Welcome to Risk Management

The role of Risk Management is to make and implement decisions that will minimize the adverse effects of accidental losses as well as business losses to the College.

This is accomplished by identifying, eliminating, or reducing, where practicable, the conditions and practices which cause financial loss, and by maintaining a comprehensive risk financing program to protect Arizona Western College against losses that occur.  The Office of Risk Management will endeavor to protect Arizona Western College from financial losses which could impede its mission.

The Office of Risk Management works very closely with campus organizations and departments involving student and academic programs, travel-related matters, certificates of insurance, and use of facilities in order to protect the College from external liabilities and minimize risk for internal functions.  Risk Management is also a resource to the District in the areas of general risk management (risk identification, risk control, and risk financing), loss prevention and control, claims, insurance, and contractual transfer.  Risk Management procures and manages the Districts’ insurance programs, and responds and handles notices of claims received by the District.  We also provide assistance in the areas of OSHA compliance, emergency response, and vehicle safety.

Risk Management Form

Campus event/activity risk management form must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the event.

Emergency Preparedness

Learn what to do in the event of an emergency or disaster situation. 

Work Injury or Incidents

Use this form to report a work injury or incident in the course of employment. 

Student groups or clubs process their requests through Residence Life. Other events that AWC hosts will need to complete the Risk Management Form if the activity involves the general public, entertainers, vendors, and/or food sales.

Certificate of Insurance is required for anyone that comes to campus to promote, sell, and/or be paid to provide a service. See the insurance requirements on the "Certificate of Insurance" link.

File Name Downloads
Insurance Requirements for Arizona Western College Download
Insurance Requirements for AWC with Data Security Download
Insurance Requirements Food Trucks and Trailers for AWC Download
Insurance Requirements for AWC Minors on Campus/Youth Protection Download

Risk Management coordinates requests for space that do not include the 3C Building and outside areas or food service.

All requests for space at AWC will first be considered for placement in the College Community Center (3C) with the request being turned over to Conference & Events for further handling. If space is not available or appropriate for the 3C Building, the other space on campus will be considered. Space on campus is on a fee basis and fees are determined by the space desired and the type of event, along with insurance to cover the event. Please complete the Facility Use Agreement form and submit to Risk Management.

The Pool, Fitness Center, and athletic spaces are not available for facility use.

Political Events

Use of space for political purposes is coordinated through Risk Management. Political purposes entail registering to vote, petitions for ballots, and endorsement of a specific political group or candidate. See the Political Activity agreement.

Contracts committing Arizona Western College to financial obligations must be signed by the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services or the President.

Contracts need to be reviewed thoroughly to make sure the obligations of the parties are clear along with mutual insurance obligations and requirements. Arizona Western College should not enter into any agreement that solely releases the other party from any and all liabilities.

Legal counsel shall be consulted for any Arizona Western College department developing contracts that have increased risks or elements of risk exposures that are more complicated.

AWC Property

Any property owned by AWC that is damaged, lost, or stolen will be reported to Risk Management and Campus Police in order to file an insurance claim, and to Purchasing for asset control. The value of property will determine if eligible for a claim or if AWC will self-insure. Please be prepared to provide detailed information on the description and value of the property (AWC property tag #), what was the circumstance of the loss, what security measures were taken to prevent the loss, and when, where and time of the loss. Campus Police will be required to file a report if applicable, based on the circumstances.

Non-owned Property

Any damage by an AWC employee to property not belonging to AWC is required to be reported to Risk Management and Campus Police.

Personal Car Services

Personal mobile care services such as car washes, car detailing, and oil changes cannot be conducted on Arizona College property. Vendors conducting business at Arizona Western College are required to provide proof of insurance to be on campus, and have a business license.

These types of mobile services are not conducting Arizona Western College business but are conducting their business on our property without our knowledge, permission, or any verification they would be responsible to Arizona Western College for any damage they might cause.

Many of these businesses set up equipment and shades that can cause property damage under the right circumstances to Arizona Western College property and/or other people’s property. As convenient as it can be to have these services done while at work, please schedule outside of your time on campus.

There are two exceptions. The first is for windshield repair/replacement as it is a safety issue to operate under that condition. Please remove your vehicle to a remote location away from other vehicles for this service. The second is for a tow truck or emergency services (such as AAA).

File Name Downloads
Campus Safety Plan Download
General Notice of Incident Download
Emergency Response Plan Download
Golf Cart Regulations Download
Food Handling Guidelines Download
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Policy Download
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Request Form Download