Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Grief in Children and Teens

Examine the reaExamine the reactions of children and teens to death and grief and the strategies for communicating with families of terminally ill children/teens.

Diversity in Grief and Bereavement

This course offers a broad multicultural approach to death, dying and bereavement across the lifespan.

Palliative and Hospice Care

This course will explore the history, theory and practice of hospice and palliative care. The course will also examine communication with healthcare providers, families and caretakers.

Human Pathophysiology

Pathophysiological processes in humans as a foundation for the understanding of alterations in health. Survey of major disease processes of the human body systems. Includes terminology, causes, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and special considerations. Information: This course is a prerequisite for the concurrent Associate Degree/Baccalaureate Degree Nursing program through Arizona Western College and Northern Arizona University.

Healing Touch Level 1

Healing Touch Level 1 Healing Touch is an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. This therapy uses touch to influence the energy system, thus affecting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and healing. The goal of Healing Touch is to restore harmony and balance in the energy system.

Introduction to Administration of Justice

An examination of the organization and jurisdiction of local, state, and federal law enforcement, judicial, and correctional systems; their history and philosophy; career opportunities and qualifying requirements, terminology, and constitutional limitations of the systems.

Substantive Criminal Law

Covers the philosophy of legal sanctions and the historical development of law from the common law to modern American Criminal Law, classifications of crimes, elements of and parties to crimes, general definitions of crimes, common defenses utilized, and includes specific offenses and the essential elements of each offense.

Ethics and Criminal Justice/GE

This course explores ethical issues and the criminal justice system while focusing on ethics, law, police, the courts, and ethical theory as it relates to administration of justice.

Leadership for Public Safety

This course provides a unique opportunity for professionals to develop and refine their leadership skills. The instructors are current or former law enforcement supervisors and managers who bring a unique understanding of the law enforcement culture and practical knowledge of how to meet the challenges law enforcement leaders will face in their operational settings. This course focuses heavily on human capital development disciplines and their interaction with the law enforcement mission and culture.

Terrorism/Counter Terror.

An in-depth examination of the history and psychology of terrorism and the tactics and technology used by terroist groups. Examines the nature of the terrorist threat and countermeasures to combat terrorism.

Serial Killers and the Justice System

Examines the minds, motives and methods of serial killers. This course is a criminology course as it studies the reasons and causations of such horrific crimes and develops theories on profiling , investigaton, and understanding the criminals who commit such overwhelming crimes of lust murders over and over again.


The study of victims, also called Victimology, explores various types of crimes, reasons why individuals are victimized, and the level of involvement from the criminal justice system in victims? issues.

Current Issues in Criminal Justice

Methods of addressing current issues in criminal justice system.

Criminal Justice Crime Control Policies And Practi

Explore the assumptions behind crime pattern theory, crime opportunity structures, and routine activities approach.

Report Writing

Introduction to the practical aspects of gathering, organizing, and preparing written reports. This covers the techniques of communicating facts, information, and ideas effectively in a simple, clear and logical manner for various types of criminal justice system reports, letters, memoranda, directives, and administrative reports. Students will gain practical experience in note taking, report writing and presenting testimony in court or other types of hearings.

Court Function

Examines the structure, function, and organization of American criminal courts as well as specialized courts within the criminal justice system. Judicial procedures and the roles of legal actors including judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and court employees are studied. The rights of defendants and victims, the role of plea bargaining, the operation of juries, trials, and sentencing, and contemporary controversial legal issues are examined.

Juvenile Justice Procedures

Examines history and development of juvenile justice theories, procedures, and institutions.

Spanish for Law Enforcement

Introduction to Spanish grammar for basic communication with emphasis on law enforcement terminology, legal instructions, cultural characteristics and heritage of Spanish speaking groups within the United States (U.S.).


Studies deviance, society's role in defining behavior, theories of criminality, the economic, social, and psychological impact of crime, and the relationships between statistics and crime victimization.

Police Function

Examines the theories of procedures and methods of operations of public police with emphasis on discretionary powers. Career opportunities and current trends in law enforcement.