Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Survey of Spanish and Spanish-American Literature/

Survey of selected literature from Spain and Spanish-America. Study of literature movements include poetry, prose, and drama.

Mexican American History/GE

The history of Mexican Americans, covering the Mesoamerican civilizations to the present time.

Introduction to Speech Communications/ GE

A broad study of how and why people communicate. Emphasis is on the development of basic skills and understanding in interpersonal communications and rhetorical analysis. Instruction is given in the fundamentals of informative speech, persuasion, group communication, argumentation, rhetorical analysis, and mass communications media.

Public Speaking/GE

The development of skills, attitudes, and understandings that aid the individual in various communication situations: person-to-person communication, public speeches, discussions, and report presentations with the special emphasis on the study of the various principles of speech composition, audience analysis, and techniques of public address.

Group Communication/GE

This course provides students with theory and practice of communication as applied to various large and small group contexts.

Student Success Course

Exploration of transfer, career, and college success strategies for first-year AWC students.

Core Curriculum Introductory Craft Skills

Development of skills and techniques necessary for basic construction/ industrial maintenance craft skills.

10-Hour OSHA Construction Card

A course in the development of a specific body of knowledge pertaining to established Occupational Safety and Health Standards. Focus is on the practical application and interpretation of appropriate safety and health standards to develop the ability to recognize potential hazardous conditions. Of high priority are the acquisition of a positive attitude for safety and the practical application of standards, specifications, and guidelines to implement safe procedures and practices in the workplace, home, and immediate surroundings.

Roofing Systems and Safety

Focus is on the practical application and interpretation of appropriate safety and health standards relating to roofing systems, construction methods and materials for solar panel installation; this includes an introduction to established Occupational Safety and Health Standards.

Employee and Occupational Safety

A course in the development of a specific body of knowledge pertaining to established Occupational Safety and Health Standards. Focus is on the practical application and interpretation of appropriate safety and health standards to develop the ability to recognize potential hazardous con- ditions.

Google IT Automation with Python Professional

This course is designed to provide the foundations of writing simple programs in Python using the most common structures, an overview of automatic testing, process data and generating automatic reports, setting up developer environments, and tracking different versions of code and configuration files.

IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Introduction

This course is designed to provide students the technical skills to become job-ready for a cybersecurity analyst role. Concepts include network security, endpoint protection, incident response, threat intelligence, penetration testing, and vulnerability assessment.

Employee and Occupational Safety 2

Development of a specific body of knowledge pertaining to established Occupational Safety and Health Standards. Focus is on the ability to serve as a resource to site management on safety, health, and in some cases, environmental regulations.

NCCER Instructor Certification Training

A specific course for construction or industrial maintenance craft instructor certification through the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) instructor certification training.

Survey of Theatre History/GE

Intended as an introductory course. Samples plays, production styles, and personalities from ancient Greece to the mid-nineteenth century. Units of study include Greco-Roman drama, Medieval drama, Renaissance theatre, Neoclassic, and Romantic styles.

History of Contemporary Theatre/GE

Intended as an introductory course. Beginning study of major dramatic styles and production techniques of the 20th century.

Stage Management

Techniques, communication, methodology, resources, practices, and technical training for the stage manager: this course will introduce the principles and practices of theatrical stage management. Industry-standard vocabulary will be taught and used with proficiency. The course is intended to accommodate special interests and needs in use and development of local staging facilities.


Study and practice in the rudiments of scene construction, set decoration, and stage lighting.

Acting 1

Rudiments of acting for the stage. Course work includes exercises, improvisations, and scene study to develop a basic understanding of the actor's tasks, terminology, and methods in modern theatre.

Acting 2

Exercises in improvisation, rehearsal technique, vocal, and physical development for stage performance.