Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Introduction to Ethics/GE

Explores the nature and development of moral philosophy from the ancient Greeks to the present day. The major systems of ethics are presented and then applied in various ways to a range of contemporary moral issues and dilemmas. The course is designed to enhance students sophistication in thinking about difficult moral and social questions.

Philosophy of Science/GE

A philosophical investigation into the nature of scientific inquiry and methodology: Topics include the definition of science, the realist/antirealist debate, the limits of science, the relationship between science and religion, and the nature, formation, use, and confirmation of scientific laws and theories.

Medical Ethics/GE

Philosophical examination of moral problems that arise in relation to medicine and health care. Topics include end of life, reproduction, patient's rights, and justice in the distribution of health care.

Philosophy of Religion/GE

This course is a critical examination of religious claims and phenomena. Topics include, but are not limited to: the nature and existence of God; the epistemology of religious belief; the possibility of miracles, life after death, and mystical experience; as well as the interrelationship between ethics, values, and religion.

Ancient Philosophy/GE

Examines the contributions made by ancient Greek and Roman thinkers to the western philosophical and scientific tradition. A broad range of topics will be covered including: the universe, law, justice, knowledge, virtue, happiness, death, and god. Emphasis will be placed on the writings and thought of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Social and Political Philosophy/GE

Examines competing conceptions of the just and ideal state, the nature civic virtue, the foundations of state authority, the relationship between economic and political systems, especially insofar as these systems either conduce to or resist the disenfranchisement among members of social groups, as well as what principles are needed to bring about social justice, uphold equality, and respect human rights. Emphasis will be placed on the analysis of influential texts taken from both classical and modern works of political and social philosophy.

College Physics I/GE

Introduction to motion and interactions that change motion; introduction to mechanical energy, momentum, fluids, thermodynamics, and waves.

College Physics II/GE

Introduction to electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics.

University Physics I

Introduction to mechanics. Analysis of the interactions between a system and its environment to determine changes in the system's position, velocity, momentum, and mechanical energy. Application of Newton's laws and conservation laws to the behavior of physical systems.

University Physics II

Introduction to electricity and magnetism. Application of the laws of electricity and magnetism to the behavior of physical systems.

IT Support: Technical Support Fundamentals

Introduction to computer hardware, the Internet, computer software, troubleshooting, and customer service.

IT Support: Computer Networking

Fundamentals of modern networking technologies and protocols, practical applications, network troubleshooting, and an overview of the cloud.

IT Support: Operating Systems

This course will provide students with a working knowledge of the main components of an operating system, how to perform critical tasks such as managing software and users, and configuring hardware.

IT Support: System Administration

Students will learn about systems infrastructure and the services that keep organizations operational. The course content will cover cloud infrastructure, managing cloud resources, managing and configuring servers, the use of industry tools to manage computers, user information, and user productivity, as well as how to recover an organization’s IT infrastructure.

IT Support: IT Security and Google Certification

This course introduces students to threats and attacks, encryption algorithms and utilizing algorithms to safeguard data; information security: authentication, authorization, and accounting; network security solutions and in-depth security architecture, and creating a culture of security in an organization.

Google Data Analytics Professional

Introduction to the practices and processes of data analytics.

IT Automation with Python

This asynchronous, beginner-level course is designed to provide IT professionals with in-demand skills, such as Python, Git, and IT automation, to advance their careers. This program consists of six modules in topics such as Python, Python interaction with operating system, Git and GitHub, troubleshooting and debugging techniques, configuration management and the cloud, and automating real-world tasks with Python. This course is Open Entry/Open Exit (OE/OE).


An introduction to the field of Cybersecurity which will teach learners how to identify common risks, threats, and vulnerabilities, as well as the techniques to mitigate them. This course will prepare learners for entry-level cybersecurity roles by allowing hands-on experience with industry recognized tools including Python, Linux and many other security tools like Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) programs.

This Course is Open Entry/Open Exit (OE/OE).

UX Design

This course is designed to prepare learners for a career in the high-growth field of UX Design. Students will gain in-demand skills preparing them for entry-level jobs in UX Design.

Amazon Web Services Academy Cloud Foundations

Fundamentals of building IT infrastructure on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Optimizing the use of AWS Cloud through the development of an understanding of AWS services, best practices, and how they fit into cloud-based solutions.