Welcome to Curriculum and Scheduling

The Curriculum, Assessment, and Scheduling office provides oversight of the College's curriculum and class schedule processes and services. The office assists faculty in the design and updating of curriculum, submits course curriculum to the universities for evaluation, trains staff in the various components of the Arizona Transfer Model and use of the state website, is a contact for articulation of courses and programs with regionally accredited post-secondary institutions, and works in conjunction with instructional and student services staff to offer a data-driven class schedule that meets student needs and supports the guided pathways model.

Curriculum Process

The Curriculum Committee (CC) recommends additions, deletions, and modifications of the College's academic curriculum. The curriculum is processed through the Arizona Curriculum Review and Evaluation System (ACRES).

In order to assure representation of college-wide interests and philosophy, specific entities are represented on the committee. Appointments represent the following entities: faculty members (representative of the academic divisions), Learning Services, Curriculum and Scheduling, Student Services, and NAU-Yuma as an ex-officio member.

Need an ACRES Account?

If you are new to Arizona Western College or are submitting curriculum for review for the first time, the first step is to request an ACRES account.


Already have an ACRES Account?

If you already have an ACRES account,
log into ACRES below!


Which Curriculum Form?

The curriculum form you should use depends on the type of curriculum being proposed and or the college division you fall under. If you belong to Learning Services, refer to the Learning Services Curriculum Manual (below) to find the appropriate form(s). If you are submitting a new GE course proposal, refer to the Learning Services Curriculum Manual (below) to find the appropriate form(s). If you belong to the Entrepreneurial College, refer to the Entrepreneurial College Curriculum Manual (below) to find the appropriate form(s).

Entrepreneurial College Curriculum Manual/ACRES User Guide

Learning Services Curriculum Manual/ACRES User Guide

Articulation Agreement Policy


The Director of Curriculum, Assessment, and Scheduling is responsible for formalizing, processing, and housing transfer and articulation agreements.


Transfer and Articulation Agreements:

  • provide a written commitment of support to simplify the transfer process.
  • acknowledge transfer students have met certain competencies and therefore will not be required to repeat competencies already achieved.
  • allow the transfer of the associate degree and its elements.


Criteria to establish transfer and articulation agreements:

  • accredited institution - degree granting institution will be regionally accredited.
  • demand - a substantial number of AWC students have transferred into, are currently enrolled in, or have graduated from the degree granting institution.
  • beneficial - the degree granting institution is beneficial to AWC students in terms of program offerings and geographic location and/or online access.
  • mission - the degree granting institution supports students in their quest for higher education.
  • ease of transfer - degree granting institution supports the concept of seamless transfer and acknowledges that transfer students have met certain competencies and therefore will not be required to repeat competencies already achieved. 


The Director of Curriculum, Assessment, and Scheduling recommends additions, deletions, and modifications of articulation agreements to the President of Arizona Western College.

All agreements will be processed as follows:

  •  Articulation agreements will be received through the Curriculum, Assessment, and Scheduling Office.
    • Articulation agreements will be reviewed by the Director of Curriculum, Assessment, and Scheduling, in conjunction with the Director of Transfer Services and the Director of Guided Pathways.
      • Articulation agreements with program specific pathways are reviewed every year to update which pathways offered by receiving institution.
      • Articulation agreements with program specific pathways are reviewed every year to update course requirements of receiving institution.
      • Articulation agreements with program specific pathways are reviewed every year to update program/course modifications of sending institution.
      • New program specific pathways are established by the faculty of the sending institution and the receiving institution pathway coordinator, then by the Director of Curriculum, Assessment, and Scheduling, in conjunction with the Director of Transfer Services and the Director of Guided Pathways.
      • If at any point in the process the Director of Curriculum, Assessment, and Scheduling, in conjunction with the Director of Transfer Services and the Director of Guided Pathways questions one or all parts of an articulation agreement or specific pathways appropriate personnel are consulted before making a determination.
  • Articulation agreements will be mailed to all parties involved by the Curriculum, Assessment, and Scheduling Office.
  • The Curriculum, Assessment, and Scheduling Office will review active agreements every year to ensure they are being maintained and supported.
    • In support of the agreements the Curriculum, Assessment, and Scheduling Office will notify the degree granting institutions of course and program modifications, deletions, and additions as they are approved.
    • The Curriculum, Assessment, and Scheduling Office will discuss the level of support that is being demonstrated by degree granting institutions as well as the number of students transferring to and/or graduating from these institutions with the Director of Transfer Services and the Director of Guided Pathways to determine if the agreement should continue and how best to support the individual agreements.
    • Agreements found to be lacking support from one or both institutions will be removed from the active agreement list.
  • Articulation agreements will be housed in the Curriculum, Assessment, and Scheduling Office.


The Transfer Services Office will promote the transfer and articulation agreements.

  • All active agreements will be supported and promoted by the Transfer Services Office.
  • Agreements which are being actively supported by the degree granting institution will receive a higher level of support and promotion form the Director of Transfer Services .
    • The Director of Transfer Services will keep record of institutions in which AWC has an agreement who are not actively supporting their agreement and report that information yearly. 

About SUN

Shared Unique Number System of Arizona (SUN)

The Shared Unique Number (SUN) System is a college course numbering system designed to help students locate and enroll in courses that have direct equivalents for transfer among Arizona's public community colleges and three state universities.

Courses in the SUN System have a unique three-letter prefix and four-digit course number that represents direct course equivalency at all Arizona public community colleges and universities.  Each institution retains its original course numbers but uses the SUN to indicate commonality.

Visit http://www.aztransfer.com/sun/ for a complete list of SUN Courses