Google UX Design 

Get started in the fast-growing field of user experience (UX) design with a professional certificate developed by Google. Learn the foundations of UX design, including empathizing with users, building wireframes and prototypes, and conducting research to test your designs.








Seating is limited. TO REGISTER & PAY CALL (928) 317-7674


Field of Interest
Computer and Information Technology

Type of Certification
UX Design Certificate 

Financial Aid
This course is not eligible for Financial Aid

What You'll Learn

Upon completion of the class students will be able to:

  • Follow the design process: empathize with users, define pain points, ideate solutions, create wireframes and prototypes, test and iterate on designs.
  • Apply foundational UX concepts, like user-centered design, accessibility, and equity-focused design.
  • Create a professional UX portfolio that includes 3 end-to-end projects: a mobile app, a responsive website, and a cross-platform experience.
  • Understand the basics of UX research, like planning research studies, conducting interviews and usability studies, and synthesizing research results.

Career Opportunities

Any type of career would benefit from this training.

Registration Hours: Mon - Thurs 8AM - 5PM, Fri 8AM - 4PM payments accepted via phone, or walk-in. Please make checks payable to AWC. Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards accepted.

Registration Process: Because students earn college credit from Arizona Western College, application and admission to AWC is required.  

Refund/Cancellation Policy:

Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.