I agree that I am responsible for returning this equipment on time and in the same condition as when I borrowed it. I understand that:

  1. When I return the equipment, it will be inspected. If the Service Desk determines that there is damage to the screen, hardware, and/or casing, my department will be charged for the cost of repair or replacement.
  2. When I return the equipment, an inventory of all accessories will be taken. If the Service Desk determines that any accessory is missing, I understand my department will be charged for the cost to replace any missing items. 
  3. If I tamper with the equipment, my department will be charged for the cost of repair or replacement. I also understand that I may be subject to disciplinary action. 
  4. If I fail to return the equipment where I checked it out from on time, I will be sent a follow-up email. If I do not respond to that email, the Service Desk will email my supervisor. 
  5. If checking out a mobile device (laptop or tablet), the AWC Information Technology Services and Support Division is not responsible for any damages to my data from software malfunctions or viruses.
  6. If checking out a mobile device (laptop or tablet), the AWC Information Technology Services and Support Division is not responsible for any damage to external drives or any other device plugged into the mobile device. 
  7. If checking out a mobile device (laptop, tablet), I will not save any files to the checkout device's hard drive. I must save all of my files elsewhere -- i.e. a USB flash drive or Microsoft Office 365's OneDrive. Any files left on the laptop will be erased. The AWC Information Technology Services and Support Division accepts no responsibility for lost files. 
  8. I agree to abide by the AWC Technology Acceptable Use Policy.

I understand that I am borrowing this equipment and am responsible for its return. I agree to never leave the equipment unattended or in a third party's care. If the equipment is lost or stolen while checked out to me, I understand my department will be billed for the cost to replace the laptop and all included accessories.

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