Incident Reporting
Arizona Western College upholds the Student Code of Conduct and Employee Handbook. These texts identify behavioral expectations for all students and employees. We encourage you to follow the appropriate process using the forms and guidance below.
Reporting Sexual Discrimination and Sexual Violence
Students, Faculty, and Staff can visit Arizona Western College's Title IX page for additional information about reporting Sexual Discrimination and Sexual Violence.
To report a student care concern, student conduct issue, academic dishonesty, or nominate a student for Mega Matador recognition, please review the tabs below and select the appropriate report form.
Student Care Report
To report a student care concern, please use this form: Student Care Report
Student care behaviors are defined as but not limited to any student behavior that may include signs of depression (ex: isolation, agitation, crying, irritability, or restlessness), suicidal ideation, sudden mood changes, or concerns a student may become violent.
This form is monitored during regular business hours (Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m./Fridays, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.) and may not be immediately reviewed.
If a student or individual is a danger to themselves or others, please contact AWC Campus Police at (928) 344-5555 IMMEDIATELY.
Arizona Western College Health and Wellness coordinates the necessary outreach, support, and referrals for students of concern. AWC Health and Wellness reviews reports wherein conduct or events are cause for concern - whether behavioral or academic - including but not limited to changed mood/ appearance, death of a loved one, personal wellness, academic difficulty, considering leaving the College, excessive from courses, and other academic concerns.
For additional information, contact:
Office of Diversity, Inclusion & AccessABILITY
3C – 2nd floor
P: (928) 344-7602
Student Conduct Report
To report Student Conduct, use this form: Student Conduct
You may report any non-academic incident(s) that happen on or off campus. This report will be reviewed and assigned to the appropriate conduct officer and can be utilized to report positive incidents and misconduct. Please know that you and the witness(es) in the report may be contacted to provide further details, and you and the witness(es) may be needed during conduct hearings at later dates.
Anonymous reports are not accepted due to the inability to validate the information. The Conduct Officer will investigate the incident(s) to determine if a violation has occurred and to determine appropriate outcomes. You may still call Campus Police at (928) 344-5555 and file a report if you prefer it to be anonymous.
Additionally, please note that a student's college conduct records are protected by federal privacy law Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Therefore any information regarding the outcome of this report will not be shared with you without the consent of the student(s) involved.
For additional information, contact:
Office of Student Conduct
3C – 2nd floor
P: (928) 344-7576
Academic Dishonesty Report
To report Academic Dishonesty, use this form: Academic Dishonesty
This form reports alleged student violations of Article 5.4 of the Student Code of Conduct. As stated in Article 5.4, Academic Dishonesty: An individual shall not engage in any form of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, copyright violation, or plagiarism. Please include your name, title, and contact information when completing this form. Please note that anonymously submitted forms may limit our effectiveness in dealing with concerning behavior and are discouraged.
For additional information, contact:
Office of Student Conduct
3C – 2nd floor
P: (928) 344-7576
Mega Matador Recognition
To submit a Mega Matador Recognition, use this form: Mega Matador Recognition
Arizona Western College is committed to recognizing and preparing student leaders across all campuses. The Mega Matador Program aims to honor Arizona Western College students who demonstrate a successful track record of going above and beyond in our community and what it means to be an AWC Matador.
The Mega Matador nomination (reporting) form is utilized to recognize students who best exemplify the spirit of leadership or volunteerism through participation in community activities.
To be nominated as a Mega Matador, the individual must be an actively enrolled student. The reporting individual should provide detailed information regarding the nominating student and their extraordinary contributions to our community.
The AWC Student Conduct Office will review all nominations (reports). Each student will receive a personalized certificate of recognition from the Student Conduct Office thanking them for contributing to our community.
If you have any questions regarding filing this reporting form, don't hesitate to contact the Campus Life Office at (928) 344-7576.
Please note that federal privacy laws protect student conduct records, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); therefore, any information regarding the outcome of this report may not be disclosed without the student's consent.
To address academic or institutional concerns, please review the tabs below and select the appropriate report form.
Student Grievance Report
To file a Formal Student Grievance, use this form: Formal Student Grievance
The primary objective of a student grievance procedure is to ensure concerns are promptly dealt with and resolutions reached in a fair and just manner. Each student must be given an adequate opportunity to bring complaints and problems to the College's attention with the assurance that each will be heard and due process afforded the student. For more information, please refer to Procedure 551.1 in the Procedure Manual at Policies and Procedures.
A grievance is a complaint by an AWC student involving an alleged misapplication or violation of any College policy or procedure that adversely impacts the student or any other dispute within the College that directly impacts the student. A Grievance may include but is not limited to, complaints alleging (a) mistreatment by a College employee, (b) errors in the assessment of fees or other financial obligations, (c) registration errors, (d) loss of financial aid eligibility, and/or (e) student housing issues. A student is an individual who is matriculated or otherwise enrolled to attend class full or part-time at AWC.
Issues and Disputes Not Covered on This Formal Student Grievance Form:
- Requests to review and challenge contents of student records College procedure #545.1. Student Record Confidentiality.
- Grievances or concerns involving harassment or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or Vietnam-era veteran status College procedure #455.2 Grievance for Specified Civil Rights Grievances.
- Grievances relating to sexual harassment College procedure #460.1 Prohibition Against Sexual Harassment.
- Appeals of disciplinary College procedure #550.1 Student Code of Conduct.
- Appeals or petitions regarding instructional or academic issues will be processed according to College procedure #551.2 Instructional Grievance Petition.
- Complaints that are not subject to possible resolution in a student grievance context. (An example would be a student complaint where the student's requested relief is prohibited by state or federal law).
Instructional/Academic Concern Report
Students may appeal academic decisions regarding grades or other actions resulting from their academic performance. Students must follow the proper steps in the appeal process, observing the time limits for completing various steps. Please review more information about the Academic Matters/Instructional Concerns procedure.
This does not include Refund Requests. Please contact the Business Services Office at 928-317-7666 regarding refund policies.
Choose from the options below to file your report:
Academic Renewal Request
Academic Renewal is for a student who has received multiple D and F grades in prior semesters, then take a 12 month or more gap in enrollment with AWC, returned to AWC and satisfactorily completed 12 or more credits. If qualified, they can have their grades renewed from prior to the 12 month gap. Meaning any D’s or F’s will not be counted towards their GPA. This can only be done once. Courses will remain on their transcript, but the grades are not counted in the GPA. This process will only be completed if all qualifications are met and will be at the discretion of the Vice President of Learning Services. – This process does not allow any appeals to be submitted.
Consideration for Change of Grade
The Associate Dean of the subject area will meet with the professor of the course in question to review policies, procedures, and assure that the student has turned in all assignments to receive a better grade than the grade posted to their transcripts. After this review, the Associate Dean and professor must agree to the change in grade. One course per submission. If you have multiple courses, please fill out additional forms for each course.
Consideration for Late Drop
Late Drop - drops the course completely off your transcripts and will possibly trigger a refund of tuition for the course in question. This WILL affect any financial aid you receive. If a refund is granted you will be required to pay back the money to the grantor. A refund would need to be requested on the form but is not guaranteed as additional documentation will be needed.
Consideration for Late Withdrawal
Late Withdrawal can be submitted after the formal withdraw period has ended. This will put a “W” grade, and the course remains on your transcript. This WILL affect financial aid. You may be required to pay back the grantor for this course. Refunds/Credits will not be issued or considered with late withdrawal requests. One course per submission. If you have multiple courses, please fill out additional forms for each course.
Consideration for Course Substitution
Course substitution is used when a course that is needed for graduation is not available at AWC and you have taken a higher level course that could possibly be substituted for the course needed for graduation. This is on a case-by-case basis and will be reviewed by Associate Dean over that subject area. The substituted course must cover the same items that the required course does and additional knowledge above and beyond.
Faculty/Instructor Concern
This is used for issues with faculty during a semester. If you have a formal complaint about a professor or course. Examples include not following their syllabus, incorrect grading, harassment, bullying, etc.
Student Appeal of Formal Decision
Students may appeal a prior decision by an Associate Dean to the Vice President of Learning Services regarding a grade change or other actions resulting from their academic performance. Students must follow the proper steps in the appeal process, observing the time limits for completion of various steps in the process. Once a decision is made by the Vice President of Learning Services, that decision is final.
Office of the Vice President of Learning Services
P: (928) 344-7519