AWC students to benefit from Arizona Community College Workforce Scholarship Program
May 7, 2024Funding allocated to help Arizonans obtain credentials, degrees, and advanced skills in high-growth occupations
Yuma, AZ (May 7, 2024) – In partnership with Arizona Western College and the state’s nine other public community college districts, Governor Katie Hobbs has created the Arizona Community College Workforce Scholarship to help Arizonans earn a credential, degree, or build advanced skills that lead to jobs in high-wage, high-growth occupations.
On April 25, AWC President Dr. Daniel Corr joined Gov. Hobbs and the Arizona Community College Coordinating Council (AC4) for a press conference at GateWay Community College’s Washington Campus to announce the launch of this initiative. The scholarship is designed to provide students with the incentive to pursue a higher education certificate, degree, credential, or license resulting in a skilled workforce equipped to meet the demands of the state’s economy.
"AWC, with the leadership of the Arizona Western Entrepreneurial College, is perfectly positioned to help students discover pathways and training programs for in-demand, high-growth and satisfying employment in fields such as Cyber Security, Advanced Manufacturing, and Education. We are excited by the opportunity to partner with the Governor's office and our sister colleges around the state to help students access these resources and get enrolled in training that will change their lives and serve the greater region," said Lori Stofft, Vice President for Advancement and Executive Director for the AWC Foundation.
Governor Hobbs has allocated $4.5M in EANS federal funding to get the statewide program started, with public or private funding helping to ensure the future of the program.
The Community College Workforce Scholarship program will provide financial support to students for the upcoming summer and fall semesters. It is projected that 9,000-10,000 Arizona students, including working adults, will be able to upskill or reskill. Through these scholarships, the state will move closer to reaching its Achieve60AZ goal of reaching 60 percent education attainment (certificate, license, or degree) by the year 2030. This goal is in alignment with AWC’s BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) of doubling baccalaureate attainment rates by 2035.
Scholarships are targeted to high-wage, high-growth sectors with each community college focusing on regional industries in the communities they serve, including Advanced Manufacturing/Semiconductors, Health Care, Information Technology/Cyber Security/Broadband/Data Analytics, Education and Early Education, Construction Trades, HVAC, Aerospace/Defense, Veterinary Technology, Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants, and Paralegal and Legal Assistants.
Students participating in the Workforce Scholarship program are required to meet the following criteria:
• Have a 2.0 GPA or better.
• Meet with their academic advisor to review their academic plan and progress.
• Be eligible for in-state status for tuition purposes as defined by Arizona Law and the College.
• Be enrolled in or enroll in, a degree, certificate, or credential program in one or more of the above high-growth/high-wage program areas.
Arizona's ten community college districts serve 250,000 students each year. The colleges participating in the program include Arizona Western College, Central Arizona College, Cochise College, Coconino Community College, Eastern Arizona College, Maricopa Community Colleges, Mohave Community College, Northland Pioneer College, Pima Community College, and Yavapai College.
For more information on Arizona’s Community Colleges, visit www.arizonacommunitycolleges.org.
Visit azwestern.edu/admissions to enroll at Arizona Western College today.
Travis Mitchell
Entrepreneurial College Marketing Director
Arizona Western College