Get your bachelor’s degree here in Yuma!
Your degree from AWC opens the door to a wide variety of degree programs offered by our university partners right here in Yuma County. Complete your first two years at AWC and seamlessly continue with your bachelor’s degree with NAU, UAZ, or ASU without leaving our community.
Bachelor’s degree in Yuma is perfect for students who...
Why Bachelor’s Degrees in Yuma?
Enrollment of historically underserved populations (races and ethnicities)
Percent of full-time transfers to Arizona public universities who public universities who earn a bachelor's earn a bachelor’s degree in 4 years
Explore our university partners!
Our university partners offer many of the same experiences you’d receive at another location, but often at a special price or with special scholarships, making your bachelor’s degree within reach.
Northern Arizona University
In-person Degrees:
Cristina was born in Salinas, California to migrant agricultural parents, and the family split time Salinas, CA and San Luis, AZ, where they eventually settled. She was a first generation student and earned good grades in school but her parents were not willing to have her leave the area for University. Even though she dreamed of living on a big campus, her dedication to her family and her work came first. She attended AWC and subsequently transferred to NAU-Yuma to complete a Bachelor degree in Social Work and a Masters in Education in School Counseling. It took her 8 years to finish, and now she leads the AWC Career and Advising team.
Cristina’s family wasn’t able to send her to a large university in a distant city. Finding a local solution to her dreams of a Bachelor’s degree was critical to her success and completion.
University of Arizona
In-person Degrees:
Have questions? Contact us!
Leonardo Morales, Outreach Coordinator
Arizona State University
In-person Programs:

ASU Local is a completely new undergraduate program from Arizona State University that brings the best of a global research university to you on Arizona Western College’s Yuma campus. At our core is nurturing belonging, curiosity and resilience through connection and support. As part of ASU Local’s in-person, close-knit student community, a coach will guide and support you every step of the way during your entire college journey. They will empower you and foster your wellbeing and success through intentionally designed learning experiences, including one-on-one conversations, workshops and other group activities. To ensure flexibility, you will choose from 130+ online majors to complete coursework flexibly anytime, anywhere to earn a highly-ranked bachelor’s degree through ASU.
Find out more about ASU Local in Yuma:
Pursue one of 130+ degrees available from ASU, including:
Talia completed her AWC – ASU @ Yuma degree in four years as a full-time student right out of high school. She nearly always had an internship or a job during that time, first as an AWC Ambassador leading student tours, and later as an Outreach & Recruitment specialist. Her dream was to serve in the same high school where she had studied, and today she is doing just that – as a high school English teacher.
Talia came to AWC with a huge desire to serve the college community. After four years of focused study, she’s moving on to serve the high school students who will come to AWC.