Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Introduction to Southwestern Alternative Crops

This course will introduce students to non-vegetable crops grown in the Desert Southwest (i.e. tree crops, alfalfa, cotton, sugar beets, small grains, dates, etc.). The history, introduction, production, and economic impact of the crops will be discussed.

Introduction to Integrated Pest Management

To introduce students to the world of IMP through the understanding of concepts, practices and language of the control of argonomic pests and an introduction to major pests and control measures in the Colorado River Valley.


Fundamental principles of soil science, the origin, nature and classification of soils, the chemical, physical and biological properties in relation to growth and nutrition, and problems of saline soils.

Crop Water Use, Evapotranspiration, and Irrigation

To introduce the history and modern uses of irrigation, understanding of the basic concepts and definitions of the industry, utilization of soil and crop knowledge to select efficient systems, and the use of basic knowledge of water hydraulics.

Irrigation Calculations and Application

To introduce calculations and application of the management and operation of on-farm irrigation systems, including, but not limited to, pressurized systems like micro irrigation and sprinklers, irrigation scheduling, climate monitoring, and chemigation.

Basic Crop Fertility

An introduction to plant fertility, including fertilizer interactions with soil, water, and general conditions found in crop production. Including forms of fertilizer, availability, and functions in plant growth.

Plant Propagation

Prepares the student with knowledge and skills in sexual and asexual propagation of plants, including growth, roofing media, budding, grafting, and greenhouse systems.

Principles of Genetics

Genetic principles of inheritance in plants and animals and their significance in agriculture and biology will be discussed. Topics include the physical basis of heredity in families and populations; introduction to chromosome biology; the molecular basis for gene expression; and modern genetic engineering tools used in animal and plant systems.

Vegetable Crop Production

A practical approach to commercial vegetable production. Deals with the principles, economics, and production practices of principle vegetable crops grown in the Southwest.

Project Management

An introduction to the field of project management in functional areas such as foundational project management, terminology, project initiation, defining and creating measurable project goals and deliverables, project evaluation, team development, effective communication, engaging in practices aligned with Agile project management and in real-world scenario projects and activities, while building a foundation of knowledge, preparing them for an entry-level position in Project Management. This course is Open Entry/Open Exit (OE/OE).

Introduction to Politics/GE

This course is a survey of what government and politics are all about and how they are studied. It discusses political thinkers from the ancient Greeks to Karl Marx, and how they affected today's political ideologies such as liberalism, capitalism, socialism, communism, and fascism. The course covers international relations, organization and law, and compares the way modern governments in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Africa operate.

American Politics/GE

This course is intended to be a study of the American democratic system, from the founding fathers to the present, looking at how our government works and how it got that way. The presidency from Washington to present day, Con- gress from the writing of the Constitution to the present, and the judicial branch will be studied. Special emphasis will be placed on the elections process, how people vote and why they don't. This course fulfills the federal constitution requirement for teacher certification in Arizona.

World Politics/GE

This course explores the existence of a world-wide political system and what that system means to people. It looks at agencies and personalities of foreign policy and attempts at international organizations, such as the United Nations.

State and Local Politics/GE

General survey of city, county, and state governments; structures, services, and problems. This class meets state constitution requirements for teacher certification in Arizona.

Introduction to Comparative Politics/GE

A comparative examination of various political systems, such as liberal democracy, communism, and third world countries. There will be an emphasis on their organization, function, and how they differ from one another.

Arizona Constitution and Government

Deals with the constitution and government of Arizona; specifically designed to meet the state constitution requirement for teacher certification in Arizona, with an intensive study of the written constitution, as well as a survey of the Arizona governmental institutions which are based on it.

National Constitution and Government

Deals with the constitution and government of the United States; specifically designed to meet the federal consitution requirement for teacher certification in Arizona, with an intensive study of the written constitution, as well as a survey of the American governmental institutions which are based on it.

Social and Political Philosophy/Ge

Examines competing conceptions of the just and ideal state, the nature civic virtue, the foundations of state authority, the relationship between economic and political systems, especially insofar as these systems either conduce to or resist the disenfranchisement among members of social groups, as well as what principles are needed to bring about social justice, uphold equality, and respect human rights. Emphasis will be placed on the analysis of influential texts taken from both classical and modern works of political and social philosophy.

Basic Public Safety Dispatcher

The Public Safety Dispatcher Course exists to
provide newly selected public safety dispatchers
with an initial orientation and basic training.
The instructional content and teachings
methodologies in this course are present to
better train new students in the increasingly
complex role and function of the public safety
dispatcher. Effective initial training is
critical for public safety dispatchers to acquire
the necessary skills, knowledge, and abilities in
order to provide quality service to the public
and the law enforcement agencies they serve.
Introduces new dispatchers to the basic
requirements of their jobs and meets the
requirements of Post mandated training for entry
level dispatchers.

Introduction to Psychology/GE

Although basic theories are included, the course emphasizes the relationship between the material discussed and everyday life. Areas covered are history and systems, scientific methods, developmental processes, perception, learning, memory, basic statistics, intelligence and personality testing, motivation, conflict and frustration, mental disorders and therapy, and social psychology.