AWC Nursing students stand with Amberly's place staff outside of the Family Advocacy Center on Monday, March 17, 2025.

Honor Society students raise $1227 for Amberly’s Place 

March 18, 2025

Community service project to benefit survivors of domestic violence 

Yuma, Ariz. (March 19, 2025) – On March 17th, students from the Organization of Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) Honor Society chapter at Arizona Western College hosted a community service project at Amberly’s Place Family Advocacy Center. 

The Alpha Delta Nu-Iota Theta (IT) Chapter, established in Fall 2024, asks students to complete a community service project of their choice upon joining the honor society. 20 students chose to raise money for Amberly’s Place in an effort to support survivors of domestic violence in the Yuma area. The honor society students began planning the event in the fall semester, hosting a raffle and bake sale to raise a total of $1,227 for the center.

"Our community service project focused on supporting Amberly’s Place Family Advocacy Center through a fundraiser that raised over $1,200 to purchase essential items for their victims' center and donations for their thrift shop,” said Jeannie Beverly, AWC Nursing student and IT Chapter President. “I felt compelled to partner with Amberly’s Place for our community service project to raise awareness about domestic violence and child abuse, as well as to highlight the incredible work they do to support victims in our community."

With proceeds from the sales, the students were able to purchase a variety of personal care items, including: diapers, wipes, diaper rash ointment, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, body soap, deodorant, hairbrushes, combs, snack items, and juice boxes. Additionally, the chapter collected used items to donate to Amberly’s Place Thrift Shoppe, which uses all proceeds to fund the center.

“We are so excited for this partnership and collaboration, and I’m deeply grateful for the time Executive Director Tori Bourguignon took to give us a tour and educate us on the amazing resources they provide to our community,” commented Nursing Professor Amber Ortega, one of the chapter advisors. “It was inspiring to see how their efforts are making an impact right here in Yuma, and eye opening to see all the areas where there is still a need and how we can help in the future.”

The IT Chapter is currently made up of 65 student nurses at AWC. In addition to the service project at Amberly’s Place, students have volunteered with OCJ Kids, conducted an art therapy session for veterans, and helped provide personal care at a local nursing home.

“Dr. Tracy MacDonald and I have had the unique privilege of developing our chapter of the Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society at Arizona Western College over the past two semesters, welcoming our first cohort of provisional inductees in August 2024,” Professor Ortega continued. “This May, we will officially induct our first cohort of fourth-semester nursing students as the first official members of our chapter. It has been an incredible honor to watch these students take on the extra challenge of serving their community through service projects while maintaining academic excellence in such a rigorous program. I love seeing their passion extend beyond the classroom and into the community, making a meaningful impact where it’s needed most. Their dedication is truly inspiring, and we hope their passion continues well beyond their time in the program.”

To learn more about Amberly’s Place or give to the nonprofit, click here.


About the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing:
As the national advocate for the over 1,100 associate degree nursing programs across the country, the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) works to advance excellence in nursing education and associate degree pathways into registered nursing careers. The organization aims to expand networks that promote leadership, collaboration, and advocacy to further enrich nursing education.

About the OADN Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society:
The Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society supports associate degree nursing students by providing resources and connections to help them succeed not only in their academic journey but also in their future nursing careers. The honor society recognizes the academic excellence of associate degree nursing students, encouraging the pursuit of advance degrees as well as continuing education as a life-long professional responsibility.

Amber Ortega
Professor of Nursing 
Arizona Western College  
(928) 317-6380