Administration of Justice and Homeland Security

Program Description

Administration of Justice Seal

The Administration of Justice Studies and Homeland Security Department at Arizona Western College offers programs that will produce graduates who will be successful in the study and field of criminal justice, cyber criminology, or homeland security and to educate students as to the dangers facing the United States and organizations that protect us from the danger. 

Graduates of the Administration of Justice Studies programs or certificates will learn a wide range of skills and gain industry-specific experience in:

  • The theory of the criminal justice system.
  • Analyzing and solving a variety of complex problems in the criminal justice environment.
  • Technical knowledge and skills relevant to the field of criminal justice.
  • Identifying current trends in the area of criminal justice.
  • Identifying and assessing potential terror, accident, and disaster threats to the American homeland.
  • Identifying and utilizing information sources for critical issues in homeland security and defense.
  • Disseminating information through multiple agencies to forecast the risks, types, and orders of magnitude of terrorist threats most likely to confront the nation/state.

Interested in joining the American Criminal Justice Association - Lambda Alpha Epsilon (Yuma Chapter)? Learn more.

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is learning individuals gain outside of traditional educational classrooms. Individuals may obtain learning in a variety of non-traditional settings such as workshops in the workplace, training through the military or law enforcement, professional certifications, or national examinations. The best part is that many non-traditional learning experiences may be equivalent to college-level credit!

Learn more about Federal, State, and Public Safety Agencies (PLA) Prior Learning Assessment below:

Programs Awarding PLA Assessment for Federal, State and Local  Public Safety Agencies

Students who present any of the following credentials to the Transfer Services Department, in person or via email to , will be granted the appropriate coursework once they have met the AWC six credit hour requirement.

Program/Certification Certifications Courses Awarded
Customs and Border Protection Homeland Security/Border Patrol HLS 109, HLS 205, AJS 220, HLS 230, HLS 260, and HLS 101
Correctional Officer Training Academy (COTA) AJS 101, AJS 212, AJS 240, AJS 241, AJS 242, AJS 245
Arizona Peace Officers Arizona Standard and Training (AZPOST) AJS 101, AJS 109, AJS 210, AJS 230, AJS 270, & AJS 275  

Learn more about the process in the Federal, State, and Public Safety Agencies (PLA) Prior Learning Assessment below.

Federal, State, and Public Safety Agencies (PLA) Prior Learning Assessment

Individuals who have completed the Customs and Border Protection Homeland Security training program are eligible for 18 credit hours. To receive the 18 credits, the student must submit his or her credentials to the Transfer Services Department, in person, or via email to Students will be granted the appropriate coursework once they have met the AWC six-credit-hour requirement. For more information on the PLA process and a list of certifications AWC grants credit.

Border Patrol

Border Patrol

Apply Now!

Customs & BP

Customs & Border Patrol

Apply Now!

Correction Officer

Correction Officer

Apply Now!

Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement

Apply Now!

Complete the following steps: 

1. Admission (928) 344-7550 Follow the steps for admission to AWC

This step will also allow you to set up your accounts in order to access college services, such as online registration, online courses, and Financial Aid status. 

2. Academic Advising 

Terry Williams
(928) 344-7664

Anita Salisbury
(928) 317-6253

Yurinia Yeomans
(928) 344-7648

3. CBP Transcripts 

Please use the link below to request your Border Patrol Academy Basic Training transcripts

AWC Attn: CBP Services
P.O. Box 929
Yuma, AZ 85366

4. Registration - Register for six AWC Credit Hours (minimum) (928) 344-7550

5. Payments (928) 344-7700 Make A Payment

6. Textbooks (928) 344-7583 AWC Barnes & Noble Bookstore @AWC 3C Building 

7. Transferring credits to AWC. Go to:

Arizona Western College
Transfer Services Office

PO Box 929
Yuma, AZ 85366-0929

State, and Public Safety Agencies (PLA) Prior Learning Assessment

Individuals who have completed the Law Enforcement and Correctional Officer academy training program are eligible for 18 credit hours. To receive the 18 credits, the student must submit his or her credentials to the Transfer Services Department, in person, or via email to Students will be granted the appropriate coursework once they have met the AWC six-credit-hour requirement. For more information on the PLA process and a list of certifications AWC grants credit.

Complete the following steps: 

1. Admission (928) 344-7550 Follow the steps for admission to AWC

This step will also allow you to set up your accounts in order to access college services, such as online registration, online courses, and Financial Aid status. 

2. Academic Advising 

Terry Williams
928- 344-7664

Anita Salisbury
928- 317-6253

Yurinia Yoemans
928- 344-7648

3. AWC Attn: Daniel Fitts send PLA Documents via email to:

4. Registration - Register for six AWC Credit Hours (minimum) (928) 344-7550

5. Payments (928) 344-7700 Make A Payment

6. Textbooks (928) 344-7583 AWC Barnes & Noble Bookstore @AWC 3C Building 

7. Transferring credits to AWC. Go to:

Arizona Western College
Transfer Services Office

PO Box 929
Yuma, AZ 85366-0929

Have questions about this program?

Schedule Now
You'll need an AWC account to schedule a meeting. Apply now.

Degree(s) / Certificates(s)

Title Local Bachelor's
Administration of Justice Studies - A.A. Transfer Degree
Customs and Border Protections Homeland Security - A.A. Transfer Degree -
Cyber Criminology - A.A. Transfer Degree -

Career Outlook

Successful completion of this program can open doors to various employment opportunities, many of which require further higher education at the university level. Below are examples of related occupations and their annual mean wages in Arizona, based on career and wage data from Pipeline AZ, which utilizes government sources for its reports and forecasts.


Conduct screening of passengers, baggage, or cargo to ensure compliance with Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations. May operate basic security equipment such as x-ray machines and hand wands at screening checkpoints.

  • Inspect carry-on items, using x-ray viewing equipment, to determine whether items contain objects that warrant further investigation.
  • Search carry-on or checked baggage by hand when it is suspected to contain prohibited items such as weapons.
  • Check passengers' tickets to ensure that they are valid, and to determine whether passengers have designations that require special handling, such as providing photo identification.
  • Test baggage for any explosive materials, using equipment such as explosive detection machines or chemical swab systems.
  • Perform pat-down or hand-held wand searches of passengers who have triggered machine alarms, who are unable to pass through metal detectors, or who have been randomly identified for such searches.
  • Notify supervisors or other appropriate personnel when security breaches occur.
  • Send checked baggage through automated screening machines, and set bags aside for searching or rescreening as indicated by equipment.
  • Decide whether baggage that triggers alarms should be searched or should be allowed to pass through.
  • View images of checked bags and cargo, using remote screening equipment, and alert baggage screeners or handlers to any possible problems.
  • Locate suspicious bags pictured in printouts sent from remote monitoring areas, and set these bags aside for inspection.
Salary Information (AZ)
Average Salary
Entry Level Salary
Mid Level Salary
Expert Level Salary
Average Hourly Wage
Entry Level Hourly Wage
Mid Level Hourly Wage
Expert Level Hourly Wage
Typical Education Level

High School Diploma


Gather, analyze, or evaluate information from a variety of sources, such as law enforcement databases, surveillance, intelligence networks or geographic information systems. Use intelligence data to anticipate and prevent organized crime activities, such as terrorism.

  • Prepare comprehensive written reports, presentations, maps, or charts, based on research, collection, and analysis of intelligence data.
  • Gather, analyze, correlate, or evaluate information from a variety of resources, such as law enforcement databases.
  • Validate known intelligence with data from other sources.
  • Analyze intelligence data to identify patterns and trends in criminal activity.
  • Conduct presentations of analytic findings.
  • Study activities relating to narcotics, money laundering, gangs, auto theft rings, terrorism, or other national security threats.
  • Gather intelligence information by field observation, confidential information sources, or public records.
  • Predict future gang, organized crime, or terrorist activity, using analyses of intelligence data.
  • Establish criminal profiles to aid in connecting criminal organizations with their members.
  • Link or chart suspects to criminal organizations or events to determine activities and interrelationships.
Salary Information (AZ)
Average Salary
Entry Level Salary
Mid Level Salary
Expert Level Salary
Average Hourly Wage
Entry Level Hourly Wage
Mid Level Hourly Wage
Expert Level Hourly Wage
Typical Education Level

Bachelors Degree


Gather, analyze, compile, and report information regarding individuals or organizations to clients, or detect occurrences of unlawful acts or infractions of rules in private establishment.

  • Write reports or case summaries to document investigations.
  • Conduct private investigations on a paid basis.
  • Search computer databases, credit reports, public records, tax or legal filings, or other resources to locate persons or to compile information for investigations.
  • Conduct personal background investigations, such as pre-employment checks, to obtain information about an individual's character, financial status, or personal history.
  • Expose fraudulent insurance claims or stolen funds.
  • Obtain and analyze information on suspects, crimes, or disturbances to solve cases, to identify criminal activity, or to gather information for court cases.
  • Testify at hearings or court trials to present evidence.
  • Question persons to obtain evidence for cases of divorce, child custody, or missing persons or information about individuals' character or financial status.
  • Observe and document activities of individuals to detect unlawful acts or to obtain evidence for cases, using binoculars and still or video cameras.
  • Investigate companies' financial standings, or locate funds stolen by embezzlers, using accounting skills.
Salary Information (AZ)
Average Salary
Entry Level Salary
Mid Level Salary
Expert Level Salary
Average Hourly Wage
Entry Level Hourly Wage
Mid Level Hourly Wage
Expert Level Hourly Wage
Typical Education Level

Bachelors Degree

Program Photos

Contact Information

Faculty/Staff Contact(s)
Name Title Phone Email
Terry Williams Professor of Administration of Justice & Homeland Security (928) 344-7664
Anita Salisbury Professor of Administration of Justice and Homeland Security (928) 317-6253
Yurinia Yeomans Professor of Administration of Justice and Homeland Security (928) 344-7648
Guadalupe Fuentes Administrative Assistant IV (928) 317-6452