High school sophomores to experience “College Life”

High school sophomores to experience “College Life”

November 20, 2019

Yuma, AZ (November 20, 2019) – Arizona Western College is inviting tenth-grade students from the Talent Search and Upward Bound programs to the Yuma Campus for a College Life event on Wednesday, Dec. 4.

Sophomores will have an opportunity to play the college game of “Life,” similar to the classic board game, where they will qualify for scholarships, receive financial aid, and play carnival games to earn extra money. They will use the money they earn through the game to pay for tuition, housing, and books, while also receiving “Life” cards that will direct them to the different areas of campus where they will either pay a fee or collect money. Students will also be given fake checkbooks and tasked with keeping track of their income and expenditures.

The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. beginning in the South Wing of the Schoening Conference Center, 2020 S. Ave 8E. The media is invited to attend this event.

Talent Search and Upward Bound are both federally funded grant programs through the U.S. Department of Education. They are designed to help students graduate from high school and continue on to college, ultimately earning a post-secondary degree. Eligible students are potential first-generation college students, and/or low income.

Delma Luna
Program Specialist
Upward Bound/Talent Search
Arizona Western College
(928) 317-6034