Earth Systems Science

A.S. - Transfer Degree

This program provides a dedicated path to an Earth Science degree that focuses more on the physical processes.

Program Purpose

Earth Science is an interdisciplinary field offering opportunities to work on practical problems that are important for life as we know it on planet Earth. Because the Earth and its environment are all around us, job opportunities related to the Earth and our environment will always be plentiful. Top industries that hire earth scientists are engineering/surveying, research, and education. Successful completion of the associates degree will result in a strong foundation in several key aspects of earth science, which prepare the student to continue on in the field to study geologic hazards, GIS, climate science, meteorology, oceanography, the environment, resource management, or any number of other related subfields.

Learning Outcomes

  • Collect and correlate geologic data.
  • Prepare and interpret graphs, maps, and diagrams of geologic data.
  • Identify and explain the origins of minerals and rocks.
  • Describe the inter-relationships between geology and the other areas of science.
  • Become informed of the one-world concept of geological processes affecting humanity.
  • Explain the fundamentals of a GIS, including what they are, how they are used, and what is required to develop and maintain them
  • Develop scientific hypothesis regarding climate processes and design simple tests to test the hypothesis.