AWC Talent Search Program Awarded Over 1 Million Dollars

Arizona Western College received notification from the U.S. Department of Education indicating that the Talent Search Program proposal has been fully funded.

This award will provide approximately $1.4M in discretionary federal funding from September 2017 through August 2022 for Arizona Western College (AWC) to offer academically needy first generation (neither parent has a bachelor’s degree) and/or low income youth student supports to help graduate from high school and continue on to college.

TRIO KEYS Fall 2016 Open House

The TRIO KEYS Program at Arizona Western College would like to invite the AWC campus communities and the general public to their Fall 2016 Open House on Wednesday, August 31st from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in the KEYS Building (formerly Cottage 1).  At 10:00 am, there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the new space. 

Leadership Change for AWC South Yuma County

The AWC family would like to send a Congratulations and Felicidades to Everardo Martinez, who served as our Associate Dean for South Yuma County. Everardo leaves AWC to become Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management at Imperial Valley College. Everardo served AWC students for nearly 14 years as a tireless advocate for South County, and as an adjunct Professor of World Art.

Dual Enrolled Student Finalist for International Science & Engineering Fair

Dual enrolled AWC and high school student, Zeeshan Jawaid, represented AWC at the the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) in Phoenix, AZ on May 8-13. Approximately 1,700 high school students from over 75 countries, regions, and territories were awarded the opportunity to showcase their independent research and compete for approximately $4 million in prizes.

AWC Small Business Development Center Takes Home Awards

Randy Nelson to be Awarded “State Star” at National Conference

The Arizona Western College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) took home awards this year at the All Hands awards ceremony in Cottonwood Arizona, June 2016.  The All Hands is an SBDC Network training event where everyone from AWC’s SBDC Network gets professional development trainings. The event is run through the Arizona Small Business Development Center Network who oversees the grant that funds AWC’s program.

AWC SBDC received the following awards and recognition: