Get involved and get informed about the resources available for a successful transfer. Click on the variety of resources necessary to start marking off items on your priority list for a successful transition.
Double Check for your Future!
Have you checked your advancement on your transfer progress?
It may be overwhelming to ponder where to start when considering your transfer process. It is important to use resources that will help you focus on the tasks that need to be completed to make your transfer a realistic plan. There is so much information on the web and additional resources, but do not despair, you can get to each step by reviewing the Transfer Checklist to ensure success for your future plans.
Do not forget to write down questions for your next appointment with a Transfer Specialist.
Why Prepare?
Preparing with the Transfer Checklist will enhance your success by helping you with the following:
- Identify your progress
- Set realistic goals
- Research university requirements
- Learn about university deadlines
- Consider realistic financial plans
- Learn about the steps necessary for transferring
- Allows for reflection on educational and career goals
Check it out and check it off your list!
Review any transfer-relevant resources below to assist you in the transfer process.
Transfer Links
Arizona State University
Transfer Student Admissions
Transferring Credits Arizona University
Transfer Admissions
JacksPath of Arizona
Transfer Admissions
Transferring Credits
Transfer Scholarships
Arizona Western College Foundation
Scholarships | AWC Foundation (
The Arizona Western College Foundation is a community foundation committed to supporting AWC students, programs and AWC campuses by making education universally accessible though the removal of economic barriers with collaborative contributions, scholarships and grants. Learn more about their resources and scholarship opportunities.
AWC Transfer Center Scholarship
The AWC Transfer Center Scholarship is a $500 award specifically for transfer students who are continuing their education at a four-year university. This scholarship is designed to support students during their transition and help ease the financial burden associated with furthering their studies. Eligible applicants must be transferring from AWC and planning to enroll in a university for the upcoming academic year. Apply here:
Earn to Learn
Eligible students and their families deposit $500 into a savings account each year, then receive an 8:1 match through combined university support and other public and philanthropic funding. This creates $4,500 per academic year in total available funds for tuition, fees, room and board, and other costs to support educational success.
RaiseMe is a micro-scholarship program that awards students with scholarships for their achievements in school. The scholarships are awarded by colleges and universities that partner with RaiseMe, each institution creates its own micro scholarship program. The amount earned is RaiseMe represents the minimum amount of institutional aid that the colleges award you if you are accepted and enrolled in their school.
Arizona Community Foundation
The Arizona Community Foundation, in partnership with its generous donors, awards millions of dollars annually to help students achieve their educational goals.
Through its online system, students complete one application and are matched with available scholarships based on their eligibility requirements.
College Depot
College Depot at Phoenix Public Library is a free, full-service college access center located at the Burton Barr Central Library in Phoenix, Arizona. Their team of college planning and re-engagement advisors offer one-on-one appointments to assist with all action steps necessary to earn a GED, diploma, college degree or apprenticeship, and host workshops including admissions, financial aid, scholarships, and more. Find resources to help you with your transfer process.
ASU Transfer Scholarships
Scholarship opportunities for ASU students are awarded based on merit, need, or a combination of both. You can also apply for institutional and private donor funds. Many of the scholarships are renewable.
Scholarships may be used towards your educational expenses including tuition and fees, housing, books and other costs of attendance. Please be aware that ASU does not combine institutional recruitment scholarships. In the event you qualify for more than one of these scholarships, ASU will award you the scholarship with the higher dollar value.
Ken Hollin Scholarship ASU Transfer Scholarship for AWC Students
The Ken Hollin Scholarship helps students transfer from Arizona Western College to ASU with ease. For 41 years, Ken served underrepresented students at ASU through administration of Early Outreach and FOCUS programs. The programs saw 3,500 annual visitors from elementary and high schools with high minority, low-income populations and first-generation college bound students. As the former student body president of Arizona Western College, Ken will continue to serve Yuma and ASU communities by establishing the Ken Hollin Scholarship.
NAU transfer Scholarships
Scholarship opportunities for NAU students are awarded based on merit, need, or a combination of both. You can also apply for institutional and private donor funds. Many of the scholarships are renewable.
UAZ Scholarship Universe
Scholarship opportunities for UAZ students are awarded based on merit, need, or a combination of both. You can also apply for institutional and private donor funds. Many of the scholarships are renewable. Incoming First-Year and Transfer Tuition Scholarship Awards:
Phi Theta Kappa is the only national honor society for students of two-year (junior and community) colleges. Once eligible students have applied and are accepted, they pay a one-time membership fee which entitles them to membership and access to PTK benefits for life.
Members are encouraged not only to achieve continuing academic distinction but also to develop leadership and service habits.
The chartered chapter at Arizona Western College in 2004 is Sigma Beta. While Sigma Beta is not part of Honors, it is run (housed) within the AWC Honors program.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
HSF empowers families with the knowledge and resources to successfully complete a higher education, while providing scholarships and support services to as many exceptional students as possible.
Founded in 1975, HSF has awarded over $708 million in scholarships. HSF Scholars have access to valuable Scholar Support Services and, as funding permits, scholarships ranging from $500 to $5,000.
The Live Mas Scholarship
The Live Más Scholarship is for students who are pursuing higher education, preparing for the workforce, or using their passion to ignite change in their communities and beyond.
The Voyager Scholarship
The Voyager Scholarship, administered by the Obama Foundation, helps students pursuing careers in public service by providing access to travel and education. Scholars receive up to $50,000 in financial aid over two years and $10,000 to pursue a summer work-travel experience between their junior and senior year. Scholars also receive a 10-year travel stipend of $2,000 every year, are invited to summit each Fall, get access to a network of leaders, and will join the Obama Foundation’s global community after graduating.
Helios 20th Anniversary Pathway Scholarship
To celebrate two decades of advancing education, the Helios Education Foundation proudly introduces the Helios 20th Anniversary Pathway Scholarship. This initiative aims to empower students transitioning into their junior year of college and pursuing a bachelor’s degree at an accredited institution in Arizona.
The scholarship offers both financial support and access to mentorship and success services through Education Forward Arizona, providing recipients with the tools and guidance needed to excel academically and achieve their aspirations.
HACU Scholarship Program
Scholarships - Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (
The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) is pleased to be the administrator of scholarship opportunities provided by their partners. AWC is a proud partner of HACU. These scholarships can help Arizona Western College students cover the cost of tuition, fees, books, and other expenses (varies by scholarship). Build your scholarship profile today and let their system match you with HACU scholarships. New scholarships are added throughout the academic year, so remember to check back regularly.
Chicanos Por La Causa
CPLC Scholarships empower future community leaders and innovators committed to improving Arizona communities.
The program provides financial assistance and ongoing supportive services to outstanding students attending Arizona colleges and universities. CPLC Scholars are individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to making positive changes in their communities and their chosen fields of study. The program is especially dedicated to serving students with limited access to financial resources.
As scholarship recipients, CPLC Scholars become part of a community of motivated learners with similar backgrounds, offering a social foundation as they embark on this exciting phase of life. They are also required to complete community service hours as part of maintaining their scholarship, providing an opportunity to witness how their actions can positively impact others and the world around them.
For questions about any CPLC scholarship, please contact