Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Woodwind Instrument- Oboe 1B

This is applied music, an individual half-hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on the oboe or English horn. This course is required of music majors whose major instrument is the oboe.

Woodwind Instrument- Flute 1B

This is applied music, an individual half-hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on the flute or piccolo. This course is required of music majors whose major instrument is the flute.

Woodwind Instrument- Saxophone 1A

This is applied music, an individual one-hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on the saxophone. This course is required of music majors whose major instrument is the saxophone.

Woodwind Instrument- Bassoon 1A

This is applied music, an individual one-hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on the bassoon. This course is required of music majors whose major instrument is the bassoon.

Woodwind Instrument- Clarinet 1A

This is applied music, an individual one-hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on the clarinet. This course is required of music majors whose major instrument is the clarinet.

Woodwind Instrument- Oboe 1A

This is applied music, an individual one-hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on the oboe or English horn. This course is required of music majors whose major instrument is the oboe.

Woodwind Instrument- Flute 1A

This is applied music, an individual one-hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on the flute or piccolo. This course is required of music majors whose major instrument is the flute.

Woodwind Instrument- Saxophone 1B

This is applied music, an individual one-hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on the saxophone. This course is required of music majors whose major instrument is the saxophone.

Woodwind Instrument- Bassoon 1B

This is applied music, an individual one-hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on the bassoon. This course is required of music majors whose major instrument is the bassoon.

Woodwind Instrument- Clarinet 1B

This is applied music, an individual one-hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on the clarinet. This course is required of music majors whose major instrument is the clarinet.

Woodwind Instrument- Oboe1B

This is applied music, an individual one-hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on the oboe or English horn. This course is required of music majors whose major instrument is the oboe.

Woodwind Instrument- Flute 1B

These are applied music, an individual one-hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on the flute or piccolo. This course is required of music majors whose major instrument is the flute.

Percussion 1A

These are applied music, an individual half-hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on percussion instruments. This course is required of music majors whose major instruments are the drums and other percussion.

Percussion 1B

These are applied music, an individual half-hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on percussion instruments. This course is required of music majors whose major instruments are the drums and other percussion.

Percussion 1A

These are applied music, an individual one hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on percussion instruments. This course is required of music majors whose major instruments are the drums and other percussion.

Percussion 1B

These are applied music, an individual one hour per week lesson designed to develop college-level performing skills on percussion instruments. This course is required of music majors whose major instruments are the drums and other percussion.

Theory 1A

The materials and structural elements of music- pitch, rhythm, melody, tonality, harmony, and scale systems-are the focus of this course. It is required for music majors and minors.

Theory 1B

A continuation of MUS 191.

Yuma Chorale

Intermediate level of a large community chorus that performs major choral works and is open to all interested singers by audition. It is a multi-level class.

Yuma Chorale

Advanced level of a large community chorus that performs major choral works and is open to all interested singers by audition. It is a multi-level class.