Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Fire Inspector 1

Course will provide personnel with the knowledge and skills required of an entry level fire instructor. This course meets selected objectives of NFPA 1031 Standard for Fire Inspector Professional Qualifications as published by the National Fire Protection Association.

Fire Investigation 2

Course is intended to provide the student with advanced technical knowledge on the rule of law, fire scene analysis, fire behavior, evidence collection and preservation, scene documentation, case preparation and court-room testimony.

Fire Ground Management

Course will introduce fire service personnel to tactical principals that will enhance their ability to successfully terminate typical incidents related to the fire ground. This class will expose students to complex personnel deployment and physical resource development.

Fashion History

An exploration of the evolution of fashion throughout time, traced through garment development and creations from ancient times to current day garment production and style. A direction of cultural, historical fashion and silhouettes throughout time and current modern-day adaptations.

Universal Fashion Culture

Gain a deeper understanding of the role of fashion from a universal perspective and its global impact as an industry.

Fashion Pop Culture

Introduction to pop culture and the impact on fashion and style, exploring different genres, and where style and fashion were impacted by political, historical, media, and social media.

Introduction to Human Geography

An introduction to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface. This course uses spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human socioeconomic organization and its environmental consequences.

World Regional Geography/GE

A study and analysis of the geographical regions known as The Americas, Eurasia, Africa, and the Middle East with emphasis on location, resources, and development; economic, political, and social institutions; similarities and differences; and problems and potentialities.

Beginning Conversational German 1

Basic communication skills are taught with emphasis on oral communication and pronunciation. Grammar is taught only as it will facilitate conversation. Total Physical Response and Natural Approach methods are stressed with an intensive use of visual aids. Language tape practice may be available.

Beginning Conversational German 2

A continuation of GER 95. Basic communication skills are taught with emphasis on oral communication. Grammar is taught only as it will facilitate conversation.

Elementary German 1/GE

Grammar and other technical aspects of the language will be emphasized and basic conversational skills will be developed. Reading and writing skills will also be emphasized. The course is taught in a cultural and natural context with intensive use of visual aids and faculty designed instructional material. Fulfills the first semester foreign language requirement at most four-year institutions.

Elementary German 2/GE

A continuation of GER 101. Basic communication skills are taught with emphasis on oral communication and elementary grammar. Fulfills the second semester foreign language requirement at most four-year institutions.

Intermediate German 1/GE

A continuation of GER 102, with an emphasis on oral communication and reading for comprehension. Writing and oral grammar exercises are integrated to develop and reinforce intermediate speaking skills. The traditions and cultures of German- speaking countries and modern day topics provide a conversational approach to learning German. Fulfills the third semester foreign language requirements at most four-year institutions.

Intermediate German 2/GE

A continuation of GER 201 with an intensive review of grammar fundamentals and continued practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Fulfills the fourth semester foreign language requirements at most four-year institutions.

Introduction to Geology 1 (Physical)/GE

Fundamental physical principles of the earth: the structure of its interior and crust, its rocks and minerals, and the processes affecting these features such as volcanoes, earthquakes, mountain formation, and erosion.

Introduction to Geology 2 (Historical)/GE

The chronological account of the physical changes of the earth and the evolution of life upon it. Includes an introduction to basic stratigraphic and paleontological principles, the origin of the earth and its geological development through time.

Environmental Geology/GE

Introduction to geologic studies and their application to current environmental problems like waste disposal, land use, and shrinking resources, their causes and possible solutions. Focuses on surface geologic processes and geohazards, natural resources, and global systems. Several local field trips will be included.

Introduction to Paleontology

Basic paleontological principles; clasification of fossils, their occurrence, geologic distribution, and evolution.

Introduction to Field Methods and Report Writing

Introduction to geological field methods;including the use of topographic maps, cross-sections, and aerial photos. Equipment such as the Brunton Geological Transit, Plane Table, and Alidade and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) will be used in the field on mapping projects. Collection and presentation of field data in a report format will be emphasized.

Introduction to Design and Game History

Survey the history of video game development to gain fundamental knowledge of the video game development life cycle. Study video game industry successes and failures and examine a variety of issues necessary for developing a critical analysis of video games.