Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Dramatic Play

Methods for offering role-playing activities for young children.


Methods for providing block play in the early childhood curriculum.

Music & Creative Movement

Methods to use music and creative movement in the early childhood curriculum.

Emerging Literacy

Analyze the development of reading and writing skills for young children.

Cognitive Development

Practice in theories, trends, and principles of cognitive growth and development of infants and toddlers.

Developing Observation Skills: Infant/ Toddler Pro

Methods to effectively observe and record characteristics and developmental stages of infants and toddlers.

Language Development of Infants and Toddlers

Language development for infants and toddlers.

Guidance and Discipline of Infants and Toddlers

Social and emotional development of infants and toddlers as it relates to discipline.

Physical Development in Infancy

Physical development in infancy.

Enhancing Social Competence of Infants And Toddler

Social and emotional development of infants and toddlers.

Encouraging Trust and Autonomy Leading To the Deve

Methods to explore the normal sequence of social and emotional development of infants and toddlers.

Organization of Space, Materials, and Equipment fo

Construct effective environments for Infants and Toddlers.

Recordkeeping Skills for Daily Infant/ Toddler Car

Recordkeeping procedures for an infant/toddler care program.

Professional Portfolio

Prepares the student on how to compile a professional portfolio in preparation for Child Development Associate (CDA) Assessment.

CDA Student Teaching-Vocational

Prepares the student with direct participation in an early childhood setting. Students engage in supervised teaching of young children at a chosen site. The course is the final step in the application process for the National CDA Credential.

Ages & Stages: Toddlerhood

Theories, trends, and research in the development of toddlerhood. Emphasis on the principles of physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth of young children. General characteristics and behaviors as well as comparisons of generally accepted norms are included. Observation of toddlers may be a requirement.

Ages & Stages: the Preschool Years

Theories, trends, and research in the development of the preschool years. Emphasis on the principles of physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth of young children. General characteristics and behaviors as well as comparisons of generally accepted norms are included. Observation of preschoolers may be a requirement.

Health, Safety, and Nutrition for The Young Child

Overview of environmental factors that impact the health, safety and nutrition of infants and young children.

Early Childhood Field Experience 1

Initial opportunity to work in an early childhood setting.

Early Childhood Education

Overview of effective teaching skills, behavior of children, and curriculum in early childhood education settings. Twenty hours of observation is mandatory in this course.