Requesting Accommodations

Students must self-identify with AccessABILITY Resource Services and submit documentation on the disability/(ies).

  • The eligibility determination process is not a same-day process. Once documentation is received, it will be reviewed in order of receipt; therefore, it is recommended that documentation be submitted well in advance of any accommodation-related needs (e.g. exam accommodations and alternative media services).

To request accommodations for the first time, students must submit a Public Accommodation Request and meet with the ARS coordinator, located on the second floor of the 3C building, at 928.344.7674 (V).  Appointments may be conducted in person, via Zoom, or by phone.  

Students who are renewing their accommodations must submit a semester request through Accommodate.  If any changes or additions need to be made to previous accommodations, students must request an appointment with the ARS coordinator.  Appointments may be requested through the appointment tab in Accommodate or by calling 928.344.7674.

  • Be prepared to speak to the ARS Coordinator about their disability and the barriers they feel they may encounter in the classroom, as well as, accommodations or design modifications needed to ensure equal access.
  • The ARS Coordinator works with students to determine which design modifications or accommodations are appropriate for each class.
  • We encourage all students to contact instructors two weeks before the start of classes to discuss accommodations and success strategies for the semester. This not only gives the instructor time to consider the changes that will be needed to ensure access to materials, but also breaks the ice and encourages more effective communication.

Note:  Services can be requested at any time during the semester; however, requesting services well in advance will help ensure resources are available when needed.

Once eligibility for services has been established for the following auxiliary aids students must request them each semester when picking up his/her accommodation letter.

If there is a problem with any of the services students must inform ARS in writing as soon as possible to resolve the issue.


Students requesting Alternate format must fill out and return the form for each text, article or test to be altered in a timely manner so that the ARS department has time for conversion before it will be needed by the student.

Alternative Format Request Forms are given to students when requesting accommodations before each semester.

Some conversions take more time than others so it is imperative that students register early and submit requests as soon as possible to issue that the information is converted at the time needed.


Arizona Western College provides interpreting services for classes, related academic requirements, and non-academic out-of-class activities that are sponsored by the college.

Arizona Western College provides interpreting services via staff interpreters as well as through a Phoenix freelance agency when needed.  All interpreters providing interpreting services are licensed through the Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ACDHH).

Students requesting sign language interpreter services must meet with the ARS coordinator to discuss his/her needs and to sign an agreement acknowledging familiarity with related policies.

Students using interpreting services are encouraged to register during the priority registration period and to submit requests for services to the ARS coordinator as soon as possible after registration to ensure there will be services provided. Last minute changes to a student’s schedule may result in an inability to provide interpreting services; therefore, it is important to meet with the coordinator with any schedule changes.

All non-classroom requests (including meetings with professors or group meetings with other students for projects or assignments) also should be made as far in advance as possible using the Interpreter Request form, but at least five business days in advance. Last-minute requests cannot be guaranteed, although attempts will always be made to secure interpreter services. The college is not responsible for any interpreting services other than those approved by ARS. Cancellations must be made at least three business days (72 hours) in advance.


Equipment such as FM systems, Ruby magnifiers, Livescribe pens, and Scan pens are available for check out from the ARS coordinator.  To request equipment for the first time, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Accommodate using your Net ID and AWC password
  2. Select 'Accommodation' from the menu on the left
  3. Then select 'Supplemental'
  4. Click on the red 'Add New' button
  5. Select which category your disability falls under and explain how it impacts you
  6. Under the Accommodation Type, select 'Equipment' and choose which equipment you would like to check out
  7. Select the current semester from the drop-down box and select the classes you would like to be applied to the request
  8. Submit the form

A decision letter will be sent to your Toro email and the ARS office will have the equipment ready for you to pick up from the ARS front desk.  You will need to sign an Equipment Loan Agreement form when checking out the pen.   If you have any questions, please contact us at AccessABILITY Resource Services

If the equipment is not returned in the same condition as when it was checked out other than standard wear, the student is responsible for the repairs.

If the equipment is not returned, the student is responsible for the full replacement value.

These costs will be charged to the students financial account at the college. Until such fees are paid, the student will be unable to obtain transcripts and register for the following semester.


Arizona Western College has an Assistive Technology Lab to help students with disabilities access materials. This lab is located in LR 52.

AT Lab Hours:

  • Please call AcessABILITY front desk for AT Lab Hours.

NOTE: Prior to using the Assistive Technology Lab, you must be registered with the ARS Office. The ARS office is located on the second floor in the 3C building. To make an appointment call 928.344.7674

What adaptive technology is available?


This software is designed to read aloud all the icons on the screen as soon as the first screen appears. It reads everything on the page. With minimal keystrokes, a student who is blind or low-vision can access the internet, their textbook or type a paper.

Duxbury Braille Translator

This software translates into Braille what is scanned into the computer or on the computer screen.

Romeo 25 Braille Embosser

A Braille embosser will print in Braille information translated by Duxbury Braille Translator.

Topaz CCTV

When the material is placed on the reading tray, closed caption television will enlarge the text of the material onto the television screen

Dragon Naturally Speaking

Voice-recognition software which types the words, punctuation, etc., a student tells it to type.


Students can set up weekly appointments to work one on one with lab aides/tutors : on homework assignments, time management strategies and organization.


Students must identify the classes they will need note takers in when submitting their semester request.  Once the note taker accommodation is approved, the ARS office will recruit note takers via email and assign note takers as they respond. 

Once a note taker is assigned to a class, they upload notes to Accommodate.  Students requesting notes can view their notes by logging into their Accommodate account and clicking on the ‘Note-Taker Network’ tab.

If ARS is unable to assign a volunteer, the professor will be contacted to select a note taker or provide notes themselves. 

If students are dissatisfied with the notes, they may terminate the initial note taker contract, and solicit a new note taker.  The ARS office must be notified when a new note taker is needed.

Students receiving notes must access their notes weekly through Accommodate in order to continue note taking services.

If students receiving notes withdraw from a class, they must inform the note taker and the ARS coordinator in writing within 24 hours.


Eligible students that need testing accommodations must discuss options with the instructor when they present their accommodation letter.

Students must make arrangements for accommodations before each test.

  1. Private testing rooms must be reserved in advance with Testing Services
  2. Readers or Scribes must be scheduled two days in advance with the ARS department. Students may either fill out the Testing Accommodation Form and submit it or email details to the ARS coordinator.

Alternative Test Format

Students requesting alternative test formats such as Braille, enlarged font must work with their instructors and ARS so that arrangements can be made for the conversion in time to take the test.

Services Provided


Need help with your studies? The AT Lab is here to support you. Book a tutoring session today and get the guidance you need to stay on track and achieve your goals.

Services for all Students with Disabilities

Services for Students with Specific Documented Disabilities

The following is a suggested time frame for accommodations. The ARS staff will work to get them set up as soon as possible.

Accommodations/Auxiliary Aids Time Frame to Arrange
Alternate Test Format 1-4 weeks
Ergonomic Chair 1-2 weeks
Extended Testing Time Arrange with Instructor
FM Systems 1-4 weeks
Flexibility with Attendance Arrange with Instructor
Note Takers 2 weeks
Priority Seating Arrange with Instructor
Private Testing Room 2-3 days / Testing Center
Reader 1-2 weeks
Scribe 1-2 weeks
Sign Language interpreter 5 days*
Table (Adjustable)   1-2 weeks
Screen Reader (AT Lab training) 1-4 weeks before classes begin
Speech to Text (AT Lab training) 1-4 weeks before classes begin

*When possible we request that students using interpreters in their classes work with ARS Coordinator to set up classes and register during priority registration.

Services Not Provided

1. Transportation Services: ARS does NOT provide transportation to a campus/center, or transportation from one class to another.

2. Personal Aides: ARS does not provide “personal aides” for students. Students needing personal assistants for activities such as getting in and out of wheelchairs, providing cleaning, and attendant service, should be advised that they need to make personal arrangements for such services.

3. Diagnostic Evaluations: As a matter of policy, AWC and ARS will not provide or pay for diagnostic evaluations and documentation which support student accommodations. It is the responsibility of the student to provide such documentation to ARS prior to receiving any services. These services are available through other community services and governmental agencies.