Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Introduction to Climate Science/GE

Introduction to climate science covers all aspects of the climate system. It introduces the different components of the climate system, feedback loops, short-term and long term forecasting, planetary energy budget, detail analysis of greenhouse gases, global atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns, and natural and anthropogenic influences on the climate balance.

Graphic Communications I

This course will provide an overview of tradition- al commercial graphics technologies and theory which the students will need for commercial graphics employment. Subjects include basic design theory (gestalt, compositional techniques such as contrast, repetition alignment, proximity, etc.), simple drawing skills, illustration techniques, pigment and light color theory and physics, pro- duction processes and technologies, printing issues, typography, researching a graphic design project, preparing thumbnail sketches, preparing roughs and comps, encouraging productive client communications, and more.

Graphic Communications II

This course (the second semester continuation of GRA 101) will provide an overview of traditional commercial graphics technologies and theory which the students will need for commercial graphics employment. Subjects include basic design theory (gestalt, compositional techniques such as con- trast, repetion alignment, proximity, etc.), simple drawing skills, illustration techniques, pigment and light color theory and physics, pro- duction processes and technologies, printing issuses, typography, researching a graphic design project, preparing thumbnail sketches, preparing roughs and comps, encouraging productive client communications, and more.

Computer Illustration

This course focuses on basic comprehension of the computer graphics application interface and principles of vector graphic manipulation and creation. Design standards will be discussed in relation to professional work examples.

Digital Imaging I

This course guides students to a beginning level of image editing using digital imaging software. The course will focus on understanding issues of image manipulation and compositing, raster file format qualities and limitations, and the aplica- tion interface components.

Digital Imaging II

This course guides students to an intermediate level of image editing using digital imaging software. The course will focus on understanding issues of more complex image manipulation and compositing using filters, calculations, actions, channels, layers, and advanced topics.

Page Composition

This course focuses on the elements of page composition and visual design incorporating both graphics and text in a computer desktop publishing environment. Design standards will be discussed in relation to professional work examples.

Web Page Graphics Design

Introduction to software and hardware tools used in web page construction. Emphasis is placed on visual design techniques, ease of use, the plan- ning process, and interactivity.

Interactivity & Graphics

This course focuses on utilizing multimedia authoring software to create onscreen interactive graphic content presentations for diverse delivery systems such as interactive kiosks, games, internet sites, or educational CD-Roms.

Advanced Interactivity and Graphics

Utilizing multimedia authoring and web page design software to create onscreen interactive graphic content presentations especially for the web.

3D Modeling & Surfacing

This course focuses on basic concepts of three dimensional graphics grounded in Cartesian geometry. Special emphasis will be on modeling, texturing, lighting, and still rendering.

Advanced 3D Graphics

This course focuses on intermediate concepts of three dimensional graphics. Special emphasis will be on animation of the 3D objects and environment.

Principles of Animation

This course focuses on the historically developed principles of animation used in both traditional, hand drawn techniques and film, as well as in modern computer generated presentations.

Portfolio & Career Management

This course focuses on preparing the student for one of two outcomes: continuation in a four year graphics program or securing entry level employ- ment. Special emphasis will be placed on preparing a professional level portfolio and researching the job market.

Introduction to Geospatial Technology

Introduction to the fundamentals of Geospatial Technology.

Spatial Analysis

This course introduces students to problem-solving and decision making using geospatial analysis techniques.

Data Acquisition and Management

This course addresses the interpretation and understanding of a variety of data formats available in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Cartographic Design

This course introduces fundamental cartographic concepts.

Health Care Aide

Essential skills for caregiving at live-in facility, home health care and direct care worker.

World History to 1500/GE

Topics related to political, economic, social and cultural history of the world from its earliest beginnings to 1500.