Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Radiation Biology and Protection

A study of the effects of radiation exposure on biological systems, typical medical exposure levels, methods for measuring and monitoring radiation, and methods for protecting personnel and patients from excessive exposure.

Radiation Biology and Protection

A study of the effects of radiation exposure on
biological systems, typical medical exposure
levels, methods for measuring and monitoring
radiation, and methods for protecting personnel
and patients from excessive exposure.

Principles of Radiographic Imaging 2

A continuation of the study of radiographic imaging technique formulation, image quality assurance, and the synthesis of all variables in image production.

Radiologic Pathology

Introduces the disease process and common diseases and their appearance on medical images, specif- ically pathologic conditions most commonly encoun- tered.

Advanced Medical Imaging

Provide continuing instruction in the use of computers in advanced and specialized radiographic imaging.

Clinical 4 Medical Radiologic Technology

Competency-based clinical education fluoroscopy, urinary studies, portable, trauma and non-routine examinations.

Clinical 5 Medical Radiologic Technology

Provides for competency-based clinical practice of radiographic studies of the cranium and face.

Radiologic Technology Seminar

Capstone course focusing on the synthesis of professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes in preparation for professional employment and life- long learning.

Individualized Reading

A program individualized for each student based on reading scores.

Reading Essentials

Extensive reading experiences in fiction and non- fiction; designed to broaden reading experiences and develop vocabulary.

Reading Improvement

Extensive and intensive reading of fiction and nonfiction; emphasis upon main ideas, implied main ideas, and conclusions; vocabulary devel- opment, critical reading, writing of summaries, and study-reading.

College Reading Skills

Intensive and critical examination of fiction and nonfiction more appropriate to the college level. Emphasis upon reading standard textbook format and technical selections; identification of main ideas, implied main ideas, and conclusions; vocab- ulary development via word parts and specialized vocabulary; critical reading focusing on bias, argument and tone; writing includes note-taking and summarizing.

Comparative World Religions/GE

This course examines the historical origins and settings, central doctrines and practices, and cultural impact and significance of the major living religions. Primary topics include, but not limited to: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)/G

This course examines the literature, history, geography, archeology, theology, composition, incorporation, canonization, interpretation, transmission, and translation of the Old Testament (i.e., The Hebrew Bible) down through the centuries. Emphasis is placed on investigating the historical and literary context out of which the writings emerge and their influence on religious life and practice throughout the ages.

Introduction to the New Testament/GE (new Testamne

This course examines the literature, history, geography, archeology, theology, composition, incorporation, canonization, interpretation, transmission, and translation of the New Testament down through the centuries. Emphasis is placed on investigating the historical and literary context out of which the writings emerge and their influence on religious life and practice throughout the ages.

Philosophy of Religion/GE

This course is a critical examination of religious claims and phenomena. Topics include, but are not limited to: the nature and existence of God; the epistemology of religious belief; the possibility of miracles, life after death, and mystical experience; as well as the interrelationship between ethics, values, and religion.

Structured English Immersion (SEI) for English Language Learners

Instructional techniques, strategies, and theories regarding the English Language Learner (ELL) in the educational system.

Introduction to Solar Photovoltaics 1

Introduction to photovoltaic (PV) systems.

Introduction to Solar Photovoltaics 2

Advanced photovoltaic (PV) training.

English Grammar for Teachers

Review of the form and use of English verb tenses and other key grammatical structures in order to equip teachers of all subject areas and levels with the knowledge and skills necessary to explain grammatical concepts to students, especially to non-native speakers of English.