College can be challenging and it is not uncommon for students to sometimes experience academic difficulties. If you are experiencing problems in one or more of your courses, it is very important to seek out assistance as soon as possible. You should discuss any problems or concerns with your instructor immediately, seek tutoring or form a study group, or meet with an academic advisor to help you identify additional resources.
One of the best ways to be successful at AWC is to become familiar with and utilize the numerous resources available.
- AWC Timeline for Student Success
- Student Success Center (tutoring)
- Student Life
- Accessibility
- KEYS (TRIO) Program
- Child Development Learning Lab
- Campus Police
- College Assistance Migrant Program (C.A.M.P.)
- Health and Wellness
- Active Military Services
- Veteran Services
- Advising Worksheet-Transfer Degrees
- Advising Worksheet-AAS Degrees
- Fall 2025 Advising Worksheet-Transfer Degrees
- Fall 2025 Advising Worksheet-AAS Degrees
Midterm Grades
Midterm Grades are issued during fall and spring semesters at around the midpoint of the semester for 16 week courses. Midterm grades allow you to receive feedback from your instructors on your academic progress and give you an opportunity to take corrective action when necessary. Midterm Grades are available through your Self-Service account under the Grades menu.
If you are struggling in class, even if midterm grades have not been issued yet, follow these suggestions which can help you get back on track:
- Meet with your instructor. Your instructor wants you to succeed and is your best resource. Your syllabus/course outline will list office hours (if applicable) and contact information for your instructor. Prepare for your meeting by listing the issues you want to address. Questions you might want to ask include:
- Where do I currently stand in the class?
- What can I do to perform better in class?
- What am I missing and how can I get caught up?
- Am I studying the best way possible for this class?
- What scores do I need on future tests and assignments to get an A, B, or C?
- Schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor. You should also prepare for this meeting by preparing some questions such as:
- What campus resources exist that can help me improve my grade?
- Is this class essential for my degree or certificate?
- What are my options for withdrawing from a class at this date?
- How can I set myself up for success in my classes in future semesters?
Academic Standing Policy
Academic Standing policies require students to maintain at least a 2.0 grade-point average (GPA). Failure to maintain a 2.0 GPA can result in Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or Continued Academic Probation. For more detailed information, please consult the AWC Course Catalog (see Academic Standing section).
Academic Standing will be recalculated each semester-to include Fall, Spring and Summer.
According to AWC's Academic Standing policy, students who have attempted twelve (12) or more credits at AWC must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. Academic Warning is in effect when:
- A student’s cumulative GPA falls under a 2.0.
- Students placed on Academic Warning will be notified through their Toro Webmail account only.
Academic Probation is in effect when a student who is on Academic Warning from the last semester of attendance fails to attain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.
Students placed on Academic Probation will not be allowed to enroll in more than:
- 12 credits each semester (Fall/Spring)
- 6 credits in the Summer Semester
- 3 credits in the Winter Semester.
Academic Probation Requirements:
- Develop an Academic Improvement Plan and sign an Educational Contract with a Career and Academic Advisor.
- Meet with a Career and Academic Advisor at least three times during the semester.
- Attend designated workshop-information will be provided upon availability.
Continued Academic Probation is in affect when a student on Academic Probation fails to maintain at least a 2.0 semester GPA. Student will be required to follow Academic Probation Requirements (see above).
A student on Continued Academic Probation will not be permitted to enroll in more than:
- 6 credits each semester (Fall/Spring)
- 3 credits in the Summer Semester
- 3 credits in the Winter Semester
Students placed on Continued Academic Probation will be notified via US Mail and also through student email.
Academic Restart
Academic Restart is a program designed specifically for students on Academic Probation. Students placed on Academic Probation are required to participate in this program and can help them:
- Set academic goals
- Become aware of campus services
- Understand Academic Probation Policies
- Return to good academic standing
Additionally, students on Academic Probation:
- Are not eligible to register or drop/add classes without permission from an academic advisor.
Academic Restart - Educational Contract