Food Incubator

AWC launches new Food Incubator program

June 12, 2024

Four-week course offered through AWC Continuing Education 

Yuma, AZ (June 13, 2024) – Arizona Western College is launching a new Food Incubator program this month to teach aspiring entrepreneurs what it takes to start and run a successful business.

This four-week, boot camp-style course will be co-taught by AWC Professor of Accounting Dr. Kristine Duke and AWC Professor of Culinary Arts Chef Bob Gedeon. 

Herb garden

Facilities and Agriculture departments create herb garden to be used by Culinary Arts

October 30, 2023

Yuma, AZ (October 30, 2023) – Three departments at Arizona Western College have cultivated a partnership that is sure to yield some delicious results.

The Facilities department recently prepped an area with basic landscaping located outside of the Culinary Arts classroom and installed an irrigation water supply to turn the space into a fully functioning herb garden. The Agriculture program laid down topsoil and transplanted plants grown in their greenhouse so that Culinary Arts classes could harvest the herbs and incorporate them into their dishes. 

Culinary Arts students

Culinary Arts program launches new curriculum this fall

August 10, 2023

Students can earn stackable certifications through new 8-week courses

Yuma, AZ (August 10, 2023) – The Culinary Arts program at Arizona Western College has been redesigned to cater to what employers are looking for in the restaurant industry.

AWC to hold ribbon cutting for Rosemary’s Kitchen for International Students

AWC to hold ribbon cutting for Rosemary’s Kitchen for International Students

January 16, 2020

Yuma, AZ (January 16, 2020) – International students at Arizona Western College now have the opportunity to utilize the culinary kitchen to prepare a meal from their home country through a new partnership with the Career and Technical Education Culinary Arts program.

Since cooking is not allowed in the residence halls, Rosemary Harrison spoke during the Horizon Symposium in November to bring forward the idea of having a space available for international students to get a sense of home through their cooking.