Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Fundamentals of Electric Technology with a focus on Electric Vehicles

Electrical systems and components critical to electric vehicle (EV) technology are the focus of this course. Students will learn foundational principles of electricity and circuits through both theoretical study and hands-on laboratory work.

Introduction to Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EVs) are composed of key components such as batteries, powertrains, and charging systems, all of which are introduced in this course. Students will gain foundational knowledge through both theoretical instruction and hands-on exercises, preparing them for further studies in EV technology.

EV Charging Stations and Power Electronics

EV charging stations and electrical systems supporting them are the focus of this course. Students will engage in hands-on labs to learn about the installation, safety, and troubleshooting of AC and DC charging systems.

EV Motors, Maintenance and Repairs

Electric vehicle motors and powertrains are explored in-depth in this course, with emphasis on maintenance and repair. Students will gain practical experience diagnosing and troubleshooting both DC and AC motor systems used in EVs.

Health and Wellness

An overview of current health topics relevant to students that stimulate awareness of personal health decisions and their relationship to optimal self-care patterns and lifestyles.

Concepts of Kinesiology and Physical Education

A general overview of the disciplines and professions associated with the field of kinesiology and physical education. The basic history, philosophy and theory of each discipline will be covered.. Relevant career potential will also be examined.

Nutrition for Exercise and Sports

This course covers the basic principles of nutrition and the interactions between nutrition and fitness training. Topics include dietary practices and nutrient intake modifications that affect physical performance, including intake of energy nutrients, vitamins, water, electrolytes, and dietary supplements. It also covers the study of body weight and body composition, as well as factors that affect body weight and the effect of the body composition on physical performance.

Essentials of Personal Fitness Training

Essentials to personal fitness training.; assessment; exercise technique and training instruction; program design; considerations in nutrition; client relations and behavioral coaching; and professional development, practice, and responsibility.

Exercise Science Principles

Basic principles of fitness for the prospective fitness professional and characteristics of quality communication and fitness leadership. Topics include behavior modification, enhancing motivation components of fitness, fitness assessment, risk stratification, exercise programming and modifications.

Instructional Competency: Flexibility And Mind-Bod

Fundamental methods of instructing and leading fitness activities including flexibility activities. Core competencies identified by professional certification agencies.

Instructional Competency: Muscular Strength

Fundamental methods of instructing and leading fitness activities including strength and conditioning activities. Core competencies identified by professional certification agencies.

Instructional Competency: Cardiorespiratory Exerci

Fundamental methods of instructing and leading fitness activities including cardiorespiratory exercises and activities. Core competencies identified by professional certification agencies.

Exercise Physiology

Principles of exercise science applied to physical fitness. Major factors related to the function of the human body with emphasis placed on anatomy/physiology, exercise physiology, and biomechanics.

Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription

Follows the current American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines for health appraisal, risk assessment, safety of exercise, exercise testing, and exercise prescription.

Exercise for Special Populations

This course discusses and identifies the positive effects that regular exercise and physical activity have not only on longevity but also on specific diseases, decreasing morbidity, and increasing quality of life.

Fitness Professional Practicum

60 hours of work in an approved fitness/health-related setting and attend on campus seminars to discuss issues relating to the profession. This is the capstone course for the certification program.

Family Culture & Structure

Family relationship process and functions are examined from the beginning of a couple's union and throughout their lives as a unit. Emphasis on developmental stages, relationships, conflicts, crises, and family structure.

Close Relationships/GE

This course is designed to assist you in understanding close relationships in the context of the family and other groups. The knowledge gained should bring you insight into how close relationships operate and be helpful in understanding your own relationships.

Family Communication Skills

This is a preventive program to help any person learn and improve skills needed for the important job of guiding and influencing children as well as effectively relating and communicating with all other family members. The course teaches methods and skills needed for clear communication. This course may be job supplemental in the area of day care, elementary, and secondary education.

Gender Relations/GE

This course analyzes and illustrates how the social construct of gender not only is a significant force in determining social and familial expectations of men and women, but also how gender is a key factor in determining one's own self-concept and identity. Different theoret- ical perspectives on gender development will be explored, along with an examination of how race, social-class, economics, education, politics, and sexual orientation influences gender.