CRM Engage for Students

Connect with resources/ask for assistance.

ENGAGE allows currently enrolled students with a quick and easy way to connect with multiple resources. Once a request for assistance is submitted, you will receive an automated email with additional information and you should expect a phone call from the appropriate office staff.

Here is the list of topics which you can request assistance with through this system:

  • Help with a Course not being offered which is required for my degree or certificate
  • Help with Adding/Dropping a Class, Changing Majors, or Graduation
  • Help with Advising/Academic Planning
  • Help with Class Assignments/Tutoring
  • Help with Disability Accommodations
  • Help with Financial Aid, Scholarships, or Tuition
  • Help with Finding a Class on the right Days, Times, and/or Modality
  • Help with Food, Clothing, and/or Other Basic Needs
  • Help with Transfer Credits from another institution, exams, and/or certification
  • Help with Transferring to a University

How to access ENGAGE

Request Assistance Process

  • Sign in.
  • To request help, simply click Assistance.

CRM Engage Screenshot

  • Select a topic.

CRM Engage Screenshot

  • Add a Comment that provides more information on what type of assistance you need, and click Submit:

CRM Engage Screenshot

For any issues accessing the portal, please contact:

Marco Diaz
(928) 344-7626
Schedule a Meeting

Knowledge Base Search

Enter your search below and click the apply button.

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