
Learn about available scholarships.

Worried about the cost of college?  We know it’s expensive.  By starting your degree at AWC, you’ve already lowered the cost of your degree.  Further decrease your student loans by applying for scholarships. You may also need to submit the following information with your scholarship applications:

  • Personal statement (essay)
  • Educational resume
  • 3-5 letters of recommendations (at least 2 from faculty)
  • Official AWC transcripts

Please visit Career Services if you need information on how to complete your personal statement and educational resume.

AWC Foundation

  • AWC Foundation Scholarships

    Since 1963, the Arizona Western College Foundation has been dedicated to empowering people to reach their educational and career aspirations by enhancing access to learning opportunities. As part of this mission, the AWC Foundation provides scholarships to students attending Arizona Western College. All available scholarship opportunities are posted on our website at Review the criteria for the available scholarships and apply only to those in which you meet all the criteria. When considering GPA requirements for available scholarships, unweighted GPAs are used.

  • Pearline Kawelo Pau'ole Madrona Memorial

    In honor of Pearline Kawelo Pau'ole Madrona, a respected elder in her family and community. Pearline believed in the strength and power of love to create a better world. Through demonstration as a wife, mother, and friend, Pearline is remembered for her sincerity, warmth, steadfast protection, and advocacy for children. This memorial scholarship is for students pursuing an Early Childhood Education degree or certificate.


  • AHCCCS Home & Community Based Services (HCBS) Career Training & Education Scholarship

    Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) and Arizona Western Entrepreneurial College have partnered up to bring scholarships to students. The scholarships were created to help with the cost of attendance, so students can comfortably gain the skills and education needed to provide services to AHCCCS members.

    PLEASE NOTE: Applicants will be required to sign an attestation that they are currently employed in or will seek employment in Home & Community Based Services positions.

    Due Date: Aug 25, 2024
    Link: Application Form
  • Art Scholarship

    Scholarships are available through the Fine Arts Division.  Funds awarded come in the form of tuition, a tuition waiver.  Contact the Lead Professor of Art for more information, requirements, and application process.  Please note the deadline for this scholarship may vary from other institutional scholarships.

    Link: Art Program
  • Band Scholarship

    Scholarships are available through the Fine Arts Division for up to two years.  Funds awarded come in the form of tuition, a tuition waiver.  Contact the Lead Professor of Instrumental Music for more information, requirements, and application process.  Please note the deadline for this scholarship may vary from other institutional scholarships.

  • Career & Technical Education Scholarship

    Scholarships are available to student completing a credential through the Career & Technical Education Division for up to two years.  Funds awarded are based on academic achievement and come in the form of tuition, a tuition waiver.  Contact the Lead Professor of their particular Field of Study (Nursing, Rad Tech, Automotive, etc.) for more information, requirements, and application process.  Please note the deadline for this scholarship may vary from other institutional scholarships.

  • Choir Scholarship

    Scholarships are available through the Fine Arts Division for up to two years.  Funds awarded are based on academic achievement and come in the form of tuition, a tuition waiver.  Contact the Lead Professor of Choral/Vocal Music for more information, requirements, and application process.  Please note the deadline for this scholarship may vary from other institutional scholarships.

  • Honors Program Scholarship

    Scholarships are available to full-time Honors Program students for up to two years. Funds awarded are based on academic achievement and come in the form of tuition, fee, room/board and/or book waivers. See the AWC Honors Program Department Chair for more information, requirements and application. Please note the deadline for this scholarship may vary from other institutional scholarships. (see Honors Program for due date information)

  • Presidential Scholarship

    Scholarship for Yuma and La Paz County High School Seniors. Applicants should have an approximate GPA of 3.0 through the first semester of their senior year.  Selection of recipients is based on overall Student Achievements and Successes. Scholarship is renewable for four consecutive semesters.  Students can apply through the Foundation website.  The Application becomes available in the Spring Semester every year in conjunction with the AWC Foundation Scholarship Cycle.

  • Theatre Scholarship

    Scholarships are available through the Fine Arts Division for up to two years.  Funds awarded are based on academic achievement and come in the form of tuition, a tuition waiver.  Contact the Lead Professor of Theatre for more information, requirements, and application process.  Please note the deadline for this scholarship may vary from other institutional scholarships.


  • American Muscle Automotive Scholarship

    $2,000 tuition scholarship available to students pursuing an automotive themed major.

  • American Nuclear Society

    Scholarships available to undergraduate and graduate students interested in nuclear science and technology careers. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.

  • American Trucks Scholarship

    $2000 scholarships available to students pursuing a career in the traditional building trades such as HVAC, carpentry, electrical, or related fields of study.

  • Angeles De Desierto Nursing Scholarship

    Scholarships available for Hispanic students enrolled in an accredited nursing program. Must be a resident of Yuma County and have demonstrated financial need with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

  • Arizona Community Foundation Scholarships

    The Arizona Community Foundation is Arizona's largest private provider of college scholarships.  Through their online system containing more than 90 scholarship opportunities, high school seniors AND college students complete one application and are automatically matched with available scholarships, based upon their qualificiations.  The application opens annually in January.

  • Caballeros de Yuma

    Caballeros de Yuma offer scholarships to deserving students in and around the Yuma area. Scholarships are open to graduating high school seniors as well as current college students.

  • Community Foundation for Southern Arizona

    Scholarships will be available to students not considered to be in the top 10% of their class. Students must have demonstrated need.

  • Desert Lily Quilters Scholarship

    Up to $1,000 scholarship for the academic school year to three promising students. The scholarships are open to any post high school student in the Yuma County area.

  • Jackie Robinson Foundation, Inc.

    Available to high school seniors entering an accredited college or university as a freshman. Student must be an ethnic minority.

  • John C Lincoln Memorial Scholarship

    Awarded to undergraduate students pursuing a 4-year degree in welding engineering or welding technology. Priority given to students residing or attending school in Arizona. Must have a 2.5 cumulative GPA.

  • Mensa Education & Research Foundation

    Applicants must be a resident of the Greater Phoenix Mensa area (central and northern Arizona) and enrolled in an accredited US institution of post-secondary education. Applicants need not be a member of Mensa.

  • National Achievement Scholarship Program

    Scholarships available to African American students planning on earning a baccalaureate degree. PSAT/NMSQT exam must be taken.

  • Nota M. Hardy Scholarship

    The Nota M. Hardy Scholarship gives priority to students pursuing a degree in the Media Arts.  Students wanting to enter the fields of Television, Radio, & Journalism are specially encouraged to apply for this scholarship opportunity.  Students interested in applying must have a 2.0 GPA and planning to attend Arizona Western College Full-Time (12 credits minimum).  Any student interested in applying for the Nota M. Hardy Scholarship will need to complete the Scholarship Application found below and submit it to the Scholarship Specialist located in the Financial Aid Office of AWC Yuma Campus. 

  • Ocean to Ocean Arts, Music, and Entertainment Scholarship

    $450 scholarship available to Yuma, AZ high school graduates. For application inquiries, contact

  • Presbyterian Church USA

    Scholarships available to high school seniors of Asian, African American, Hispanic or Native American descent who is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Must be a US citizen and entering college as a full time freshman.

  • Ron Brown Scholar Program

    Scholarships available to African American high school seniors entering college or university as a freshman.

  • United Negro College Fund

    Lists of scholarships available. Check each individual scholarship for eligibility criteria and deadlines.

  • YRMC Foundation

    Recognizing that education is an essential component of Yuma Regional Medical Center’s ongoing commitment to delivering quality healthcare, the Foundation of Yuma Regional Medical Center offers many different scholarships each year.

  • Yuma County Fair, Inc.

    Available to full time Yuma County resident that is a current exhibitor or has exhibited at The Yuma County Fair for two of the last five years.


  • ASU General Scholarships

    Arizona State University Financial Aid and Scholarship Services provide relevant scholarships for transfer students. Scholarships opportunities are awarded based on merit, need, or a combination of both with funds from institution or private donors.

  • Earn to Learn Scholarship

    Earn to Learn is a collaborative effort between the Arizona Board of Regents, Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the University of Arizona. Eligible students who save $500 and are admitted to one of these schools are eligible for a university match of $4,000. Learn about eligibility requirements and program deadlines.

  • NAU-Flagstaff General Scholarships

    Northern Arizona University awards scholarships based on academic merit, financial need and personal background. Scholarships are financial aid awards that do not have to be repaid. Use the Scholarship Estimator to determine what types of awards you may receive upon admission to NAU.

  • NAU-Yuma General Scholarships

    Northern Arizona University provides details on cost of attendance, tuition, and expenses for undergraduate degrees and links financial aid options with possible scholarship opportunities to increase the value of your university experience.

  • Raise Me Micro Scholarships

    RaiseMe allows community college students to earn scholarships. Students earn scholarships directly from 4-year colleges and universities while completing an Associates’ degree by tracking achievements, courses, work experience and other profile details. Students who are a semester away from transferring may be eligible for micro scholarships from participating institutions.

  • U of A General Scholarships

    Scholarship Universe is a state of the art matching system that maximizes scholarship opportunities for students. Scholarship Universe allows students to create an academic profile that enables them to be connected with various scholarship opportunities from the University of Arizona as well as outside scholarship organizations. 

Other Resources


Learn about available grants.


  • Arizona Education and Training Voucher (ETV)

    The Arizona Education and Training Voucher (ETV) is a federally funded grant used to support foster youth who have aged out of the foster care system and who are enrolled in college, university and vocational training programs. Students may receive up to $5,000 a year based on their cost of attendance. They must enroll before their 21st birthday and may continue to receive support until age 23. Funds may be used for tuition, housing, books, student loan repayments and qualified living expenses. To apply for the Arizona Education and Training Voucher (ETV): submit a foster care tuition waiver application submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid each year

  • Arizona Foster Care Tuition Waiver

    In 2013, then Governor Jan Brewer signed into law a bill to help Arizona’s foster youth earn a college degree by offering them free tuition. This five-year pilot program uses a combination of federal grants and scholarships, and institutional aid to cover the full amount of Arizona resident undergraduate tuition and fees. To be eligible, students must: be accepted to AWC be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident be an Arizona resident for tuition purposes verify lawful presence as described under Arizona's Proposition 300 be under 23 years old currently be in foster care and at least 16 years old; or formerly be in foster care when the student was at least 16 years old; or have been adopted from foster care (and adoption finalized) after the student was 16 years old submit a foster care tuition waiver application submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid each year To remain eligible, students must meet the following requirements:  If the student is making continuous satisfactory progress toward an Associate's Degree or Certificate Program, the person is eligible to receive the Arizona Foster Care Tuition Waiver up to age 23. After the first academic year that a student receives the Arizona Foster Care Tuition Waiver, students must complete a minimum of 30 hours of volunteer services before the next academic year starts. Students must remain in good academic standing. The Arizona Foster Care Tuition Waiver will only cover any remaining tuition and mandartory fees after all other awarded funds from federal, public, and institutional grants and scholarships have been applied to the student's account.  If the student's tuition and fees are 100% covered by the other awards, the student will NOT see an Arizona Foster Care Tuition Waiver applied to their account.  Read all of the eligibility requirements for the Arizona Foster Care Tuition Waiver.

  • Arizona Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnerships (AzLEAP)

    Student financial assistance in the form of need-based grants to low-income, undergraduate Arizona resident students who have demonstrated substantial financial need.
