Administration of Justice Studies

A.A. - Transfer Degree

This program is designed for students planning to transfer to a university. Because the programs at the university level are so unique to this major, students should work closely with an Academic Advisor regarding the requirements at a specific four-year institution.

Program Purpose

Graduates will demonstrate (1) basic knowledge in administration of justice studies that will prepare them to transfer to the university and (2) competency in communication, critical thinking, quantitative analysis, and technological applications.

Learning Outcomes

  • Brief and explain landmark cases using constitutional precedence; identify the tenets of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights; and apply the elements of criminal statutes to factual situations.
  • Deliver well written essays that explain how the three components of the criminal justice system work together; conduct an oral presentation on ethics and the law, the police, and the courts; and complete oral exams.
  • Construct sound arguments regarding crime-related issues; demonstrate critical thinking and analytical abilities by applying appropriate case laws; and quantify methods of treatment for the incarcerated.
  • Use criminological theories (e.g. classical criminology, sociological criminology, and psychological criminology) to explain current events; explain the inner workings of the criminal justice system and its agencies; explain why the criminal justice system is considered to be a non-system; and discuss the different purposes of criminal law.

Program Map

Recommended Program Map / Program Requirements

This program map has been updated for new students starting in Fall 2025 (or after) to reflect the new Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) requirements. Students following previous catalogs can find corresponding program maps in Self-Service/Student Planning. For official requirements, refer to the AWC Catalog.

The recommended plan below meets all program requirements. If the classes listed as recommended don’t align with your schedule or interests, alternative options are available. Visit Academic Planning to get started on your personalized Academic Plan or schedule an appointment with your Faculty Advisor or the Advisement Services Office.

First Semester

Course Course Title Credits Area
AJS 101 Introduction to Administration of Justice 3 Major Requirement
AJS 109 Substantive Criminal Law 3 Major Requirement
ENG 101 
ENG 107
Freshman Composition I/GE 3 GE- Written Communication
PLS 100 Plant Science/GE (recommended or choose a class from this list) 4 GE- Natural Sciences
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology/GE (recommended or choose a class from this list) 3 GE- Social/Behavioral Sciences

Second Semester

Course Course Title Credits Area
AJS 210 Court Function 3 Major Requirement
AJS 225 Criminology/GE 3 Major Requirement
AJS 230 Police Function 3 Major Requirement
ENG 102
ENG 108
Freshman Composition II/GE 3 GE- Written Communication
MAT 142 College Mathematics with Applications/GE (or higher level approved math) 3 GE- Quantitative Reasoning

Third Semester

Course Course Title Credits Area
AJS 240 Correction Function 3 Major Requirement
AJS Choose AJS course based on selected emphasis (AJS, Corrections, or Homeland Security) 3 Departmental Emphasis Requirement
AJS Choose AJS course based on selected emphasis (AJS, Corrections, or Homeland Security) 3 Departmental Emphasis Requirement
AJS Choose AJS course based on selected emphasis (AJS, Corrections, or Homeland Security) 3 Departmental Emphasis Requirement
AJS 123 Ethics in Criminal Justice/GE (recommended) 3 GE- Arts/Humanities

Fourth Semester

Course Course Title Credits Area
AJS Choose AJS course based on selected emphasis (AJS, Corrections, or Homeland Security) 3 Departmental Emphasis Requirement
HIS 121 History of US to 1877/GE (recommended) 3 GE-Institutions in the Americas
SPA 101 Elementary Spanish 1/GE (recommended) 4 GE-Oral Communications
PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy/GE (recommended) 3 GE-Arts/Humanities
Elective Choose an elective from AJS/HLS (if minimum program credit requirement has not been met) 3 General Elective (to reach minimum program credit requirement)
Open the program map above to view the recommended classes to complete the program. You can also print the program map using the button above.

Transfer Information

Arizona State University BS, BA Criminology & Criminal Justice, Justice Studies (multiple program options) None
Northern Arizona University BS Criminology & Criminal Justice, Justice Studies (multiple program options) None
University of Arizona  BS, BAS Criminal Justice Studiees, Administration of Justice (multiple program options) 2nd Proficiency

Transfer Tools

AZ Transfer Logo

AZTransfer will provide you with more information and tools on how to transfer to ASU, NAU, and UofA.

Need help with transferring?  The AWC Transfer Services office can provide you with individualized help to explore degree pathways and specific university requirements.  Visit their website or schedule an appointment with a transfer specialist.

Additional Information

Check the Administration of Justice and Homeland Security program page for additional information about this degree.