Course Syllabi

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Course Description
College Mathematics with Applications/ GE

Applications in statistics, probability, finance, discrete mathematics, and other selected topics of interest in management science, voting systems, and geometry.

College Algebra with Review

Extension and further development of algebra, with an emphasis on functions - including linear, quadratic, rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic. Other topics include function transformations, regression analysis, inequalities, absolute values, systems of equations, matrices, sequences, and series.

College Algebra: Standard/GE

Extension and further development of algebra, with an emphasis on functions - including linear, quadratic, rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic. Other topics include function trans- formations, regression analysis, inequalities, absolute values, systems of equations, matrices, sequences, and series.

Plane Trigonometry

A study of trigonometric functions, equations, identities, and inverse functions, and solutions of right and oblique triangles.


Development of algebra with a concentration on functions and a study of exponentials, logarithms, sequences, and series. It also includes a study of trigonometric functions and identities .

Brief Calculus/GE

Introduction to elementary topics in differential and integral calculus.

Math Analysis for Business

Solving business-related problems by applying the concepts of linear programming, optimization, statistics, probability and multivariable calculus.

Calculus I with Analytic Geometry/GE

Introduction to analytic geometry and the differential and integral calculus of the elementary functions. Included is a study of limits, continuity, differentiation, applications of derivatives, anti-derivatives, integration, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions.

Discrete Mathematics

An introduction to formal proof techniques, propositional logic, set theory, relations and functions, combinatorics, elementary number theory, graph theory, algorithms, and applications.

Calculus II with Analytic Geometry/GE

Applications of the integral, techniques of inter- gration, parametric and polar form, convergence of series, Taylor and MacLauren series.

Calculus III With Analytic Geometry/GE

Study of multivariable calculus, parametric curves , partial differentiation, multiple integration, and an introduction to vector calculus.

Introduction to Linear Algebra/GE

Introduction to vector spaces, linear transfor- mations, matrices, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and solutions of linear systems of equations.

Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations/GE

Ordinary differential equations and their solutions that utilize conventional approaches, numerical techniques, matrix methods applied to systems of linear differential equations, and Laplace's transformation.

Applied Statistics/GE

Introduces descriptive and inferential statistics such as graphical and quantative description of data, discrete probability distributions, continuous probability distributions, one- and multisample hypothesis tests, confidence intervals correlation, simple linear regression, and analysis of variance.

Introduction to Health Information Management

Introduction to the health information management (HIM) profession. Students will be provided with a solid foundation in the principles and applications of HIM such as the content and management of health records (electronic and paper-based), healthcare law, medical coding classification systems, healthcare statistics, financial management and quality management. Exploration of the healthcare delivery system/industry such as the environment of the healthcare system, organization structures and the various types of healthcare facilities.

Computer Applications and Healthcare Technologies

This course provides an overview of healthcare information systems with an emphasis on computerized health information management (HIM) applications and functions. Students will review common software applications utilized to perform HIM processes. Students will explore the emerging technology issues in the healthcare system.

Revenue Cycle Management Process

This course is designed to give students an in-depth study of the revenue cycle management process. Students will explore each component of the revenue cycle process, which are payer reimbursement, patient access, documentation and charge capture, records completion and coding, and claims management. Students will be prepared to participate in revenue cycle management activities within the healthcare system.

CPC Medical Coding and Billing Training and Health Law

In this course students will learn principles of medical coding related to the three main code books: CPT, ICD-10-CM Code Set and HCPCS Level II. This course also provides the foundation for understanding the legal and ethical aspects of health information management, which includes the principles of health law and the structure of the American legal system. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the role that medical record specialist has in healthcare legislation and regulations. Topics include legal terminology, Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy and security of health information, patient rights, and the role of health information management professionals in risk management and compliance programs.

CPC Certification Exam Prep & Professional Practice

This course will prepare students to sit and take the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC)’s Certified Professional Coder (CPC) certification exam. Student will review the AAPC’s CPC study guide in detail, learn test taking technique and take online practice exams. Students will begin to form professional relationships by attending a professional meeting related to health information management. Students will practice essential skills of resume writing and job interviewing in order to prepare students for the industry. Students will work on developing strong soft skills.

Medical Coding and Billing Training and CPC Certification Prep/Professional Practice

In this course students will learn principles of medical coding related to the three main code books: CPT, ICD-10-CM Code Set and HCPCS Level II. This course also provides the foundation for understanding the legal and ethical aspects of health information management, which includes the principles of health law and the structure of the American legal system through AAPC’s curriculum. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the role that medical record specialist has in healthcare legislation and regulations. Topics include legal terminology, Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy and security of health information, patient rights, and the role of health information management professionals in risk management and compliance programs. 

This course will also prepare students to sit and take the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC)’s Certified Professional Coder (CPC) certification exam. Student will review the AAPC’s CPC study guide in detail, learn test taking technique and take online practice exams. Students will begin to form professional relationships by attending a professional meeting related to health information management. Students will practice essential skills of resume writing and job interviewing in order to prepare students for the industry. Students will work on developing strong soft skills.