Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Home, School, and Community Relations

Development of skills that promote a positive relationship between families and teachers or professional childcare workers.

Early Childhood Field Experience 2

Continuing opportunity to work in an early childhood setting.

Guiding Children's Behavior

Overview of the methods needed for effective guidance of children.

Activities in Early Childhood Education

Study of the curriculum, methods and materials used to assist children in the learning process. Observation of children is an integral part of the course.

Early Childhood Experience 3

Continuing opportunity to work in an early childhood setting.

Early Childhood Education Certificate Capstone

Supervised student teaching in a pre-school setting.

Child Growth and Development/GE

Overview of human growth and development from conception to early adolescence, incorporating independent observation of children and personal investigation into child-related issues.

Early Childhood Development

Exploration of the development of young children between the ages of birth and 8 years old. The course will include 32 hours of directed observa- ion of children birth through 8 years.

Early Childhood Special Education

Introduction to the area of early childhood special education focusing on gathering infor- mation about at-risk, delayed or disabled children.

Early Childhood Language and Literacy

Focus on the process of language and literacy development in the child: birth through eight years.

Techniques for Observing and Assessing Children

Exploration of concepts and techniques used to observe and record children's characteristics and behaviors in an early childhood setting and how to apply observation to assessment. Includes two hours of weekly observation.

Children's Literature

Overview of the organization and scope of children's literature for early and elementary school classrooms.

Early Childhood Education Internship

Capstone course which provides the student with directed participation in an appropriate early childhood setting.

Introduction to Economics/GE*

Investigates the very basic concepts and principles of economics and how they operate within the American economic system. Highlights both macro and microeconomics in very simplified terms, intended for those who will only take one course in economics.

Principles of Macroeconomics/GE

Analysis of general levels of output, employment, income, and prices. Includes money and banking, national income accounting, economic growth, fiscal and monetary policy.

Principles of Microecnomics/GE

Analysis of price determination and income distribution in a free enterprise economy. Detailed study of supply and demand, allocation of resources by individual firms, and application to the American economics system.

Basic Electricity

Introduction to basic electrical principles, circuits, and measurements.

AC/DC Circuits

Introduction to direct current (DC) and alternat- ing current (AC) theory, Ohm's Law, and series, parallel, and combination circuits.

Electrical Light Commercial

The application and selection of various type of motors and associated components, application and selection of various lighting with controls and advanced bending methods of conduit within the National Electrical Code requirements.

National Electrical Code

Study of the National Electrical Code (NEC), including local ordinances.