Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Emergency Procedures for Coaches

Students will be able to administer first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, to improve personal judgment in cases of accident or illness, develop the ability to render aid in time of emergency, and create an emergency action plan.

CPR First Aid & AED Training

This course incorporates the latest science and teaches students to recognize and care for various first aid emergencies such as burns, cuts injuries to the head, neck & back, heat & cold emergencies & how to respond to cardiac & breathing emergencies. Students successfully completing this course will receive a 2 year certification from the American Red Cross.

Mental Conditoning for Sports

Develop fundamental mental skills necessary for an athlete to move more successfully through their sport.

Foundations of Sports Management

This course will provide students with an overview of the sports industry and issues facing sports organizations both professional and recreational. Students will learn the management skills such as budgeting, communication and staffing. They will also become familiar with the career opportunities available in the sports management.

Sports Marketing

This course will provide a general overview of marketing in the sports industry. The 3 P's of marketing and product distribution will also be covered. This course will also cover electronic media, public relations, the legal aspects of marketing and their effect on management.

The Business of Athletic Coaching

Fundamentals of coaching theory, concepts and practices for effective sports programs.

Sports Injury Management

Introduction to principles and techniques of preventing, treating and rehabilitating sports related injuries. Includes recognition of sports injuries, therapeutic methods, mechanisms of sports injuries, and taping and wrapping techniques.

Sports Psychology

Development of the basics of applied sports and adolescent psychology. Includes principles of motivation, varied psychological skills for athletes' performance improvement, and leadership emphasis through communication skills. Also includes imagery, stress management and attentional skills development for performance enhancement.

Methods of Coaching Sports

Fundamental techniques, organization, and strategy for coaching selected team sports.

Team Sports Officiating

Familiarization with and application of the rules of team sports (football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, soccer and softball) from the standpoint of an official. Includes current methods and materials to develop competency in executing official rules. Students will complete sports specific certification exams.

Domains of Athletic Training

Overview of the six domains of athletic training for students with a high interest in becoming a certified athletic trainer. Includes injury prevention; clinical evaluation and diagnosis; immediate care; treatment, rehabilitation and reconditioning; organization and administration; and professional responsibility.

Sports Injury Treatment

Application of the theory and principles associated with therapeutic exercise and modalities. Various rehabilitation and modalities techniques pertaining to the treatment of athletic or physical activity related injuries.

Athletic Training Practicum

Introduction of entry-level athletic training skills within the daily operations of the athletic training room and in the care of athletes.

Topics in Fitness

Workshops for individual exploration in fitness. Designed for the enrichment needs of the student who is not seeking transferable credit. CR/NC

Fitness for Life/GE*

Introduction to a total fitness program that involves cardiovascular conditioning, strength, endurance, and flexibility necessary for a well- rounded life. The student must complete an orientation before being allowed to participate. Class is offered for credit/no credit.

Fitness for Life/GE*

Introduction to a total fitness program that involves cardiovascular conditioning, strength, endurance, and flexibility necessary for well- rounded life. The student must complete an orientation before being allowed to participate. Offered for credit/no credit only.

Fitness Training/GE*

A total fitness program including cardiovascular conditioning, strength, endurance, and flexibility designed to improve or sustain an individual physical fitness level.

Personal Fitness Training/GE*

Instruction is individualized. Focus will be geared towards the components of fitness in achieving a healthy life style. This class is offered for credit/no credit. Class fee will be charged.

Workplace Wellness

Course is designed to improve the wellness of campus employees through developing positive lifestyle habits. OE/OE CR/NC

Walking and Jogging/GE*

Individually paced walking/jogging using effective techniques. Includes cardiovascular workout within a target heart rate zone to promote positive health fitness and confidence.