
Program Description

Business majors can pursue a variety of specialties needed for operating major corporations, local or regional businesses, or nonprofit and public sector organizations. They can also obtain knowledge and skills to become entrepreneurs and start their own business. Students can gain experience in accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, public administrations, and more.

The Associate in Business (ABus) Degree program provides students the opportunity to complete their lower division requirements in general education and business subjects, preparatory to specialization in appropriate fields, for transfer to a university. ABUS majors should consult with their academic advisor regarding transferring credits to a university program.

Students can also pursue an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) Business Degree. This is for individuals who plan to attend college for only two years before entering the workforce. Students can select an area of emphasis to specialize this degree. Areas of emphasis include: Customer Service Management, Entrepreneurship, Financial Investments, General Business, Logistics, Management, and Marketing.

Graduates of these programs will successfully complete the following learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the legal issues of business
  • Demonstrate computer and internet literacy 
  • Gather and interpret, both graphically and numerically, business and economic data
  • Demonstrate the ability to analyze the results of financial data
  • Demonstrate understanding of fundamental macroeconomic concepts
  • Demonstrate understanding of fundamental microeconomic concepts
  • Apply business concepts in a real-world business environment

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Degree(s) / Certificates(s)

Title Local Bachelor's
Business - A.BUS Transfer Degree
Business - A.A.S. Occupational Degree -
Hotel Restaurant Management - A.A. Transfer Degree
Retail Management - CERT Occupational Certificate -
Culinary Arts with a-Focus in Entrepreneurship - CERT Occupational Certificate -
Sports Management - A.A. Transfer Degree -
Business Administrative Services - CERT Occupational Certificate -
Fashion Retail Management with Emphasis on Merchandising and Buying - CERT Occupational Certificate -

Career Outlook

Successful completion of this program can open doors to various employment opportunities, many of which require further higher education at the university level. Below are examples of related occupations and their annual mean wages in Arizona, based on career and wage data from Pipeline AZ, which utilizes government sources for its reports and forecasts.


Plan, direct, or coordinate advertising policies and programs or produce collateral materials, such as posters, contests, coupons, or giveaways, to create extra interest in the purchase of a product or service for a department, an entire organization, or on an account basis.

  • Plan and prepare advertising and promotional material to increase sales of products or services, working with customers, company officials, sales departments, and advertising agencies.
  • Inspect layouts and advertising copy, and edit scripts, audio, video, and other promotional material for adherence to specifications.
  • Confer with department heads or staff to discuss topics such as contracts, selection of advertising media, or product to be advertised.
  • Coordinate with the media to disseminate advertising.
  • Coordinate activities of departments, such as sales, graphic arts, media, finance, and research.
  • Plan and execute advertising policies and strategies for organizations.
  • Direct, motivate, and monitor the mobilization of a campaign team to advance campaign goals.
  • Manage sales team, including setting goals, providing incentives, and evaluating employee performance.
  • Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts.
  • Formulate plans to extend business with established accounts and to transact business as agent for advertising accounts.
Salary Information (AZ)
Average Salary
Entry Level Salary
Mid Level Salary
Expert Level Salary
Average Hourly Wage
Entry Level Hourly Wage
Mid Level Hourly Wage
Expert Level Hourly Wage
Typical Education Level

Bachelors Degree


Represent and promote artists, performers, and athletes in dealings with current or prospective employers. May handle contract negotiation and other business matters for clients.

  • Collect fees, commissions, or other payments, according to contract terms.
  • Send samples of clients' work and other promotional material to potential employers to obtain auditions, sponsorships, or endorsement deals.
  • Keep informed of industry trends and deals.
  • Conduct auditions or interviews to evaluate potential clients.
  • Negotiate with managers, promoters, union officials, and other persons regarding clients' contractual rights and obligations.
  • Confer with clients to develop strategies for their careers, and to explain actions taken on their behalf.
  • Develop contacts with individuals and organizations, and apply effective strategies and techniques to ensure their clients' success.
  • Schedule promotional or performance engagements for clients.
  • Arrange meetings concerning issues involving their clients.
  • Manage business and financial affairs for clients, such as arranging travel and lodging, selling tickets, and directing marketing and advertising activities.
Salary Information (AZ)
Average Salary
Entry Level Salary
Mid Level Salary
Expert Level Salary
Average Hourly Wage
Entry Level Hourly Wage
Mid Level Hourly Wage
Expert Level Hourly Wage
Typical Education Level

Bachelors Degree


Teach courses in business administration and management, such as accounting, finance, human resources, labor and industrial relations, marketing, and operations research. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.

  • Prepare and deliver lectures to undergraduate or graduate students on topics such as financial accounting, principles of marketing, and operations management.
  • Evaluate and grade students' class work, assignments, and papers.
  • Initiate, facilitate, and moderate classroom discussions.
  • Prepare course materials, such as syllabi, homework assignments, and handouts.
  • Keep abreast of developments in the field by reading current literature, talking with colleagues, and participating in professional organizations and conferences.
  • Plan, evaluate, and revise curricula, course content, and course materials and methods of instruction.
  • Maintain student attendance records, grades, and other required records.
  • Conduct research in a particular field of knowledge and publish findings in professional journals, books, or electronic media.
  • Compile, administer, and grade examinations, or assign this work to others.
  • Maintain regularly scheduled office hours to advise and assist students.
Salary Information (AZ)
Average Salary
Entry Level Salary
Mid Level Salary
Expert Level Salary
Average Hourly Wage
Entry Level Hourly Wage
Mid Level Hourly Wage
Expert Level Hourly Wage
Typical Education Level

Doctoral Degree


Conduct research, prepare reports, or formulate plans to address economic problems related to the production and distribution of goods and services or monetary and fiscal policy. May collect and process economic and statistical data using sampling techniques and econometric methods.

  • Study economic and statistical data in area of specialization, such as finance, labor, or agriculture.
  • Conduct research on economic issues, and disseminate research findings through technical reports or scientific articles in journals.
  • Compile, analyze, and report data to explain economic phenomena and forecast market trends, applying mathematical models and statistical techniques.
  • Supervise research projects and students' study projects.
  • Teach theories, principles, and methods of economics.
  • Study the socioeconomic impacts of new public policies, such as proposed legislation, taxes, services, and regulations.
  • Formulate recommendations, policies, or plans to solve economic problems or to interpret markets.
  • Explain economic impact of policies to the public.
  • Provide advice and consultation on economic relationships to businesses, public and private agencies, and other employers.
  • Forecast production and consumption of renewable resources and supply, consumption, and depletion of non-renewable resources.
Typical Education Level

Doctoral Degree


Organize activities to raise funds or otherwise solicit and gather monetary donations or other gifts for an organization. May design and produce promotional materials. May also raise awareness of the organization's work, goals, and financial needs.

  • Identify and build relationships with potential donors.
  • Secure commitments of participation or donation from individuals or corporate donors.
  • Write and send letters of thanks to donors.
  • Solicit cash or in-kind donations or sponsorships from individual, business, or government donors.
  • Create or update donor databases.
  • Develop strategies to encourage new or increased contributions.
  • Develop or implement fundraising activities, such as annual giving campaigns or direct mail programs.
  • Compile or develop materials to submit to granting or other funding organizations.
  • Conduct research to identify the goals, net worth, charitable donation history, or other data related to potential donors, potential investors, or general donor markets.
  • Develop fundraising activity plans that maximize participation or contributions and minimize costs.
  • Direct or supervise fundraising staff, including volunteer staff members.
Salary Information (AZ)
Average Salary
Entry Level Salary
Mid Level Salary
Expert Level Salary
Average Hourly Wage
Entry Level Hourly Wage
Mid Level Hourly Wage
Expert Level Hourly Wage
Typical Education Level

Bachelors Degree


Plan, direct, or coordinate the operations of public or private sector organizations, overseeing multiple departments or locations. Duties and responsibilities include formulating policies, managing daily operations, and planning the use of materials and human resources, but are too diverse and general in nature to be classified in any one functional area of management or administration, such as personnel, purchasing, or administrative services. Usually manage through subordinate supervisors. Excludes First-Line Supervisors.

  • Review financial statements, sales or activity reports, or other performance data to measure productivity or goal achievement or to identify areas needing cost reduction or program improvement.
  • Direct and coordinate activities of businesses or departments concerned with the production, pricing, sales, or distribution of products.
  • Direct administrative activities directly related to making products or providing services.
  • Prepare staff work schedules and assign specific duties.
  • Monitor suppliers to ensure that they efficiently and effectively provide needed goods or services within budgetary limits.
  • Direct or coordinate financial or budget activities to fund operations, maximize investments, or increase efficiency.
  • Establish or implement departmental policies, goals, objectives, or procedures in conjunction with board members, organization officials, or staff members.
  • Set prices or credit terms for goods or services, based on forecasts of customer demand.
  • Manage the movement of goods into and out of production facilities to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, or sustainability of operations.
  • Perform sales floor work, such as greeting or assisting customers, stocking shelves, or taking inventory.
Salary Information (AZ)
Average Salary
Entry Level Salary
Mid Level Salary
Expert Level Salary
Average Hourly Wage
Entry Level Hourly Wage
Mid Level Hourly Wage
Expert Level Hourly Wage
Typical Education Level

Bachelors Degree


Conduct organizational studies and evaluations, design systems and procedures, conduct work simplification and measurement studies, and prepare operations and procedures manuals to assist management in operating more efficiently and effectively. Includes program analysts and management consultants.

  • Gather and organize information on problems or procedures.
  • Confer with personnel concerned to ensure successful functioning of newly implemented systems or procedures.
  • Analyze data gathered and develop solutions or alternative methods of proceeding.
  • Document findings of study and prepare recommendations for implementation of new systems, procedures, or organizational changes.
  • Plan study of work problems and procedures, such as organizational change, communications, information flow, integrated production methods, inventory control, or cost analysis.
  • Interview personnel and conduct on-site observation to ascertain unit functions, work performed, and methods, equipment, and personnel used.
  • Prepare manuals and train workers in use of new forms, reports, procedures or equipment, according to organizational policy.
  • Review forms and reports and confer with management and users about format, distribution, and purpose, identifying problems and improvements.
  • Develop and implement records management program for filing, protection, and retrieval of records, and assure compliance with program.
  • Design, evaluate, recommend, and approve changes of forms and reports.
  • Recommend purchase of storage equipment and design area layout to locate equipment in space available.
Salary Information (AZ)
Average Salary
Entry Level Salary
Mid Level Salary
Expert Level Salary
Average Hourly Wage
Entry Level Hourly Wage
Mid Level Hourly Wage
Expert Level Hourly Wage
Typical Education Level

Bachelors Degree


Research conditions in local, regional, national, or online markets. Gather information to determine potential sales of a product or service, or plan a marketing or advertising campaign. May gather information on competitors, prices, sales, and methods of marketing and distribution. May employ search marketing tactics, analyze web metrics, and develop recommendations to increase search engine ranking and visibility to target markets.

  • Prepare reports of findings, illustrating data graphically and translating complex findings into written text.
  • Collect and analyze data on customer demographics, preferences, needs, and buying habits to identify potential markets and factors affecting product demand.
  • Conduct research on consumer opinions and marketing strategies, collaborating with marketing professionals, statisticians, pollsters, and other professionals.
  • Measure and assess customer and employee satisfaction.
  • Devise and evaluate methods and procedures for collecting data, such as surveys, opinion polls, or questionnaires, or arrange to obtain existing data.
  • Measure the effectiveness of marketing, advertising, and communications programs and strategies.
  • Seek and provide information to help companies determine their position in the marketplace.
  • Forecast and track marketing and sales trends, analyzing collected data.
  • Gather data on competitors and analyze their prices, sales, and method of marketing and distribution.
  • Monitor industry statistics and follow trends in trade literature.
Salary Information (AZ)
Average Salary
Entry Level Salary
Mid Level Salary
Expert Level Salary
Average Hourly Wage
Entry Level Hourly Wage
Mid Level Hourly Wage
Expert Level Hourly Wage
Typical Education Level

Bachelors Degree


Plan, direct, or coordinate marketing policies and programs, such as determining the demand for products and services offered by a firm and its competitors, and identify potential customers. Develop pricing strategies with the goal of maximizing the firm's profits or share of the market while ensuring the firm's customers are satisfied. Oversee product development or monitor trends that indicate the need for new products and services.

  • Identify, develop, or evaluate marketing strategy, based on knowledge of establishment objectives, market characteristics, and cost and markup factors.
  • Formulate, direct, or coordinate marketing activities or policies to promote products or services, working with advertising or promotion managers.
  • Evaluate the financial aspects of product development, such as budgets, expenditures, research and development appropriations, or return-on-investment and profit-loss projections.
  • Develop pricing strategies, balancing firm objectives and customer satisfaction.
  • Compile lists describing product or service offerings.
  • Direct the hiring, training, or performance evaluations of marketing or sales staff and oversee their daily activities.
  • Consult with product development personnel on product specifications, such as design, color, or packaging.
  • Use sales forecasting or strategic planning to ensure the sale and profitability of products, lines, or services, analyzing business developments and monitoring market trends.
  • Negotiate contracts with vendors or distributors to manage product distribution, establishing distribution networks or developing distribution strategies.
  • Coordinate or participate in promotional activities or trade shows, working with developers, advertisers, or production managers, to market products or services.
  • Consult with buying personnel to gain advice regarding the types of products or services expected to be in demand.
  • Consult with buying personnel to gain advice regarding environmentally sound or sustainable products.
Salary Information (AZ)
Average Salary
Entry Level Salary
Mid Level Salary
Expert Level Salary
Average Hourly Wage
Entry Level Hourly Wage
Mid Level Hourly Wage
Expert Level Hourly Wage
Typical Education Level

Bachelors Degree


Plan, direct, or coordinate the actual distribution or movement of a product or service to the customer. Coordinate sales distribution by establishing sales territories, quotas, and goals and establish training programs for sales representatives. Analyze sales statistics gathered by staff to determine sales potential and inventory requirements and monitor the preferences of customers.

  • Direct and coordinate activities involving sales of manufactured products, services, commodities, real estate, or other subjects of sale.
  • Resolve customer complaints regarding sales and service.
  • Review operational records and reports to project sales and determine profitability.
  • Oversee regional and local sales managers and their staffs.
  • Determine price schedules and discount rates.
  • Prepare budgets and approve budget expenditures.
  • Monitor customer preferences to determine focus of sales efforts.
  • Plan and direct staffing, training, and performance evaluations to develop and control sales and service programs.
  • Confer with potential customers regarding equipment needs, and advise customers on types of equipment to purchase.
  • Assess marketing potential of new and existing store locations, considering statistics and expenditures.
Salary Information (AZ)
Average Salary
Entry Level Salary
Mid Level Salary
Expert Level Salary
Average Hourly Wage
Entry Level Hourly Wage
Mid Level Hourly Wage
Expert Level Hourly Wage
Typical Education Level

Bachelors Degree

Contact Information

Faculty/Staff Contact(s)
Name Title Phone Email
Stuart Gibson Dean of Business, Education, Social and Behavioral Sciences (928) 317-6417
Bradley Baird Professor of Business and Computer Information Systems (928) 344-7781
Kristine Duke Professor of Accounting (928) 344-7783
Anthony Gier Professor of Business & Economics (928) 314-9457
Michelle Sims Professor of Economics (928) 344-7670