Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Creative Drama

A one semester course that introduces the student to the theory and practice of improvisation, role playing, mime, puppetry, playwriting, and program development in drama and their application to elementary and secondary school levels.

Basic Stage Lighting

Instruction and practice with operation and maintenance of basic stage lighting instruments, equipment, and tools. Intended to accommodate special interests and needs in use and development of local staging facilities.

Voice and Diction

This course introduces the student to study and training in basic voice production. Included will be instruction in proper breathing techniques, sound production, kinesics, general speech standards, and common voice problems. This course will promote development of natural- ness and flexibility in the speaking voice.

Rehearsal and Production

This course involves participation in theatre productions. Registrants comprise the casts, technical crews, publicity, and management personnel for AWC Theatre public events. Events include guest performing artists and home productions each semester. May be repeated for credit.

Tribal Languages

Introduction to Tribal languages. Students will learn vocabulary, basic grammatical structures, useful phrases and sentences related to daily life.

Television Production 1

Introduces theory, basic techniques, and equipment for television production and provides an overview of the process from script to postproduction in field and studio. Course includes lab sessions to design, shoot, and edit film productions.

Television Studio Operations 1

Familiarizes students with the methods and techniques of the operation of television studio production equipment, as well as the preparation of a message or program and timely preparation of a program production plan.

Television Studio Operations 2

Enables students to improve the methods and techniques of the operation of television production equipment and to implement the preparation and completion of a message or program for television broadcasting.

Control Room Operation

Introduces students to the operations of a television control room. It will provide a foundation for students in all phases of control room use including directing, technical directing, Chyron operation, audio console use, and video tape playback. The course involves students in hands-on training in all facets of control room operations.

Television Production 2

Involves extensive and advanced theory and techniques of television prodouction in studio and field settings. Course emphasizes individual responsibility for design and implementation of television projects.

Video Post Production

Familiarizes students with theory and principles of editing and the use of non-linear editing systems. It gives the students the opportunity to perform the functions of an editor using a computer based non-linear editing system.

Topics in Wellness

Workshops for individual exploration in wellness. Designed for the enrichment needs of the student who is not seeking transferable credit. CR/NC

Humor and Play

Physiological, psychological, emotional, and intellectual effects of humor and play; suggestions for planning periods of play and incorporating it into one's life.

Concepts of Wellness

The mind, body, spirit connection will be explored based on a multidimensional model of wellness.

Meditation and Wellness

Introduction to meditation methods and their relationship to wellness.

Introduction to Health Coaching

 This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of principles and processes involved in wellness coaching.

Stress Management

Causes and effects of stress and potential solutions to stress-related problems.

Professional Skills & Ethics of a Health & Wellness Coach

This course provides an in-depth exploration of the professional skills and ethical principles necessary for being an effective health coach. Students will engage in topics such as decision making, client confidentiality, professional boundaries, and the legal responsibilities of being a health coach.

Welding Sculpture Work

Fundamental theory and practice associated with oxy fuel welding, shielded metal arc welding, and gas metal arc welding processes used to fabricate a welded sculpture.

Blacksmithing and Ornamental Iron Work

Basic concepts of ornamental iron fabrication and related blacksmithing techniques used to shape metal. Course will include history of ornamental ironwork through lab activities, internet, and traditional sources of information. Students will be able to choose from a number of projects and forge them to completion.