Dr. Daniel Corr

Dr. Corr invited to participate in White House Workforce Convening

May 8, 2024

Attendees shared ideas to help prepare Americans for job market of tomorrow

Yuma, AZ (May 8, 2024) – Arizona Western College President Dr. Daniel Corr was recently invited to join the Biden-Harris administration and other state leaders at the White House to discuss efforts to expand investments in students and workers that lead to good jobs in high-demand sectors including clean energy, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing, semiconductors, and more.

Arizona Western College

Department of Energy awards AWC $2 million for clean energy job training

January 10, 2024

Partnership between AWC, ASU, and the Institute of American Apprenticeship to grow regional skilled workforce

Yuma, AZ (January 10, 2024) – The U.S. Department of Energy has announced Arizona Western College as the recipient of $2 million in funding from President Joe Biden’s Investing in America agenda to increase clean energy workforce training and meet the industry’s growing demand for skilled workers.