AWC Automotive Program Achieves National Accreditation Standard

The Automotive Institute at Arizona Western College has received recertification by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF). The Automotive Institute has been accredited as a Master Automobile Service Technology facility in the following areas: Engine Repair, Automatic Transmissions & Transaxles, Manual Drive Train & Axles, Suspension & Steering, Brakes, Electrical & Electronic Systems, Heating & Air Conditioning, and Engine Performance.

AWC Foundation Selects Faculty for Achievement Awards

The AWC Foundation awards the Shadle/Edgecombe and the Frances Morris Endowed Faculty Achievement Awards.  The purpose of these awards is to recognize AWC faculty members for their outstanding contribution to their profession, to AWC, to their students, and to their community. This is based upon evidence of excellence in supporting and motivating students, advancing AWC through their career, participation on committees, student activities, partnerships, and community outreach.  Each recipient receives a $2,000 cash award.

The 2017 One Book Yuma selection is The Cold Dish: A Longmire Mystery by Craig Johnson

“After twenty-five years as sheriff of Absaroka County, Walt Longmire’s hopes of finishing out his tenure in peace are dashed when Cody Pritchard is found dead near the Northern Cheyenne Reservation. Two years earlier, Cody has been one of four high school boys given suspended sentences for raping a local Cheyenne girl. Somebody, it would seem, is seeking vengeance, and Longmire might be the only thing standing between the three remaining boys and a Sharps .45-70 rifle.

AWC Music Faculty Presents Classical Concert on January 29

The Arizona Western College Music Faculty will be presenting a Classical Concert on Sunday, January 29th at 5pm.  They will be performing vocal and instrumental classical music at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1550 S. 14th Avenue in Yuma.  

This concert is free, but donations will be accepted.  Everyone is invited to come and enjoy an evening of classical music. For more information, please contact Professor Abriol at (928) 317-6019 or

Jumpstart Saturday Begins January 21

Convenient Time for Prospective Students to Complete Pre-Enrollment Tasks

Jumpstart Saturday is a new program at Arizona Western College that allows prospective students the opportunity to complete their pre-enrollment tasks during a time that is convenient. Not everyone can get out to the campus during the work week, and students often want parents to accompany them. Therefore, AWC will offer one Saturday per month from January to April, with limited services available to prepare students for the next registration cycle.