Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Nursing 1

Introduction to the nursing profession, nursing concepts, and skills development. Students will apply the nursing process in the care of adults in well-defined settings.

Nursing 2

Concepts of nursing care of (1) individuals with commonly occurring health care needs and (2) individuals and families experiencing child-bearing. Students will apply the nursing process in the care of individuals of all ages in defined settings.

Nursing 3

Concepts of nursing care of (1) individuals and families with increasingly complex health care needs and (2) and individuals and families with mental health care needs. Students will apply the nursing process in the care of individuals of all ages in defined settings.

Nursing 4

Concepts of nursing care of individuals, families, and groups of all ages. Students will apply (1) the nursing process in acute care and (2) concepts of leadership management in a variety of settings.


An introduction to the geological and physical aspects of the oceans. Involves a survey of beaches and other coastal features, the origin and history of the ocean basins, waves, currents, tides, and the physical and chemical properties of seawater.

Strategies For Success

Comprehensive success course designed for students to develop and enhance their academic and personal skills. Emphasis is placed upon promoting a successful college experience through improved study skills, critical thinking skills, and general life skills. Topics include: self aware- ness, career exploration, college resources/ policies, memory techniques, test-taking strategies, note-taking, time management, goal setting. learning styles, technology, values clarification, community involvement, and effective communication. The course will encourage students to examine their own behaviors, expecta- tions, and attitudes to help them exercise more effective strategies for success.

First Course

An online orientation designed to prepare individ- uals for taking online courses: basic computer tools, online library resources, World Wide Web navigation, search engines, Blackboard, email, discussion boards, chat rooms, file organization, time management, and effective communication techniques.

Decision Making

Helps students identify their values, gather pertinent information that would affect their decisions, analyze the gathered information, and implement a strategy to make and carry-through decisions. Various teaching methods are employed including discussions, exercises; role-playing, out-of-class activities, and simulations. Classes will meet twice weekly for five consecutive weeks.

Intro to Plumbing Technology

Introduction to basic plumbing techniques, procedures and related safety for tools commonly used in plumbing settings.

Plumbing Drain, Waste and Venting Systems

Design and installation of drain, waste and vent (DWV) systems.

Plumbing Water Supply and Distribution Systems

Design and installation of residential water supply and water distribution systems.

Plumbing Fixture and Appliance Installa- tion

Techniques for installing residential fixtures, faucets, and appliances.

Issues in Sport

Introduction to specific issues, including the personal, sociological, and ethical, confronting professional, collegiate, high school, and youth sports.

Leisure and the Quality of Life

Conceptual foundation for understanding the role of leisure in quality of life. Social, historical, psychological, cultural, economic, and political foundations of play, leisure and recreation are explored. Nature of play and leisure behavior in human development within different cultures and the contribution play, recreation, and leisure make to the quality of life for individuals in today's society.

Theory and Technique of Esports

Course focuses on the learning the skills required of players, teams, and coaches to successfully develop teams and execute game strategy for current popular esports titles.

Theory/Technique of Football

Designed for individuals interested in learning the fundamental and techniques for playing and coaching football.

Theory & Technique of Soccer

Designed for individuals interested in learning the fundamentals and techniques for playing and coaching soccer.

Theory & Technique of Basketball

Designed for individuals interested in learning the fundamentals and techniques for playing and coaching basketball.

Theory & Technique of Baseball

Designed for individuals interested in learning the fundamentals and techniques for playing and coaching baseball.

Theory & Technique of Softball

Designed for individuals interested in learning the fundamentals and techniques for playing and coaching softball.