Staff member demonstrates the Anatomage Table in action at AWC.

AWC Foundation allots funding for Anatomage Table

February 26, 2025

Medical simulation tool to benefit multiple healthcare and science majors

Yuma, Ariz. (February 26, 2025) – Thanks to an $86,000 donation from the Arizona Western College Foundation, AWC students now have access to an Anatomage Table as part of their lab experience. The high-tech medical simulation tool will benefit students across multiple disciplines.

“AWC is always looking for innovative instructional methods for our students,” commented Dr. Joann Chang, Executive Director of AWC’s Entrepreneurial College and Dean of Healthcare Programs. “The Anatomage table provides students a more tangible 3D view of human anatomy with opportunities to apply case studies and see the effects on the human body with this table.  This table truly has a wide-ranging impact on our students in sciences and healthcare to learn on a deeper and more relatable level.”

Essentially a human-sized tablet, the Anatomage Table allows students to view and manipulate a 3D image of the human body. The table also runs simulations, such as a beating heart with an arrhythmia or the process of giving birth.

“This table provides students with an interactive way to explore anatomy in remarkable detail,” said AWC Biology Professor Jayme Post. “Rather than relying solely on textbooks or traditional dissections, they can engage with real human and animal cadaver scans, manipulate structures in 3D, and gain a deeper understanding of anatomical relationships. Having this technology on campus will be a game-changer, helping students not only grasp complex concepts but also apply their knowledge in meaningful ways.”

“The Anatomage Table is an incredibly versatile tool that enhances learning across a wide range of programs,” Post continued. “Here at AWC, many student groups can benefit from this technology, including those in general biology, nursing and allied health, dental studies, and even potential future veterinary programs.”

In an effort to meet a strategic need across the district, the AWC Foundation allotted funding for the Anatomage Table from the proceeds of the 2023 Schoolhouse Soirée fundraising event. The generous contribution will immediately impact students in the following fields: Nursing, Radiologic Technology, all Allied Health majors, Emergency Medical Services, Fire Science, Biology, and Psychology.

“The AWC Foundation’s first priority and mission is to remove economic barriers to higher education, but it is also really important for the Foundation to be linked to the emerging and strategic needs of the College,” commented Meghan Scott, AWC Foundation Board President. “If there are ways the Foundation can support the College with those needs, we want to know about them and want to help find creative ways to meet them. By doing that, the Foundation not only helps meet the broader needs of the College but also contributes toward a thriving student body."

Interested in seeing the Anatomage table in action? AWC will host two open houses next month, demonstrating the Anatomage table in action on Wednesday, March 12 from 3-5 p.m. and Thursday, March 13 from 9-11 a.m.

Learn more about the Anatomage Digital Anatomy and Physiology Learning Tool here.


About the Arizona Western College Foundation:
The Arizona Western College Foundation seeks to make education universally accessible by removing economic barriers for students and building capacity for scholarships, programs, and creating the college of tomorrow. Since its establishment in 1963 as a supporting non-profit organization to Arizona Western College, the Foundation has set the pace for scholarship development and distribution in Yuma and La Paz counties. The team currently manages over 250 scholarship and programmatic funds and distributed over $800,000 in 2023 to provide over 190 students with scholarships, to help countless students from across the entire college district with program support, and to provide matching funds to the AWC Library renovation project. 

About Anatomage: 
Founded in 2004, Anatomage is a pioneer in the digitalization of human bodies, inventing the most advanced real-human-based medical education platform Anatomage Table. Today, Anatomage’s products have been adopted by more than 4,000 healthcare and education institutions. Their products and services are used for education, product development, hospital training, and clinical applications, with customers ranging from teachers and students at prestigious medical schools to healthcare facilities. Anatomage is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all people through providing education and healthcare institutions with the most accurate and comprehensive real-human-based medical visualization platform. 

Joann Chang
Executive Director and Dean of Healthcare Programs 
Arizona Western Entrepreneurial College
(928) 344-7665

Lorraine Stofft 
Executive Director of the AWC Foundation
Arizona Western College
(928) 314-9595