Arizona Western College Releases Truth in Taxation Information
June 2, 2022Yuma, AZ (June 2, 2022) – Yuma/La Paz Counties Community College District, Arizona Western College (AWC), has released its Truth in Taxation information for the fiscal year 2022-2023 budget, in compliance with Arizona Revised Statue 15-1461.01.
The AWC priority-based budget utilizes the anticipated revenue from various sources that will be available to the college for delivery of educational services to the citizens of Yuma and La Paz Counties during 2022-2023. In developing the budget, although AWC has taxation authority to raise property taxes by 2% each fiscal year, AWC has not raised property taxes in the six previous years. In fact, the actual realized adjusted tax rate to citizens within the district has had a net decrease of .66% in property tax rates over this six-year period.
According to the Truth in Taxation information, the college is proposing a 1.23% increase in the primary tax rate over fiscal year 2021-2022 to recover lost revenue from a 2020 solar reappraisal. In spite of the 1.23% recovery increase, we reiterate that the actual realized adjusted tax rate to citizens within the district has had a net decrease of .66% in property taxes over the previous six-year period. The current tax, inclusive of new construction, will provide an additional $1,386,807 in revenues. Including the tax recovery, the total taxes owed on a $100,000 home will be $210.34. Details concerning the impact of this proposal are listed in the Truth in Taxation Notice published in the Yuma Sun and the Parker Pioneer on June 1 and will be published again on June 8, 2022.
The college’s secondary tax rate is proposed to decrease to .3199. The college continues to have an outstanding general obligation debt.
The district’s publicly elected five-member Governing Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed fiscal year 2022-2023 budget, property tax rates, and levies. All interested citizens are invited to attend in person or virtually. The public hearing on the tax increase is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. in the Frances Morris Board Room in the College Community Center (3C) at the Arizona Western College Yuma Campus, 2020 South Avenue 8E, and will also be conducted through Zoom. For details about how to attend board meetings, visit the college’s website at azwestern.edu/district-governing-board.
A Special Meeting to vote on the fiscal year 2022-2023 budget, property tax rates, and levies will follow the public hearing. During the Special Meeting, by a roll call vote, the Governing Board will consider a motion to levy the property tax that will take effect on July 1, 2022.
The Board’s Regular Meeting for June is scheduled to begin immediately following the Special Meeting. Governing Board meetings are open to the public.
Additional information about the college’s budget is available online here.
For information about the college’s 2022-2023 proposed budget, tax rates, or levies, contact AWC at (928) 344-7522.
Mandy Heil
Associate Dean of Communications & Marketing
Arizona Western College