The Arizona Western College Police Department is responsible for providing security, emergency response, and parking enforcement at the AWC campuses and surrounding areas. Our trained security are Officers who have previous Law Enforcement experience while others have a solid background in security related work. We want you to know that we are here to help you in any way we can. We want you to be successful in you endeavors. There are Police Officers available to help you 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Our goal is to provide the students and employees of Arizona Western College top quality law enforcement service. Safety on the campuses is a joint responsibility of students, employees, and the Police, so with that said we welcome all questions, suggestions, and reports of any activities that do not appear to be safe or conducive to a positive learning experience.
Campus Police serve and protect the College community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Sworn Police personnel have the same authority as municipal police officers and county sheriffs, are authorized to carry firearms and empowered to make arrests.
All Campus Police officers are trained in CPR, the use of defibrillators, and first aid.
Emergency Alert
AWC Alert is a messaging service that allows registered users to receive emergency alert messages on their text-capable cell phones or other mobile devices and via email. Administered by members of the AWC Emergency Operations Center, AWC Alert messages will only be sent during an emergency situation. The AWC Alert system will not be used to distribute advertising or other unsolicited content. AWC Alert is provided at no cost to registered users, however, standard text messaging fees charged by your cell phone provider may still apply. If you have already registered with AWC Alert, sign in to your account!
Campus Safety
State Statute Presentation: The Arizona Western College Police Department will provide a block of instruction on Police Functions and Expectations to all Arizona Western College students or employees. This program covers all the Functions of the AWC Police Department and our expectations for all our employees and students.
We will provide each player with a copy of the State statutes involving alcohol and drug use and statutes covering sexual assault, threatening and intimidating, burglary, and theft. This presentation will be presented at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters or upon request. The presentation length is 30 minutes.
Emergency Call Boxes: An emergency call box is a safety device provided by the college. There are 15 call boxes placed in readily available areas for easy accessibility. Once activated, the box will automatically summons the police department to the location of the activated call box for assistance. Each call box is on a pole with emergency written on it and is located all around campus. Please refer to the campus map with each call box's locations highlighted and familiarize yourself with each location. You use the call box by opening the door to the phone box, this will activate the call box and will alert the campus police and dispatcher to the location of the activated call box, and will give instructions on how to use the phone. Inside the box, you will see a red button to speak to the AWC dispatcher to tell them what the emergency is hold down the red button and speak, then let go of the red button and wait for a response from the dispatcher. Once campus police arrive, you can now close the phone box; this will reset the call box for the next emergency.
T.I.P.S. Line: A Taking Interest in your Personal Safety phone line (x-49500) is created to allow members of the Campus community to anonymously report incidents that affect the quality of life on Campus. The T.I.P.S. line, an on-Campus extension only, is confidential. Information that helps identify the date, time, location, and individuals involved in an incident you may have witnessed would be appreciated. You can remain anonymous, or if you wish, leave your name and phone number so that a representative of the Campus Police Department may contact you. You may utilize our e-mail system to make confidential reports at,
Rape Prevention/ Date Rape Education: Arizona Western College Police Department will instruct all staff and students about rape prevention and Date Rape Education. We will also explain what drugs to watch out for and how alcohol can contribute to the problem. We will include information about Amberly's Place Family Advocacy Center and information and contacts through the Excel Group if further assistance is needed. This program will be presented at the beginning of each semester and upon request. The presentation length is 45 minutes.
Sexual Assault Investigations & Local Processes: Upon request, Campus police will provide a class on what the steps are followed when conducting a Sexual Assault Investigation and what the local processes are. Please allow approximately one to one and a half hours for the presentation.
Lock It or Lose It: Arizona Western College Police Department will provide informational flyers to all staff, professors, and teachers using our facility reminding them to lock their classrooms or offices and remind anyone they allow to use their classrooms or office to lock up when leaving. Simply locking up will help keep the potential theft of equipment to a minimum. The flyers can be downloaded, and we ask everyone to hang one up at every entry and exit door. The program is a constant reminder program that does not have a classroom presentation attached to it.
- Unlock the door only to allow yourself to enter and lock it behind you. This will prevent you from forgetting to lock the door when you leave and prevent unauthorized persons from entering the building when you might be here alone, or the building is left unattended. Remember, it is very unnerving for staff to find and have to enter an unsecured (unlocked) building, especially after hours or on weekends. Your colleague could arrive next, and their safety may be jeopardized when the building is left unsecured.
- Always contact Campus Police when you arrive to let them know you are in a building or classroom after hours or on the weekend. In addition, please let them know when you are leaving. This will assist in making sure the building remains secure. They will come by the building after the time you have left and check to make sure the building is secure. If you do not have a key to the building or classroom, contact Campus Police and ask them to let you in. Campus Police make routine rounds to secure buildings and may think they have secured the building only to find a few hours later that doors are unlocked, and they were unaware you are in the building.
- If you enter a building or classroom after hours or on weekends and find the building unlocked, something missing, or the appearance that something is damaged or is not quite "right," do not enter the location and contact Campus Police immediately. Stay where the officer can find you so that he may ask you questions about the condition you found in the building or classroom. Do not attempt to go inside the area and look around yourself; someone may still be inside the building, and your safety could be jeopardized.
Travel Safety: Arizona Western College Campus Police will provide travel safety tips to all the students and staff. The presentation will be made before Christmas Holidays or upon request. The presentation length is 40 minutes.
- Park in well-lit, heavily populated areas. Trust your instincts; find another place to park if something doesn't feel right.
- Avoid parking next to occupied vehicles.
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- If you have a cellular phone, have it easily accessible and turned on while driving.
- Take note of emergency/pay phones near where you have parked in case you have to use them.
- Do not leave valuable items visible in your car.
- Walk with others to your vehicle whenever possible.
- If someone looks suspicious, leave the area immediately. Do not try to go to your vehicle. Call 911 if necessary.
- Look around and underneath your vehicle before approaching.
- Check the back seat of your vehicle before entering.
- Upon entering your vehicle, immediately lock all doors.
- While driving, if you notice that you are being followed, do not go home. Drive to the nearest police station, open store, or service station for help. If you fear exiting your vehicle, blow your horn to draw attention to yourself.
Report all attempted vehicle thefts to a police department or call 911.
- Park in designated parking areas in heavily populated areas. Trust your instincts, if something doesn't feel right, find another place to park.
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- If you have a cellular phone, have it easily accessible and turned on. Program your phone so it is set to speed dial 911. Remember, all cell phones, even ones that don't have service, will still call 911.
- It is vital that you know your location when calling 911 on your cell phone. If made on campus, your call will go to the Yuma Police Department's 911 center. Yuma PD will immediately contact the Campus Police for our response.
- Take note of the emergency callboxes located where you have parked in case you have to use them.
- Do not leave valuable items visible in your car; this will bring attention to you.
- Walk with others to and from your vehicle whenever possible.
- If someone looks suspicious, leave the area immediately. Do not try to go to your vehicle. Call Campus Police at 314-9500 and describe the person and their location.
- Look around and underneath your vehicle before approaching.
- Check the back seat of your vehicle before entering.
- Upon entering your vehicle, immediately lock all the doors.
- While on campus, if you notice you are being followed, turn around and look at the person to let him/her know you have seen them. Then go to the nearest building and call Campus Police for assistance. If you are not around a building, and you notice the person beginning to run towards you, yell as loud as you can to draw attention to yourself.
Report all unusual happenings on campus to the Campus Police.
Operation Identification: The Arizona Western College Police Department hosts Operation Identification days in the AWC Dormitories. The services are offered to all residents of the dormitories and will be held at the start of the Spring and Fall semesters in each dorm. The Police Department asks that all students bring all their valuable items, and we will record the serial numbers and engrave each item. The information will help if you are a burglary or theft victim. Furthermore, you will have a description of your items to assist you in reporting lost property and enhance the Department's ability to return them to the rightful owner.
If you were not available at the time of the initial offering, please call the Campus Police at 314-9500 or 344-5555, and an Officer will make arrangements with you to have your valuables engraved. You will need to allow as much time as is required depending on how many items you have.
Alcohol Awareness: Arizona Western College Police Department will provide information on the effects of drinking alcohol and how it impairs your fine motor skills. We will include the State Statutes regarding alcohol violations and what you as an individual could be charged with. We will also include information about drinking in Mexico and coming back to the United States while you are still under the effects of alcohol and the Campus violations you could face for being under the influence of alcohol. This program will be presented at least once each semester and whenever the presentation is requested or can be made part of other programs, such as health week. The presentation is approximately 45 minutes in length.
Drug Awareness: This presentation will provide information about drug use and its effects on your body. In addition, the possible criminal ramifications under the Arizona Revised Statutes related to illegal drug usage. Information about where someone involved in illegal drugs can go to obtain assistance will be available. The presentation length is 45 minutes.
Halloween Safety Presentation: Arizona Western College Police Department will distribute Halloween candy to all the AWC Child Development Center children and give a brief safety lecture on safe trick or treating. Campus Police will stress the importance of not eating Halloween candy after trick or treating until a parent checks it. This program will be presented at least annually before the Halloween Holiday. The presentation will take approximately 30 minutes.
Protect Yourself
AWCPD and the AWC Department of Campus Life department conduct campus programs for students and employees about campus safety and security procedures and practices as well as a wide variety of crime prevention strategies.
Crime prevention means being aware of your environment and remaining alert to situations that could make you vulnerable to crime. We cannot list specific measures that will protect you from every threatening situation that may arise.
Instead, we hope to teach you how to think "crime prevention" in day-to-day living. The suggestions presented should not be thought of as a list of crime prevention measures but as examples of common-sense behavior that will help you make life safer and more secure.
Throughout the year, AWCPD presents several crime prevention programs to various groups, both on and off campus. Topics range from personal safety and sexual assault prevention (including rape awareness, acquaintance rape, and other forcible and non-forcible sex offenses) to safety and security when spending time in Mexico.
Protect Yourself
LOCK THE DOOR to your home, apartment, or residence hall room when you are alone, asleep, or out of the room. Never prop your door open, even if leaving for a brief period of time. You need the extra protection a locked door affords.
DO NOT OPEN your door to strangers. If your door has a peephole, use it to identify visitors before allowing access. Report any problems with your door's security devices immediately to your hall RA or Head Resident or to your apartment manager.
DO NOT GIVE YOUR NAME, address, or phone number to strangers. If your name is published in the local telephone directory, use only initials and do not list your address.
WHEN GOING OUT, let your roommate, a friend, or a staff member know where you are going, with whom, and when you expect to return. If you choose to stay out later, call that person and let him/her know.
AT NIGHT, travel in well-lighted areas. Avoid taking shortcuts through dark or deserted areas.
UTILIZE THE AWCPD ESCORT SERVICE at night on campus, if you feel apprehensive. To request a police escort, call 314-9500.
WALK FACING TRAFFIC, whenever possible. This increases awareness of potential traffic hazards and reduces the possibility of being followed by someone in a vehicle. Avoid walking by the curb or near buildings or shrubbery. Walk in the middle of the sidewalk with confidence.
IF YOU FEEL THREATENED or suspect that you are being followed, walk toward lighted areas where there are people. Look over your shoulder frequently- this lets the follower know that you are aware of both his/her presence and your surroundings.
EMERGENCY LIGHT PHONES give you direct access to AWCPD and sets off an emergency blue blinking light. There are 14 of these emergency phones throughout the AWC campus and they are placed in well-lit and accessible locations. If in an emergency you are unable to talk to the dispatcher, knock the receiver off the cradle. A police officer will respond to that location.
EMERGENCY WHISTLES can be utilized as another method of drawing attention in the event of an emergency. If you feel threatened, or are injured and need to summon help, and you cannot call for help via a cell phone or regular phone, blow a whistle if you carry one.
If you hear a whistle, please call 9-1-1 and report that you are hearing a whistle being blown, and the location from where the sound is coming. If you are comfortable going over to the area to see what's occurring, you may be able to help someone in distress. DO NOT put yourself in danger by approaching a situation.
WHEN RIDING IN A CAR, keep the doors locked. Park in the most lighted area you can find. Upon returning to your car, have your keys ready as you approach your vehicle. Check the back and front seats to make sure that the car is empty before you get in.
DO NOT PICK UP HITCHHIKERS and do not hitchhike.
USE THE TELEPHONE ON YOUR TERMS, not the caller's. Do not talk to someone unless you want to. If the caller makes an obscene or improperly suggestive remark, HANG UP. The police should be notified if the telephone calls continue.
Protect Your Possessions At Home
LOCK YOUR DOOR when you are away from your room, apartment, or house. Most thefts and burglaries of students' rooms occur when the doors remain unlocked. By locking the door behind you, you reduce that opportunity. Remember that it takes less than 30 seconds to get "ripped off."
KEEP WINDOWS CLOSED AND LOCKED when away from your room, home, or apartment. This protects your belongings from both theft and Yuma's inclement weather.
KEEP A RECORD OF THE SERIAL NUMBERS of all your belongings. Items of value that do not have a serial number should be engraved with your driver's license number and photographed. Clothing can be marked with an indelible laundry marker.
DO NOT ADVERTISE YOUR VALUABLES. Keep them out of sight. Arrange your room so that high-risk items such as stereos, televisions, and cameras are not visible from the hallway when the door is open, or from ground-level windows.
ITEMS OF HIGH MONETARY VALUE that have minimal use in a college environment (such as expensive jewelry, personal or family mementos, or collections of any kind) should be left at home. Very expensive items should be stored in a safe deposit box at your bank.
DO NOT KEEP LARGE AMOUNTS OF CASH in your room, home, or apartment. A checking account is safer. Remember to keep your checks in a secure place. Do not talk indiscriminately about receiving money. There is no need to advertise to potential thieves.
THE COLLEGE'S INSURANCE does not cover belongings or possessions of students that might be lost or stolen, but covers only the institution's property. The College is not responsible for theft or damage of student's belongings or possessions. Residents are encouraged to provide their own insurance against loss of, or damage to personal possessions. If your family has homeowner's insurance, check with your family agent about coverage. There are a variety of renter's policies available from insurance carriers for residence hall or apartment dwellers.
LOCK YOUR CAR and take the keys with you. Many car burglaries and car thefts occur because the owner does not take time to secure the car. Don't make your car a target of opportunity by leaving it unlocked.
DO NOT PARK in isolated, dark places if these areas can be avoided. Park where there are people about and where the car will be lighted.
DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLE items unattended in your car. Place expensive items such as cameras, packages and even textbooks in the locked trunk.
DO NOT LEAVE PERSONAL PROPERTY UNATTENDED. In public areas, such as the Library, Student Union, and classrooms, do not leave your personal effects unattended even for just a minute. Textbook theft is a major problem on many college campuses.
DO NOT CARRY MORE CASH than you need. Avoid "flashing" your cash in public.
DO NOT CARRY BOTH YOUR IDENTIFICATION cards and checks in your wallet. Keep them separate: I.D.s in your wallet in one pocket and your checkbook in another pocket. Do not write your PIN number down. If you do lose your checkbook or bankcard, the thief will not have access to that number.
CARRY YOUR PURSE OR BACKPACK close to your body, and keep a tight grip on it.
MARK ITEMS that you normally take to class, such as textbooks, backpacks, and calculators, with either your name or driver's license number.
KEEP A LIST of your credit cards, identification cards, and checking account numbers. If they are stolen or lost, you will have a list of numbers to provide to the police. Remember that you must not only contact the police but all of the credit card companies and banks with which you do business. Make these notifications immediately.
CELLULAR TELEPHONES are an excellent way to remain in touch and summon help. AWCPD encourages faculty, staff, and students to look into the various cellular telephone companies for purchasing/renting a cellular telephone. OLD CELLUAR PHONES THAT ARE STILL GOOD, BUT HAVE HAD THE SERVICE DISCONNECTED CAN STILL BE UTILIZED TO CALL 9-1-1
LOCK IT IF YOU CARE. Never leave your bicycle or moped unlocked and unattended. AWCPD recommends that bicycles and mopeds be secured with an oversized "U" shaped bicycle lock, or with a lock-and-chain/cable combination that has at least 5/8-inch diameter chain or steel cable and that is secured by a padlock. The padlock should have a hardened case and shank, with a shank diameter of at least 3/8 inch.
ENGRAVE your bicycle/moped with your name or driver's license number and keep a record of it with a description of the bike and serial number.)
Campus Security Authorities
Who is a Campus Security Authority according to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act? A Campus Security Authority, may be the Vice President for Student Services, Director of Athletics, a team coach, a faculty advisor to a student group, or any other AWC or NAU official who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities. Campus security authorities have been identified for our campus and are listed in the Annual Security Report.
According to federal law, the AWC Police Department is required to report statistics concerning the occurrence of criminal offenses reported to the police agency or any official of the institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities.
The criminal offenses that we are required to report are murder/non-negligent manslaughter; negligent manslaughter; sex offenses (forcible and non-forcible); robbery; aggravated assault; burglary; motor vehicle theft; arson; liquor law violations; drug violations; and/or illegal weapons possession. We are required to report offenses that occur on campus, in residence facilities, in non-campus property utilized by the institution and on public property adjacent to the campus.
Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter: the willful (non-negligent) killing of one human being by another. NOTE: deaths caused by negligence, attempts to kill, assaults to kill, suicides, accidental deaths, and justifiable homicides are excluded.
Negligent Manslaughter: the killing of another person through gross negligence.
Sex Offense: (Forcible) Any sexual act directed against another person, forcibly and/or against that persons will; or not forcibly or against the persons will where the victim is incapable of giving consent. (Non-Forcible) Unlawful, non-forcible sexual intercourse e.g. incest/statutory rape.
Robbery: the taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear.
Aggravated Assault: an unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. This type of assault usually is accompanied by the use of a weapon or by means likely to produce death of great bodily harm. It is not necessary that injury result from an aggravated assault when a gun, knife or other weapon is used which could or probably would result in a serious potential injury if the crime were successfully completed.
Burglary: The unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or a theft. For reporting purposes this definition includes: unlawful entry with intent to commit a larceny or a felony: breaking and entering with intent to commit a larceny; housebreaking; safecracking; and all attempts to commit any of the aforementioned.
Motor Vehicle Theft: The theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle. (Classify as motor vehicle theft all cases where automobiles are taken by persons not having lawful access, even though the vehicles are later abandoned including joy riding.)
Arson: The willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft, or personal property of another kind.
Weapon Law Violation: The violation of laws or ordinances dealing with weapon offenses, regulatory in nature, such as: manufacture, sale, or possession of deadly weapons: carrying deadly weapons, concealed or openly: furnishing deadly weapons to minors; aliens possessing deadly weapons; all attempts to commit any of the aforementioned.
Drug Abuse Violations: Violations of state and local laws relating to the unlawful possession, sale, use, growing, manufacturing, and making of narcotic drugs. The relevant substances include: Opium or cocaine and their derivatives (morphine, heroin, codeine); marijuana; synthetic narcotics (Demerol, methadone); and dangerous non-narcotic drugs (barbiturates, Benzedrine.)
Liquor Law Violations: The violation of laws or ordinance prohibiting: the manufacture, sale, transporting, furnishing, possessing of intoxicating liquor; maintaining unlawful drinking places; bootlegging; operating a still; furnishing liquor to minor or intemperate person; using a vehicle for illegal transportation or liquor; drinking on a train or public conveyance; all attempts to commit any of the aforementioned. (Drunkenness and driving under the influence are not included in this definition.)
Note: As required by the Clery Act, the definitions above are taken from the Uniform Crime Reporting Handbook. If you have any questions about how these definitions apply, please contact the Campus Police Department.)
Campus Crime Statistics
The Campus Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1991 (Clery Act) requires the college to report on the occurrence of specific criminal offenses that happen on-campus, in the residence halls, on campus affiliated property and on public property sharing contiguous boundaries with campus property. The AWC Police Department gathers, compiles and reports this data to the college community annually.)
Banned List
Banned List It is our practice of issuing persona non grata (sometimes called PNG or no trespass) orders to people whose behavior is inappropriate for our campus community. A person issued a PNG order may or may not be affiliated with our campus.
The individuals listed below were issued PNG orders and are not necessarily dangerous but unwelcome anywhere on campus.
If you see any of these people on campus, please call the A.W.C. Police at 314-9500. Although someone subject to a PNG order may not necessarily be dangerous, we ask you to let our professional law enforcement officials handle any apparent violation of a PNG order. They will confirm the person’s identity and take appropriate action.
All available photos are posted. The list will be updated when new PNG orders are issued.