
A.A.S. - Occupational Degree

This degree is designed for students who are seeking a two-year program of study that prepares them to enter the marketing profession in a wide range of positions across private, public, and non-profit sectors.

Program Purpose

Graduates will demonstrate (1) foundational knowledge of Marketing, Sales, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Branding, Community Marketing/Public Relations, and Advertising that will prepare them to obtain an entry-level position within the field and (2) critical thinking skills in AWC’s General Education focus areas of English and Math.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate understanding of the principles of Marketing, Sales, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Branding, Community Marketing/Public Relations, and Advertising
  • Demonstrate professional verbal and written communication
  • Demonstrate understanding of graphic design theory and principles essential to marketing
  • Demonstrate understanding of the legal issues of business and marketing
  • Demonstrate computer and internet literacy, including an understand of how AI resources can benefit business efficiency
  • Demonstrate an ability to gather and interpret business and economic data for marketing planning
  • Demonstrate understanding of fundamental microeconomics' concepts of pricing decisions and market structures.
  • Successfully apply marketing concepts in a real-world business environment 

Program Map

Marketing AAS Degree Program Map (64 credits)

This program map outlines the recommended course sequence for students pursuing the Marketing AAS degree. The program consists of 64 credits and covers key areas including marketing principles, digital marketing, social media marketing, sales, and business communication. Please consult your advisor to ensure this map aligns with your academic and career goals.

Program Requirements Based on Fall/Spring rotation

First Semester: Fall

Course Course Title Credits Area
MKT 110 Principles of Marketing 3 Major Requirement
BUA 100 Survey of Business 3 Department Requirement
CIS 105 Introduction to Business Information Systems 3 Department Requirement
ENG 100 or ENG 101 ENG 100 or ENG 101 3 GE-Composition
MAT 105 or approved higher level math Math for Applied Sciences 3 GE-Mathematics

Second Semester: Spring

Course Course Title Credits Area
MKT 120 Principles of Sales 3 Major Requirement
MKT 130 Principles of Digital Marketing 3 Major Requirement
ENG 101 or ENG 102 ENG 101 or ENG 102 3 GE-Composition
  GE-Arts or Humanities 3 GE-Arts/Humanities
  GE-Physical/Biological Science 4 GE-Physical/Biological Science

Third Semester: Fall

Course Course Title Credits Area
MKT 140 Principles of Advertising 3 Major Requirement
MKT 150 Social Media Marketing 3 Major Requirement
BUA 220 Legal Environment of Business 3 Department Requirement
  Major Elective 3 Major Elective
  Major Elective 3 Major Elective
  GE-Social/Behavioral Sciences 3 GE-Social & Behavioral Sciences

Fourth Semester: Fall

Course Course Title Credits Area
BUA 290 Business Communications 3 Major Requirement
MKT 290 Integrated Marketing Communications Capstone 3 Major Requirement
MKT 295 Marketing Internship 3 Major Requirement
  Major Elective 3 Major Elective
  GE-Additional Courses 3 GE-Additional Courses
Open the program map above to view the recommended classes to complete the program. You can also print the program map using the button above.