excluded) $5.00 (per credit hour)
Field Trip Fee Based on cost
1/2 hour per week/per semester $135.00
1 hour per week/per semester $270.00
Industrial Water Treatment Per Course $ -
LET-131 - Firearms $ -
LET-134 - Vehicle Operations $ -
LET-160 - Law Enforcement Academy 1 $2,049.00
LET-260 - Law Enforcement Academy 2 $500.00
Fire Academy 1 $500.00
Fire Academy 2 $500.00
Paramedic Academy 1, 2, and 3 (each) $1,000.00


Calculator Rental $25.00
Bus Transportation Fee (Fall/Spring per semester) $6.00
Return Check Fee $35.00
Credit by Exam, per credit $55.00
Excessive Loss or Breakage-Lab COST
Guest Room Pass $20
Official Transcript Fee $5.00
Proctor Testing Fee $35.00
Library Fines VARIES
Traffic Fines VARIES
Immunizations VARIES
CLEP Test or DSST Course Equivalency Exam $30.00
Collections Commission VARIES
GED Test Battery NO CHARGE
GED Testing Subject Test NO CHARGE
Audit fees per credit hr in addition to other fees & tuition $100.00
Finger Printing Fee $5-$15
Other Program Fees (by course) VARIES


Calculator Rental Replacement Cost
ID Card Replacement $10.00
Lost Key Replacement $30.00
Diploma/Certificate Replacement $15.00
Library Card Replacement (paid at the library) $10.00
Technology/Book Replacement Cost
Excessive Loss or Breakage - Lab Cost
LiveScribe Pens Replacement Cost
Scan Pens Replacement Cost