AWC choirs present fall choral concert “Give Me a Song!”
The Arizona Western College choirs will perform their fall concert "Give Me a Song!" this weekend, with performances on Friday, Oct. 4, and Sunday, Oct. 6.
The Arizona Western College choirs will perform their fall concert "Give Me a Song!" this weekend, with performances on Friday, Oct. 4, and Sunday, Oct. 6.
On October 9, First-Year English Composition students will present the Sixth Multilingual Student Expo, “Multilingual Magic of Dreams,” at the AWC San Luis Learning Center. Six scholarship winners will be selected from student presentations and performances.
The Arizona Western College leadHERship Program is proud to announce its participation in the annual Walk Against Domestic Violence to raise awareness and show support for survivors.
Arizona Western College’s Community Band invites the public to attend the 2024 Fall Concert, “A Musical Motley,” on Monday, October 7.
This October, Arizona Western Entrepreneurial College is launching a three-unit Logistics certification program. The 8-week introductory course, LGS 111, is scheduled to start on October 8 at the San Luis Learning Center and will be taught by Executive Director of the Greater Yuma Port Authority Buna George.
The Arizona Western College Foundation will be hosting the third-annual Schoolhouse Soirée on Friday, October 4. The event will honor Hall of Fame inductees Roberta "Bobbi" McDermott and Dennis Booth, as well as scholarship recipients and the generosity of donors.
On October 1, Arizona Western College is pleased to host six Yuma County legislators for a public Town Hall event. The event will feature a panel discussion hosted by AWC President Dr. Daniel Corr, highlighting the impact of the 2024 Legislative Session.
The leadHERship initiative at Arizona Western College will be hosting its second workshop of the semester on September 30 at the San Luis Learning Center. The workshop, titled, “Building Healthy Relationships,” will be facilitated by Dubia and Vicente Zaragoza, who have been married for 23 years.
Arizona Western College Jazz Ensemble kicks off the fall semester with a joint performance with the Gila Ridge High School (GRHS) Jazz Ensemble.