AWC Music Department Faculty Perform in Concert Series

Yuma, AZ (December 11, 2017) – The Concert Series at St. Paul's Episcopal Church will be presenting Arizona Western College Music Department Faculty in Concert on Sunday, Jan. 21.

Faculty will perform vocal and instrumental classical music as part of the series, which will begin at 5 p.m. at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1550 S. 14th Ave.

The concert is free for the community to attend. Donations will support scholarships for students in the music department.

AWC Child Development Learning Lab’s Annual Holiday Program

Yuma, AZ (December 7 , 2017)--The Dr. Kathryn A. Watson Child Development Learning Laboratory (CDLL) at Arizona Western College will be having their Annual Holiday Program for the CDLL children and their families on Tuesday, December 19 at 4:00 pm. 

Children will wear their Sunday best and perform for their family. They will also prepare to welcome Santa Clause, who will stop by and hand each child a gift. Children and their families will end the evening decorating holiday cookies and enjoying them with a warm cup of hot chocolate.

Mexican Consulate and the AWC Foundation Join Efforts with the IME-Becas Scholarship Program

Yuma, AZ (December 4, 2017)- The collaboration between Arizona Western College Foundation and the Consulate of Mexico in Yuma, Arizona continues as the 2017 Memorandum of Understanding is signed  to increase the educational level of Mexicans or Mexican origin students living in the United States through the program “IME-Becas”.

This is a program of the Institute of Mexicans Abroad that seeks to expand educational opportunities for students who are currently enrolled in a degree program at Arizona Western College.

AWC Chamber Singers Hold Lutes Casino Take Over

Yuma, AZ (Nov. 28, 2017) – The Arizona Western College Chamber Singers will perform traditional and non-traditional Christmas music during an upcoming Take Over at Lutes Casino, 221 S. Main St.
The event will be held on Thursday, Dec. 14, from 6 to 8 p.m.

Lutes Casino will donate a percentage of every food order to benefit the AWC Chamber Singers.
For more information, contact Professor Deltrina Grimes at or (928) 344-7574.


AWC Music Department Presents Formal Student Recital

Yuma, AZ (Nov. 27, 2017) – Join the Arizona Western College Music Department for its Formal Student Recital at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 3, at the AWC Main Campus Theater, 2020 S. Ave. 8E.

The recital will celebrate the progress of music students who participate in private studies at AWC, displaying a variety of instrumental and vocal solo performances during the event.
This event is free and open to the public. 

For more information, contact Professor Deltrina Grimes at or (928) 344-7574.

Public Invited to Attend Student Art Exhibit Reception

Yuma, AZ (November 27, 2017) – The public is invited to join the Arizona Western College campus community in attending the Student Art Exhibit Reception on Nov. 29, at 12:00 p.m.

The event will be held on the grassy area of the Arts building and in the AB-110 Art Gallery.
In addition to celebrating student achievements in the arts, the event will also feature a poetry reading and the new Colorado Crossing literary journal will be released.

AWC Sustainability Council Awarded $5K Grant to Increase Recycling Efforts

Yuma, AZ (Nov. 21, 2017) – Arizona Western College will be ramping up their recycling efforts this spring thanks to a $5,000 grant from the Arizona Recycling Coalition.

The AWC Sustainability Council received the award for their grant proposal on the Greater Reduction of Waste (G.R.O.W.) Project, an initiative that seeks to expand AWC’s current recycling program through the purchase of additional recycling bins to be installed in building lobbies and on the walkways between campus buildings.