Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Introduction to Radiography and Patient Care

Introduction to radiation protection, radiology terminology, ethical and legal issues, infection control procedures, safety procedures, communica- tion, equipment operation, the radiologic technol- ogy program and health care system.

Basic Radiographic Procedures

Introduction to radiographic positioning terminol- ogy, patient positioning, equipment, manipulation and evaluation of images for proper visualization of anatomy and pathology.

Intermediate Radiographic Procedures

Introduction to positioning of the vertebral column, bony thorax, GI and urinary system, mobile and intraoperative radiography and trauma.

Patient Care in Imaging Technology

A study of patient care procedures, ethics, patient communication skills, infection control, and body mechanics.

Principles of Radiographic Imaging 1

Introduces the student to radiographic image pro- duction and the effects that exposure variables and radiographic accessories have on the quality of the image.

Clinical 1 Medical Radiologic Technology

Prepares for competency-based clinical education in radiographic examination of the chest, abdomen, upper and lower extremities and introduces students to trauma of the extremities.

Clinical 2 Medical Radiologic Technology

Clinical education in radiographic examination of the upper and lower extremities, shoulder, pelvic girdle, and special views. Introduction to fluor- oscopy and trauma.

Clinical 3 Medical Radiologic Technology

Competency-based clinical education in radio- graphic examination of the pediatric patients, trauma patients, and urinary and gastrointestinal contrast exams.

Radiographic Imaging Equipment

Students will understand factors impacting digital and computerized radiographic image acquisition and quality while gaining skills in the use of the Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) and other methods of digital image storage and display.

Advanced Radiologic Procedures

Positioning of the skull and facial bones, introduction to special procedures.

Radiation Biology and Protection

A study of the effects of radiation exposure on biological systems, typical medical exposure levels, methods for measuring and monitoring radiation, and methods for protecting personnel and patients from excessive exposure.

Radiation Biology and Protection

A study of the effects of radiation exposure on
biological systems, typical medical exposure
levels, methods for measuring and monitoring
radiation, and methods for protecting personnel
and patients from excessive exposure.

Principles of Radiographic Imaging 2

A continuation of the study of radiographic imaging technique formulation, image quality assurance, and the synthesis of all variables in image production.

Radiologic Pathology

Introduces the disease process and common diseases and their appearance on medical images, specif- ically pathologic conditions most commonly encoun- tered.

Advanced Medical Imaging

Provide continuing instruction in the use of computers in advanced and specialized radiographic imaging.

Clinical 4 Medical Radiologic Technology

Competency-based clinical education fluoroscopy, urinary studies, portable, trauma and non-routine examinations.

Clinical 5 Medical Radiologic Technology

Provides for competency-based clinical practice of radiographic studies of the cranium and face.

Radiologic Technology Seminar

Capstone course focusing on the synthesis of professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes in preparation for professional employment and life- long learning.

Individualized Reading

A program individualized for each student based on reading scores.

Reading Essentials

Extensive reading experiences in fiction and non- fiction; designed to broaden reading experiences and develop vocabulary.