Automotive Technology

A.A.S. - Occupational Degree

Recognizing that a successful career in automotive technology involves much more than the mechanical ability to replace parts, this program is for the individual who has the ability and aptitude to become a skilled automotive technician. Students gain competency in a variety of automotive systems which enables them to diagnose and perform corrective procedures accurately. In addition, students receive advanced technical education procedures on many vehicle components to keep them abreast of current changes in the automotive industry. This program is certified through the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF). When completing the automotive training the student will be able to apply for and take the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification examinations. Student-supplied safety glasses are required.

Program Purpose

Graduates will demonstrate (1) basic knowledge in automotive technology that will prepare them to obtain an entry-level position within the field and (2) critical thinking skills in AWC’s General Education focus areas.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an understanding and be able to describe the interaction of various automotive systems of operation on the vehicle with the use of advanced technological simulators and live vehicles.
  • Demonstrate effective written communication.
  • Analyze automotive applications and determine the needed materials and equipment necessary to perform tasks related to all automotive disciplines listed in the degree.
  • Perform entry-level diagnosis and repair of automobiles as it pertains to the automotive systems listed in this degree.
  • Maintain and present the required NATEF (National Automotive Technician Education Foundation) competency task list indicating completion of the required labs as it relates to all automotive disciplines listed for this degree.

Program Map

Recommended Program Map / Program Requirements

This program map has been updated for new students starting in Fall 2025 (or after). Students following previous catalogs can find corresponding program maps in Self-Service/Student Planning. For official requirements, refer to the AWC Catalog.

The recommended plan below meets all program requirements. If the classes listed as recommended don’t align with your schedule or interests, alternative options are available. Visit Academic Planning to get started on your personalized Academic Plan or schedule an appointment with your Faculty Advisor or the Advisement Services Office.

First Semester: Fall

Course Course Title Credits Area
AUT 101 Theory of Engine Operation 4 Major Requirement
AUT 200 Automotive Electrical Systems 6 Major Requirement

ENG 101 or ENG 107

Freshman Composition 1/GE

GE-Written Communication
POS 130 State & Local Politics/GE (recommended) GE-Institutions in the Americas

Second Semester: Spring

Course Course Title Credits Area
AUT 125 Automotive Brakes 4 Major Requirement
AUT 209 Auto Engine Performance and Diagnosis 5 Major Requirement
AUT 215 Automotive Computer Testing 3 Major Requirement
SPC 110 Introduction to Speech Communications/GE (recommended) 3 GE-Oral Communication
MAT 105 Mathematics for Applied Sciences/GE (or higher) 3 GE- Quantitative Reasoning

Third Semester: Fall

Course Course Title Credits Area
AUT 133 Automotive Power Trains 3 Major Requirement
AUT 220 Automotive Hybrid Fundamentals 2 Major Requirement
AUT 252 Automotive Air Conditioning Systems 4 Major Requirement
WLD 106 Techniques in Shielded Metal Arc Welding (recommended) 3 Departmental Requirement
ENG 110 Technical Writing  3 Major Requirement

Fourth Semester: Spring

Course Course Title Credits Area
AUT 120 Automotive Suspension 6 Major Requirement
ENV 101 Environmental Science/GE (recommended) 4 GE-Natural Sciences
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology/GE (recommended) 3 GE-Social & Behavioral Science
PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy/GE (recommended) 3 GE-Arts & Humanities
Open the program map above to view the recommended classes to complete the program. You can also print the program map using the button above.