AWC makes Family Development Credential accessible for working adults
November 3, 2022Courses to be offered on Fridays and Saturdays in Spring 2023
Yuma, AZ (November 3, 2022) – Arizona Western College is making a Family Development Credential more accessible for working individuals by offering courses on Fridays and Saturdays in the spring of 2023.
The AWC Family Studies Department made the change to a weekend course schedule in an effort to better serve those working in social services at locations like Chicanos Por La Causa, WACOG, Head Start, and more.
The Family Development Credential (FDC) is a dual certificate program with the University of Connecticut. Through this nationally recognized credentialing program, frontline family workers will learn and practice skills of strength-based family support.
Courses are offered in a hybrid format where students meet a minimum of 50 percent of the time in person at scheduled times each week at the AWC Yuma Campus, and the remaining class time is online via Canvas.
The FDC includes three courses that will run from January to March 2023:
- FAS-206: Family & Worker Development, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays, 1/21/2023 - 1/28/2023
Basic self-empowerment and communication skills to support a healthy self-reliance within the family system.
- FAS-207: Cultural Competency & Family Assessment, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays, 2/11/2023 - 2/25/2023
Understanding various cultures and diversity, basic principles of strength-based assessment and building mutually respectful relationships with families.
- FAS-208: Community Services, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Fridays and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays, 3/3/2023 - 3/18/2023
Basic skills of the home visiting process and effective collaboration with families and other agencies while developing informal helping networks.
Registration for spring courses begins Monday, Nov. 14. Visit azwestern.edu/enrollment to enroll at AWC.
Dr. Aryca Arizaga Marron
Professor of Family Studies/Psychology
Arizona Western College
(928) 317-6421