Course Syllabi
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Course | Description | |
CIS-131 |
Students will develop the skills necessary to store and manipulate data using relational database software for business applications. The course focuses upon design, manipulation, and maintenance of databases including design, forms, reports, and queries. |
Web Design 1
CIS-151 |
Web site design and development utilizing industry standard web design tools. |
Introduction to E-Commerce/E-Business/Ge
CIS-154 |
Provides an introduction to e-commerce/e-business software/hardware requirements, design techniques infrastructure development, marketing, economic and sociological impacts. |
Microcomputer Installation & Support
CIS-170 |
This course is designed to involve the student in the actual repair and upgrading of micro-computing systems. This course will instruct the students in the basics of computer trouble- shooting and how to define and repair the problem in the most effcient way availiable. Software diagnostics and troubleshooting will also be used to determine hardware/software error components. |
Computer Forensics and Investigations
CIS-171 |
Introduction to digital forensic principles including the collection, preservation, analysis of digital evidence, legal considerations, digital evidence controls, and the documentation of Introduction to digital forensic principles including the collection, preservation, analysis of digital evidence, legal considerations, digital evidence controls, and the documentation of forensic analysis. |
Computer Security
CIS-175 |
Introduction to computer and information security topics: threats, protective techniques, risk analysis, contingency planning, paasword tech- niques, encryption, biometrics, network protocols, intercept devices, and internet resources. |
Computer Programming Logic
CIS-180 |
This course is an introduction to the fundamental techniques used in designing computer programs. |
Computer Programming-Visual BASIC
CIS-200 |
Computer programming as a problem-solving technique, regardless of the student's area of study. The BASIC language is used to write, debug, and document business application programs to demonstrate proficiency in using BASIC. |
Computer Programming - C#
CIS-220 |
Fundamental techniques using the C# (C Sharp) language. |
Database Design and Programming
CIS-231 |
Students will develop the skills necessary to store and manipulate data using relational database software for business applications. The course focuses on design, manipulation, and maintenance of databases including Microsoft Access and Structured Query Language programming platforms. |
Introduction to Operating Systems
CIS-260 |
The internal logic of various parts of common operating systems and access to Windows, DOS, and UNIX/Linux Systems. |
Networking Fundamentals
CIS-270 |
Introduction to computer networks and data communications including: computer networks and services, transmission media and connection, network models, popular protocol suites, other network issues, and network operating systems. |
Networking Administration
CIS-271 |
This course is designed to give the student the ability to have an in-depth understanding of client server networks and network administration using a client server network environment. Students will be exposed to a network operating system and network administration from a network administrator perspective. LAN and WAN configurations will be used to facilitate security, menu systems, message handling, login scripts, and printing environments. Application software installation, file server, and workstation management and administration concepts will be covered comprehensively. |
Network Routing and Switching
CIS-272 |
This course is designed to give the student the ability to have a basic knowledge in the configuration of networks. Students will be exposed to network operating systems in the capacity of a Network Administrator. The modality of LAN, Local Area Network, and WAN, Wide Area Network, configurations will be used to facilitate security, communication, connectivity, and printing environments. |
Fundamentals of Network Security
CIS-275 |
Overview of security measures for computer networks. |
Structured Systems Analysis and Design
CIS-295 |
An introduction to the fundamental tools and techniques used in analyzing organizational information systems. Topics include systems research, design, revision, and implementation of information systems. Students complete one or more projects as members of systems teams. |
CNC Machine Operator
CNC-101 |
Basic principles and operative skills in CNC milling machines and lathes. |
Computer Numerical Controlled Machine Programming Operations
CNC-201 |
Dimensional design and drawings of parts for production with a CNC mill or CNC lathe. To include programming of steps for basic part production with related CNC equipment. |
Introduction to Computer Science 1
CSC-127A |
Introduction to computer science, focusing on core CSC concepts including program development, computer science and software engineering, using the Java programming language. |
Introduction to Computer Science 2
CSC-127B |
This course is a continuation of CSC 127A or EGR 123, focusing on advanced CSC and software engineering concepts using Java and other programming languages. |