Leigh Loughead receives AATA Outstanding Post-Secondary Educator Award
July 18, 2018Yuma, AZ (July 18, 2018) – Arizona Western College Agriculture Science Manager Leigh Loughead was recognized with the Outstanding Post-Secondary Educator Award by the Arizona Agriculture Teachers Association (AATA) during their awards banquet Tuesday. Nominated for the award by her peers, Loughead said it was humbling to be selected.
“I am extremely honored to be receiving this award,” said Loughead. “This award is recognition of the hard work and dedication that goes into teaching.”
She noted that the award also reflects the outstanding Agriculture Science program at AWC.
“I could not do what I do without the great partner in teaching that I have, Sarah Berner, AWC Professor of Agriculture Science, as well as the agriculture community in Yuma.”
Loughead has been teaching Agriculture Science for 27 years at the high school and post-secondary level. She began at AWC in 2011 teaching hands-on Animal Science and Plant Science courses as an adjunct faculty member. Loughead started teaching fulltime for AWC in 2014 and has been in her current position as the Agriculture Science Manager for the college since 2016.
“George Washington said, ‘Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment of man,’” Loughead commented. “I have the honor of teaching and working with students at AWC as they pursue the most healthful, useful and noble employment opportunities which are made available to them because they made the choice to pursue a college degree.”
There are currently over 200 Agriculture majors seeking an associate degree at AWC. Loughead and the AWC Agriculture Science department work closely with the agriculture industry to ensure that the education students are receiving is what the industry needs.
“She strives for greatness always asking questions and learning whether that be in regard to teaching or new agricultural knowledge,” said AWC Professor of Agriculture Science Sarah Berner. “She constantly goes above and beyond to serve her students, FFA students, and the agricultural industry.”
Loughead is a co-advisor for the Yuma County Collegiate Young Farmers and Ranchers and a member of the Yuma County Farm Bureau, Arizona Farm Bureau, and Yuma Area Agricultural Council. She helps to coordinate field demonstrations and student participation for the Southwest Ag Summit and organizes the Agricultural Student Industry Forum for students to learn about the field from industry professionals. Loughead also attends trainings and workshops through the University of Arizona and the Arizona Department of Agriculture.
With 23 years of experience as an FFA advisor, she now assists Yuma District FFA advisors in finding qualified judges and coordinators for various FFA events hosted at AWC. Loughead also serves as the superintendent for the State FFA Information Leadership Development Event and for the State FFA Poultry Evaluation Career Development Event and assists with the State FFA Ag Communications Career Development Event as well.
Leigh Loughead
Agriculture Science Manager
Arizona Western College
(928) 317-6246